We’re threatening to strike

Alright furriends, I am so not pleased with my human and her not giving me time to 1) post on my blog, 2) visit all my furriends’ bloggies (I tried this but didn’t manage to visit all of you yet – sorry).

Sooooo, being a French kitty, I’m threatening to STRIKE: no more purrs, no more letting my human pet me if we are not back by THIS Friday (and have additional dried tuna treats everyday and tuna juice twice a week)! You hear me human? Of course I will train Kitshka in the art of French strike.

Kitshka has started making banners out of Christmas gift paper she found behind a closet, hidden (!). Agreed, she needs a little more practice.

Today, we have planned a sit-in in front of the desk.

Oh and human, we KNOW where the Greenies are. So Friday is the lastest limit.

[My human was scared enough about the no-purring threat that she helped me post this one, so Kitshka and I have high hopes]