Today is Thanksgiving, a day to be thankful for what we have. And what are Kitshka, Milou and I thankful for?
– Our humans: we complain a lot about them because they are far from purrfect (they’re no cats!) but they give us noms, toys and a warm home (speaking of warm home, human, it is getting colder, can I have an electric heating blankie for Christmas?). They also pet us and although they can be a real bother when they take pictures of us, we know that that’s because they adore us like the deities we are. Thank you humans!
– Our furriends: we are so happy and thankful to know all of you thanks to our blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, etc. I have furriends all around the world and they leave sweet and funny comments on my bloggie and are always here to send purrs when they are needed. Thank you my furriends!
– Which lead us to be thankful for the tools that enable us to communicate between furriends: WordPress, Blogger, Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Thank you for the great humans that invented them, and made most of them (actually all of those I have named) free. I have no doubt that there were kitties behind these humans but thanks anyaway!
So Kitshka, Milou and I wish you all (kitties, woofies, all furry friends and their humans) a very Happy Thanksgiving!
We also wish our Jewish furriends a Happy Hanukkah! Did you know that this year the first day of Hanukkah and the day of Thanksgiving happen the same day, and that won’t happen again in 70,000 years?! It’s Thanksgivukkah!
Have a great day y’all! Eat well, nap well, and cuddle with your humans! Purrs!

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