Hiya my Furriends,
How are you doing?
It seems like what I had initially considered a joke – a bi-monthly update of my bloggie-, has become a reality.
My human is still in the place called Washington, DC and although she has come to visit several times, she has always left afterwards.
Kitshka and I have tried to keep her stuff to prevent her from leaving.
But when time came for Milou to help us, he fell asleep on the job!
Worse, my human has seen other cats. As you know, she visited Crumbs & Whiskers, the cat cafe in Washington, DC, but she has also visited the one in Austin the last time she came! While we were staying at home!!
Even worse, she is again living with a dog. More on this soon.
I don’t know what went wrong with how I trained her, but she’ll have to go through a “My cat Texas is my first priority” boot camp when she comes home.
Last but not least, she won’t be home for Christmas, only the New Year. Which means we’ll have to wait for our presents! The nerve after all she’s done!
If you have tips on how to rein in my human’s rebelliousness, please don’t hesitate to post them in the comments.
Other than that, how have you all been doing?