Hiya my furriends!
I finally get to dictate my post to my human to thank you all for the awards you nominated me for.
(Yes, I only get the laptop back now, because after the seminar thingie, my human’s new excuse is webinar thingies…).
Let me thank my very good furriend Sammy for nominating me for the Thinking of You blog award. What a wonderful award, especially for a blogger! Thank you so much, Sammy.
This is a brand new award and I will go back to the acceptance rules in a minute =^.^=
Thank you to Angelswhisper and Zac for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award. I already have this award but I am very grateful to receive it from you too, and I’m sending lots of purrs your way!
Zac also mentioned a Grazie/My Beautiful Lipstick Award that gained me a big kiss/lick! Thanks Zac! I would like to dedicate this award to one reader especially and that’s anonymoushedonist (because of the beautiful lipstick, you know ;-)
Another award I didn’t have is the Beautiful Blogger Award. I was nominated by my furriend Easy and my new human furriends at the Bonny Blog. Thank you so very much to Easy and the Bonny Blog! It’s nice to be called a “beautiful blogger” ;-)
The rules to accept the Thinking of You Award:
1. Thank and link back to the sender — Done =^.^=
2. Tell seven things that I love and that I think about daily — Now that’s easy, check below!
3. Pass the award to seven other blogs — Again check below
Here are my seven things that I love and think about daily:
=^.^= Fresh shrimps
=^.^= Fresh chicken
=^.^= Opening my human’s closet for shoes and sleeping on them
=^.^= Playing with my kragonfly
=^.^= Napping on the bed or elsewhere
=^.^= Yummy Almo Nature wet food that I used to have in France
=^.^= My human and especially when I am napping and she is putting her head next to me to hear me purr – makes me purr even more!
Now the 7 blogs I nominate:
=^.^= Merlin especially (and his entire family too) at CatWisdom101
=^.^= angelswhisper
=^.^= Zac The All Black
=^.^= Janina
=^.^= All my furriends at the Katnip Lounge
=^.^= Lisa at ft. // la vie éclectique
=^.^= Sundae and family at The Days of Mine
I will let them know as soon as I post this article.
The rules to accept the Beautiful Blogger Award:
1. Thank and link back to the sender — Done too
2. Tell 7 things about you your reader may not know — I think I’ve done this many times already so I’ll do that with Kitshka in mind ;-)
3. Nominate 15 bloggers for the award — 15… I am never gonna be able to nap and play with my human tonight!
Here are the 7 things you didn’t know about Kitshka:
=^.^= She’s only 1.1 lb
=^.^= She is trying to eat out of everyone’s bowl and plate (yes that includes the humans and she seems hungrier than Milou!)
=^.^= She was born one day before my human’s birthday
=^.^= She prefers to be on the ground than in the air
=^.^= She bites the humans already with her teenie tiny teeth
=^.^= She’s not afraid of Milou’s hissing
=^.^= She had a sister that was adopted by someone else (or was it a brother?)
Now regarding my 15 nominations:
=^.^= Jet at Hey… It’s Jet Here
=^.^= Clowie at Clowie’s Corner
=^.^= My new furriends at Repositorio de Marilia
=^.^= My new furriends at Histoire de Chats
=^.^= Abby and family at Manx Mnews
=^.^= Basil
=^.^= Mollie & Alfie
=^.^= AnimalCouriers
=^.^= My furriends at Twintkletoe Tails
=^.^= Sally, Pit and family at A German Expat’s Life in Texas
=^.^= My good furriend Savvy at Savannah’s Paw Tracks
=^.^= Kat the Queen (and everyone) at lemonysqueezes
=^.^= The Cherry City Kitties
=^.^= My furriends at RumbleBum
=^.^= My furriend Bowie
Those are in no particular order. I wish I could give those to more of my readers but I think making a selection now and then enables us to visit new bloggies of furriends we may not know. I know I like to check the lists of furry bloggers for bloggies I don’t know yet ;-)
If you already have one of these awards, consider it as a token of my great appreciation for your bloggie.
Now I have to let know everyone… I think I will do that partly tonight and partly tomorrow. But maybe tomorrow.
Purrs and nite-nite to everyone!