Outrageous News About My Human Update: She’s Gone Again!

Outrageous News About My Human Update: She’s Gone Again!

She’s off to DC again. She abandoned us!

Well, okay, we’re with the male human and his lap is more comfortable than my human’s lap, but this is still not right!

She said it’s just for a few months… what does that mean? Now we’re back to Skype again. Hmpft.

Texas on Skype | Texas, a cat in Austin

The male human seems not to like DC furry much. Well me neither! I don’t like whatever is taking my human from me. I’m hissing at DC! Wait what? There’s now a cat cafe in DC?!?!! Is that why she left? (No, says the human)

And my human is getting a back of disrespect. Because today is also my Gotcha Day! Pfft.

Texas showing the "back of disrespect" on a bike | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Also, your apartment bike is now mine, human.

News From Us + Outrageous News About My Human

News From Us + Outrageous News About My Human

My Dear Furriends,

I am so terribly sorry that it has been almost 6 months now since I have posted anything here. We are all doing fine (as you can see below – can you spot Kitshka?), and I hope all of you reading this are.

Texas, Milou, and Kitshka | Texas, a cat in Austin

I know we have lost Furriends the past six months and I was terribly sad to learn the news. Yes because, from time to time, my human would go online with me, so we saw and we cried.

In other news, my human has proved to be clearly not able to handle a kitty of my stature. She is obsessed with her work – and happy about it! – and has little time for my bloggie.

Granted, she still took good care of us and played and gave treats and let me sit on the books she was reading (most of the time anyway). That’s until the end of August, when she abandoned us.

The human: Er, Texas, I did not abandon you. You three are in good hands with Milou’s human. I’m in the DC area for a temporary job. I will be back.

Yeah whatever. The male human refuses to type my blog posts. Now we have to Skype for me to meow my blog posts to you!

Texas on Skype | Texas, a cat in Austin

The human: That’s better than nothing at all, isn’t it?

The nerve. Yeah, but I don’t like Skype. How can you get into that box? It scares me a little.
Plus I bet you’re gonna miss me like crazy…

The human: I am missing you like crazy.

…and then you’re gonna do some stupid thing like, like… going to a shelter and adopt another cat!

The human: Hmmm, okay. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I can’t because I live in a house where there’s a little dog.

What? You live with a doggie?! No offense my doggie Furriends, but I feel offended. You left me for a doggie?!

The human: No! I…

That’s enough! I think I should get my old job I had in France, when I was a humanologist. I have to think about that. When can we visit my Furriends?

The human: Well, we’ll try to do it has much as possible but it won’t be possible everyday like before.

Hmpf. Okay. I don’t have a choice anyway. Alright, let’s prepare a couple of blog posts then. Although I bet everyone forgot about me and my bloggie in six months. All because of you!