Hiya everyone.
My human is gone for a week – one week – to something she calls a seminar. I have no idea what that is but I hate it and I wish I could bite it for stealing time from me.
My human’s husband is here though. Hope he won’t forget to feed us. My human is the one usually taking care of the food and everything. Can’t wait for her return.
In the meantime furriends, my posts and answers may come a little more slowly…
Gotta go wait for my human to return…
Aaawww, don’t be so sad Dear Texas! Your human will think of you and she will send you some mails! But I understand you, I miss so much you and your human since you left to the United States!! very big hugs to you!
Awww… Thanks and huge purrs to you!
Oh Texas – you do look fed up. On the plus side, what might she bring back? The catnip came from one day away, think what this guilt trip might bring ;-)
Hope she will bring me back something nice…
Gee Texas….you look kind of depressed in your box there waiting for your Mom to come home. I think you can count on your Dad to take good care of you and your brothers while she’s gone – and a week will fly by and she’ll be back just like it NEVER happened! Besides, she just might bring you a new toy or treat to make up for being gone!!! See? There’s hope!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
I feel a little better already…
Good! :D
Aw, Texas. It is ROUGH when our favorite human is away, isn’t it? Sending you some kitty hugs to help you through this week. She’ll be back before you know it! (Motor Mommy says that your mom misses you just as much as you miss her!)
Love, Sundae
Thanks so much Sundae!
Awwww, sweet Texas it’s okay she will be back in a few days. We bet you will be fed and maybe even get some pats and tummy rubs while she is away…you think? Hugs and nose kisses
Maybe her husband will play with me…
Hey Texas, Jet here.
Dude, hang tough… the week will pass faster than you know.
Thanks Jet!
Oh, Texas. I always feel so guilty when I have to travel for work (that silly thing we silly humans do).
I am sure your human misses you very much. Hang in there buddy. It’ll feel like an eternity for you but a week goes by very fast
Awww thank you so much! I sure hope she misses me!
I tried to post a message on your blog the other day, to wish you a happy birthday from me and my human but it wouldn’t go through for some reason :-/
Purrs and happy belated birthday!
aaaaaaaaaw thanks! I had a great time! Been too busy to blog about it.
I heard some people are having problems with WP. TFG wasn’t able to comment on many different blogs either.
I am sure you’re human misses you tons and can’t wait to see you again :)
Texas give us some tips as our mum just told dad yesterday that she is off to work in some place in Middle East called Qatar and he has to look after us for five days. We have a week till she leaves us but we are mummy sick already and she has not left UK yet
That’s tough, you know, especially since my human is much nicer to me than her husband. I mean, he’s nice but he keeps telling me he’s not my slave. How dare he!
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My human has been away at the BlogPaws conference since Thursday and I have to say, I don’t really miss her. Her boyfriend has been letting me have the living room all to myself every night and I can do whatever I want – the rest of them stay downstairs. Does that make me anti-social? Like I care!
Well, I wish my human’s husband were that cool! He’s occupying all the couch in the evening, I can’t even have my spot!
Be strong…remember you lived in Paris, you are now in New York…AND your name is TEXAS…mancat up! Sit up straight! Square off your shoulders! And demand the husband give you the attention and service you have become accustomed to!
And, errrrr…ummmm Texas…I have a little proposal for ya…from me and Jet over and “Hi, Jet here”…it’s about something we want you to join us in for….(looks over shoulder)…making blogging a tad more challenging for all of us…email me if you are interested…paw pats Savannah
The husband says he’s not my slave…
Will ask him to help in emailing you =^.^=
Shut Up!!! Seriously!! He actually said that to YOU! Well, I never! Ya know some peeps are just a little cheeky sometimes…I would tell Mom if I were you…so just telll me how to get hold of her and I will get my Mom to talk to your Mom…
Well, he thinks he is not but, hey, who’s still getting me food?
*sniff sniff* That’s so sad!
Hi, Texas. Sending you big hugs.
Awwww thank you so much!
She’ll be back before you wake up from your catnap!