Humans On & Off – Currently MIA

Hiya my Furriends,

Texas looking up | Texas, a Cat in Austin

How are you doing?

It seems like what I had initially considered a joke – a bi-monthly update of my bloggie-, has become a reality.

My human is still in the place called Washington, DC and although she has come to visit several times, she has always left afterwards.

Kitshka and I have tried to keep her stuff to prevent her from leaving.

Texas & Kitshka | Texas, a Cat in Austin

But when time came for Milou to help us, he fell asleep on the job!

Milou asleep | Texas, a Cat in Austin

Worse, my human has seen other cats. As you know, she visited Crumbs & Whiskers, the cat cafe in Washington, DC, but she has also visited the one in Austin the last time she came! While we were staying at home!!

Even worse, she is again living with a dog. More on this soon.

I don’t know what went wrong with how I trained her, but she’ll have to go through a “My cat Texas is my first priority” boot camp when she comes home.

Last but not least, she won’t be home for Christmas, only the New Year. Which means we’ll have to wait for our presents! The nerve after all she’s done!

Texas in a box | Texas, a Cat in Austin

If you have tips on how to rein in my human’s rebelliousness, please don’t hesitate to post them in the comments.

Other than that, how have you all been doing?


Outrageous News About My Human Update: She’s Gone Again!

Outrageous News About My Human Update: She’s Gone Again!

She’s off to DC again. She abandoned us!

Well, okay, we’re with the male human and his lap is more comfortable than my human’s lap, but this is still not right!

She said it’s just for a few months… what does that mean? Now we’re back to Skype again. Hmpft.

Texas on Skype | Texas, a cat in Austin

The male human seems not to like DC furry much. Well me neither! I don’t like whatever is taking my human from me. I’m hissing at DC! Wait what? There’s now a cat cafe in DC?!?!! Is that why she left? (No, says the human)

And my human is getting a back of disrespect. Because today is also my Gotcha Day! Pfft.

Texas showing the "back of disrespect" on a bike | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Also, your apartment bike is now mine, human.

News About Following You & Bloglovin’ & My Comments Going to Spam

News About Following You & Bloglovin’ & My Comments Going to Spam

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Hiya everyone! How are you all doing?

Texas on the apartment bike | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Sorry to start this post with this invitation to follow me on Bloglovin’ but they require this for my human to link my Bloglovin’ profile to my bloggie.

As I mentioned before, we are switching following from email to Bloglovin’. Sadly, my human noticed too late that instead of asking WordPress not to send emails anymore (without unfollowing your blogs), she was unfollowing your blogs… Again though, I’ll keep following you from Bloglovin’ but I’m sorry my human made this mistake.

Also, I have been commenting again in your bloggies, and I don’t always see my comments appear, so it may be that because of my absence, they are going to your spam folders. Would you mind checking fur me? Thanks!

That’s all for today! I hope all y’all are doing fine. Me? Well, more outrageous news are to come about my human.

Texas | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Changes from Us

Changes from Us

Hiya! It’s me again!

Can you believe it? Two days in a row!!

Well, okay, this is mostly an admin post to let y’all know that some changes are to be expected from my bloggie in the weeks to come.

I had a serious talk with my human. Like this.

Texas | Texas, a Cat in... Austin

She did do most of the talking, but she agreed to try to spend more time helping me with my bloggie.

First, we are moving my blog subscriptions from email to Bloglovin. Apparently she prefers this method now. Whatever brings results I meow! So if you see my email address being unsubscribed from your mailing list, this is because we are moving the subscription to Bloglovin, not because I’m gonna stop reading your bloggie.

Second, my human told me she won’t be able to spend the time she used to spend with my bloggie because apparently she has other things to do. Like work. Other work. Sigh. Hiss.

Third, we might change the name of my bloggie for two reasons: one, some of my furriends now call me Austin. My name is Texas. Two, she feels like changing it because she thinks “Texas a cat in NY” was funnier than “in Austin” due to my name. Anyone has a clue what she’s talking about? Is it just human gibberish?

So there you go. Hopefully, this will help in the process of getting me back online!

Purrs to all!

The Now Bi-Annual Update

Dear Furriends,

I hope you are all doing fine. As you can notice, my human now seems unable to help me update my bloggie more than every 6 months or so. I’m thinking about starting a cat blogger union against such practices, what do you think?

In the meantime, I started a sit-in to force my human to work on my next post. Looks like this is working so far. Not sure how long I can keep her in one place though.

Sit-in on my human's lap | Texas, a Cat in... Austin

Otherwise, we’ve been keeping busy… me finding new comfy places to relax (does this pic make my tail look long?!)

Chillaxing in the sun | Texas, a Cat in... Austin

…Kitshka daydreaming…

Kitshka is daydreaming | Texas, a Cat in... Austin

…and Milou being Milou too! (He still hisses when he sees me. My new policy is to slap him from time to time)

Milou bookcased | Texas, a Cat in... Austin

What have you been up to?

News From Us + Outrageous News About My Human

News From Us + Outrageous News About My Human

My Dear Furriends,

I am so terribly sorry that it has been almost 6 months now since I have posted anything here. We are all doing fine (as you can see below – can you spot Kitshka?), and I hope all of you reading this are.

Texas, Milou, and Kitshka | Texas, a cat in Austin

I know we have lost Furriends the past six months and I was terribly sad to learn the news. Yes because, from time to time, my human would go online with me, so we saw and we cried.

In other news, my human has proved to be clearly not able to handle a kitty of my stature. She is obsessed with her work – and happy about it! – and has little time for my bloggie.

Granted, she still took good care of us and played and gave treats and let me sit on the books she was reading (most of the time anyway). That’s until the end of August, when she abandoned us.

The human: Er, Texas, I did not abandon you. You three are in good hands with Milou’s human. I’m in the DC area for a temporary job. I will be back.

Yeah whatever. The male human refuses to type my blog posts. Now we have to Skype for me to meow my blog posts to you!

Texas on Skype | Texas, a cat in Austin

The human: That’s better than nothing at all, isn’t it?

The nerve. Yeah, but I don’t like Skype. How can you get into that box? It scares me a little.
Plus I bet you’re gonna miss me like crazy…

The human: I am missing you like crazy.

…and then you’re gonna do some stupid thing like, like… going to a shelter and adopt another cat!

The human: Hmmm, okay. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I can’t because I live in a house where there’s a little dog.

What? You live with a doggie?! No offense my doggie Furriends, but I feel offended. You left me for a doggie?!

The human: No! I…

That’s enough! I think I should get my old job I had in France, when I was a humanologist. I have to think about that. When can we visit my Furriends?

The human: Well, we’ll try to do it has much as possible but it won’t be possible everyday like before.

Hmpf. Okay. I don’t have a choice anyway. Alright, let’s prepare a couple of blog posts then. Although I bet everyone forgot about me and my bloggie in six months. All because of you!

Happy Purrthday to Me! I’m 8!

Happy Purrthday to Me! I’m 8!

Hiya my Furriends,

Sorry I have not been around. My human has been unwilling to help me much. Today is my purrthday so she “consented” to typing this post…

You’ll never guess what she said I’ll get for my birthday… She said she would help me visit you this weekend and maybe type some posts! I really cannot wait!

Milou and Kitshka are doing fine too, by the way! Milou has regained some of the weight he had lost because of his health issues =^.^=

Hope you will forgive me and wait for me while I wait for my human…

Texas waiting for his human... | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Many purrs to y’all!

A special message for a special Ladycat

I would like to thank the beautiful Lisbeth of The Cat on My Head for being my Valentine, and her human for being such a nice human and contacting me and dressing us up so nicely. Can you adopt me? My human is not up to the job!

Lisbeth and Texas - Valentine's Day | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Dear Lisbeth,

This is a real honor to go to the Ball at Madi’s with you! You are the prettiest Ladycat!

Here is a little something just for you, to go with your dress:

A flower for Lisbeth | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Happy Valentine’s Day Y’all!

Oh Pfft! But I Don’t Need a Blogcation!

Oh Pfft! But I Don’t Need a Blogcation!

I am back only for a little while… My human has put my bloggie on forced blogcation.

Here’s what we think about this:

Milou, Kitshka & Texas | Texas, a cat in... Austin

She has started a new job on which she wants to “focus.” She even stopped her own blog! I thought “Yeah! She’s gonna have more time for more impawtant stuff like… MY bloggie!” Pfft. Well no.

We will be on blogcation at least until next weekend. I am sorry I won’t be able to visit until this coming weekend either.

Kitshka isn’t exactly pleased with that either, I must meow. In fact, she is devastated:

Kitshka | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Before my human is shutting the laptop on my paws (Human: “I would never do that, Texas!”), I want to thank Angel, Isabella and their human at BeadedTail. I won Tidy Cats coupons on their bloggie – thank you so much!

I also want to thank Judy & C.A.T.S for sending me a furry nice message to make sure we were doing fine. (I do hope my human did not make me miss other impawtant messages.) Thank you so furry much! We are doing fine, but my human is just giving too much impawtance to this work thingie!

Thank you for your patience! Sending purrs to everyone!