Remember I mentioned this book before?
Well, my human borrowed it at the library some time ago and we had the occasion to read it together. No, I was not snoozing!
Well, it’s a lovely little book. My human even plans to buy it when she can to keep it.
It is primarily a children book, so it is a quick read for a cat or adult human. It is full of beautiful drawings of Minette, Julia Child‘s Parisian cat.
It tells the story of how Julia Child, then studying cooking in Paris, came to adopt Minette and what Minette’s life was like living in Paris with Julia Child.
Both my human and I liked it lots. Me because it’s mostly about a Parisian cat and my human because it’s about a cook and beautiful drawings of her cat. Also, as mentioned before, this makes a great book to introduce cats and cooking to a child.
All in all, go check it out.
You can see part of it on Amazon (to give you an avant-goût).
You can also go check the author’s page. You can watch the author in the following video (talking about Minette’s Feast, starting at 1min20) and see some of the drawings from the book. Minette was really cute =^.^=
Also you can see images here and here.
We hope you’ll like it!
We adore Julia Child and would love to read a book that combines her, cooking and cats! Thanks for the pointer Texas :-)
I’ve never heard of the name ” Julia Child ” but after reading your post and also watched the authur’s short interview, this book ” Minette’s Feast” sounds really interesting and the drawings inside of the books are so cute! We love Childrens books and my mom has bought several books published by ” L’ecole des loisirs” BOL! Thanks for sharing this info, Texas! We’d love to read it! :)
Was dare not the film on telly about Julia Childs, or am I’s finkin of someink else??? Probably…I am a Blonde Collie…bol
Maybe… I don’t know… don’t watch TV much…
I’m keen to read this. I enjoyed the film about Julia Child.
This sounds like a fun book – I had my human reserve it at the library for me.
Love it. :) For a second, I thought you were blogging about Minnetta Tavern. Lol. Have to check it out. Thanks Texas. :)
Do they have salmon with catnip pesto?
No, I don’t think so. Maybe just pesto, unfortunately. ;)
Any book that features a cat has to be a good book
OK, now I have a film and a book to look out for – any more for the list?
Well, maybe a second book: