Another award! The Versatile Blogger Award!

I have to say that these past few weeks have been particularly exciting and I owe this to all my good furriends. I had already received twice the Sunshine Award + the Liebster Award last week.

Now my good friends at Hutch A Good Life nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award! Thank you so much guys! I appreciate it so very much and I’m sending you tons of purrs!

Purring loudly now…

Purring even louder…

So, for the rules:

1. Thank the person who gave you this award
Thank you so much to Nibbles, Nutty, Bingo, Buddy and their human!

2. Include a link to their blog

3. Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site
Here are my 15 nominations, in no particular order:
Sparta’s World
Satchmo the Cat
All That JazzCat
Happy Cat Girl
foodtable // la vie eclectique (fLVE)
Savannah’s Paw Tracks
My Three Moggies
Nature Pics Blog
Hands on Bowie
Hey… It’s Jet Here
This clever camera
– Zoey the Cool Cat and her human at Russel Ray Photos

4. Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

1 – My human’s Mom taught me songs in Polish
2 – I used to bite my human’s husband when he was her boyfriend because he was taking her from me sometimes
3 – I like to eat Milou’s food sometimes
4 – I eat carnations (especially buds)
5 – I’ve been to Brussels once
6 – Olives have the same effect as catnip on me
7 – I hold my tail with one of my paws to clean it

Purrs!!! Plenty of purrs!!

31 thoughts on “Another award! The Versatile Blogger Award!

  1. yo, Texas…first CONCATULATIONS!!!
    …and then…thanks ever so much dude!!! You are the second anipal blogger to annoint me with this wonderful award…I will post about this and a couple of others that have come upon me very recently in Sunday’s post…and by the way (that would be BTW in englais…just helpin’)…you are rockin’ the house my furriend!

  2. My dear Texas, congrats for this beautiful award! A star is born.
    Thank you very much for the nomination of HoB. Appreciate it. Here’s one thing about me – I live close to Brussels. Bowie says “Meow”.

    • Hiya to you, Herman and to Bowie,
      My human lived about one year in Brussels and her husband about 2 or 3.
      My human says she misses the beer… whatever that means… wait… the humans miss the Serafijn Grand Cru… Gee, don’t pay attention, I think they stole some of my catnip!
      Purrs to both of you!

  3. YAY for Texas! Concatulations my friend… are SO deserving of any blog award – I love keeping up with your adventures and obviously a whole lot of other people (and cats) do too!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  4. Congratulations, Texas! You deserve it! Your blog is always a joy to read. Oh, wow, this is the first time I’ve been nominated for an award! Thank you very much.

  5. Pingback: Oh happy day! « All That JazzCat!

  6. Pingback: Happy Satchmo « Satchmo The Cat

  7. Pingback: Thank you / 謝謝 / Merci! | foodtable // la vie éclectique

  8. Pingback: Versatile Thursday | Hey… It's Jet Here

  9. Pingback: Whoops, Forgot Something… | Hey… It's Jet Here

  10. Pingback: A Humble Thanks Plus 30 Nominations! | CatPurrology

  11. I just clicked on all the links to visit your nominees and see that Zoey the Cool Cat is a nominee. I’ll thank you for her because her head is so big now that she can’t get it through the door to come comment. lol

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