Weather cat news: it is getting cold!


Is it just us – or our part of the world – or is it getting cold these days?

We – Kitshka, Milou and I – spend most of our days napping (which means more than the usual 10-hour mandatory napping), sometimes cuddled next to each other.
Even Kitshka sleeps more!

She is NOT checking something on the floor.
She DID fall asleep like that.

Milou even made himself a warm tent with my human’s hubby’s sleeve-free (!) jacket.


Zzzzzzzzzzz…. ***snoring sounds***

What is the weather like where you live?

46 thoughts on “Weather cat news: it is getting cold!

  1. Stay warm up there … or travel to southern Texas: hereabouts it’s supposed to be 91 on Thursday.
    Sally & the 7 felines send their “wuff” and “meow”,

  2. That’s a jacket? It looks like a nice cat tent to me! It is getting cold here too – I think it may have been in the 50s last night! Well, that IS cold for southern California!

  3. Looks very cosy in that tent!
    The cats here want to cuddle more, as the days get older. I’m not alone anymore in the mornings. But have a cat keeping me warm!

  4. Aw…sweet pictures of all of you. I am such a lucky feline: my window seat is right over a heat vent….and my “make-shift” seat by the bathroom window is also over a vent. I’m still holding out for Motor Mommy to order me a second window seat for the bathroom….she’s not getting the hint…
    Love, Sundae

  5. oh la magnifique famille chat!
    chez nous aussi gros dodos en ce moment, et sorties beaucoup plus courtes, beaucoup de calins tout d’un coup.
    ronrons d’Opale et SOnye

  6. Texas weather here is confusing days that are hot and we want to sleep alone and the other day is already cold. But we are in the spring so this is normal. The style heating Milou was very popular here during the winter. Good friends naps.

  7. OMC!!! That is totally hilarious! Milou is so cute! What a great warm hidey hole! And no, we are not very cold here in No Calif. But a bit cooler, thank Ceiling Cat!

    So I do snuggle more with Mom…sigh…no air con…finally

  8. Here in Holland it’s getting slightly much colder too and tonight it was freezing. I’m sleeping the whole day in bed, surrounded by blankets, just like Milou, cozy and warm. I think we have a kind of hibernation, don’t you think so ;)

  9. How cute three of you are!!! Yes it’s getting cold in Japan, too and my cat brofur “Shiro” is also looking for a good and warm place to take a nap! :)

  10. You all look very sweet in your napping poses! We are having unusually sunny and nice weather here in Vancouver this Autumn. But we know the rain and cold is on its’ way!!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  11. It’s getting chilly for us, too. What we really find annoying is that the days get shorter. Can’t see outside when it’s dark :(

  12. Pingback: Our Best Wishes for a Purrfect New Year 2013 « Texas, a cat in New York

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