First things first: sorry for another period without posts on my blog or without me visiting your bloggies. My human cannot go to work tomorrow because of the hurricane (she’s not pleased – she’s doing her back of disrespect to the weather) so I’ll be able to spend some time with her to work on my blog and read your lovely posts.
That is, if Hurricane Sandy isn’t cutting off our Internet connection and/or our electricity. Sandy is arriving on our shores tomorrow (winds tonight). Trains, subways and busses have been shut down, schools in NYC will be closed tomorrow and part of NYC is being evacuated.
I could not care less. But the humans seem to be taking this seriously. So just so you know, if you don’t hear from us in the next few days, that may be because of Sandy and not my human.
Also, if we don’t have a blackout, we might schedule post that would go online after a blackout (thanks to WordPress scheduling option). So if posts go online but you don’t see us on your bloggie or answering comments, a blackout may have happened after we scheduled a couple of posts. Are you following me?
STAY SAFE everyone on the East Coast (especially)!
In the meantime, here is my new box. My human says it is too small for me, but I don’t see why. Do you?
Oh, Texas, we’re in Virginia and are having some strong winds and it’s been raining since last night (3 1/2 inches so far). Stay safe; hope you don’t lose your internet!
And I think the box is the purrfect size!
Love, Sundae
Thanks! I knew it for the box!
Stay safe too!
Texas, we sure do wish you and your Mom good luck as far as Sandy goes. We hope somehow it misses you. We will keep our paws crossed. Take care.
Thank you!
Take care, dear Texas! I hope that nothing bad happens with Sandy! Thank you for the news and many hugs to you and your humans. This box seems to be done for you :-)
As long as we have food, we should be alright ;-)
Thank you so much!
We’re just now starting to see the first rains from Sandy here in Northern Virginia. Stay safe!
Stay safe too!
We are sending you lots of purrs to stay safe from Sandy. We are purring for all those in the hurricane’s path.
That is a very nice box. Of course it is not too small, it is bijou.
Thanks for the box! And thank you so much for the purrs!
Purrs back at you
I love your new box Texas…my big cat has one just like it :-)
Hope the storm doesn’t give you all too much grief x
Thank you so much for your good wishes.
And I love my box too!
Those are terrific pics! Stay safe dear friends.
Thanks =^.^=
We’re sending you purrs since we’re in the same boat near you. We’re ready and hoping mother nature is kind..
We were thinking about you too! Stay safe!
Texas, we are in NY too and we hope you all stay safe!
Oink oink,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig
Oh wow! Stay safe too!!
Texas, you and your family be smart and stay safe!
That box looks like it will make a dandy storm shelter.
We will. Thank you =^.^=
Ah yes! I gotta keep it just in case to be my shelter. I wonder if Kitshka would fit in there with me…
We humans are so unreasonable about boxes. Oliver often finds a box that is perfect for him but I say it is too small.
Good luck with the storm. I’m hoping you have a couple days of snuggle time with no horrible side effects like power outages.
Thank you =^.^=
I’m glad you recognize that are better at using a box’s use than humans ;-)
Good luck with the hurricane! Taco’s especially sensitive to changes in the barometric pressure so your nonchalance is refreshing.
Ah, what are you gonna do? As long as we have food, water, some Greenies and the sofao sleep on…
Thanks =^.^=
Stay safe and toasty!
Thank you!
Texas, your new box is awesome! Stay safe – I hope this Sandy isn’t as bad as everyone keeps saying she will be!
We hope too! Thanks!
Why Texas, you seem to fit just fine…maybe a bit of spillage on a side or two, but in general…good fit! Be safe, stick with Mom and Dad and keep Kitshka close and make sure Milou is safe too. paw pats, Savvy
Thanks :-) We’re all together – Well Milou is a little further away because he hisses on us…
We see nothing wrong with that new box, Texas! It’s purrfect! We hope you stay safe and sound from Sandy!
I too think it is purrfect and I love it! Thank you for your wishes!
Be careful my dear friend and take care of everyone around you. Stay safe!
I will. Thank you my furriend!
The box is purrfect but it´s needless to explain this issue to humans, sighs.
Stay save, with love
You’re right about humans. Well at least mine left it for me to use :-)
Thanks and purrs
Stay safe
Hi Texas,
I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’ll not be (too) bad for you and your human – and all the people in Sandy’s path.
Good luck, and stay safe,
P.S.: And enjoy your box!
Thank you so much!
Please say hi to everyone at your place!
The box fits perfectly, Texas! I’m worrying about that Sandy-woman passing your environment. Please be careful everyone and stay safe!
We will!
Thanks for confirming that my box is perfect ;-)
Stay safe you guy’z we will be thinking of you. I fink you will need a bigger box to hide in Texas..BOL xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
So you are siding with my human, Mollie?
Thanks for the thoughts =^.^=
Purrs to you and Alfie!
We’d say it’s the perfect fit ;-) Indeed, stay safe everyone in the Sandy path.
Thank you!
We will, we will =^.^=
Please, please, please stay safe. I hope that Sandy fizzles out of steam before reaching you.
PS – that box looks purrrfect! I just adore that last picture. Brought a real smile to my face – thank you :)
Awwww thank you! And thanks for your warm comments! Lots of purrs!
Texas we hope you all stay nice and cozy and safe there – we aren’t going to have it as bad as you in NY but we’re still going to be dealing with high winds and lots of WET! Tonight will be the worst of it for us here in Virginia where we live. I think the fact you got a new box just in time to “weather the storm” is purrfect!!!! Seems to be that you and that box were made for each other………..
Stay safe pal……….
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Stay safe too, my furriend!
Lots of purrs
Stay safe with Sandy about!! I love your new box and I think you look lovely on it!!
Awww thanks for efurything! We will stay safe and warm and cuddling!
Stay safe!
That box is a bit too little for you and yet you managed to sleep on/in it.
See? Not too small ;-)
Thanks my new furriend!
Stay safe dear Texas!!! … no box is to small for a cat, cats are agility champions :o)
We will! Ah, you are so wise, Easy ;-)
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No, the box is perfect for you Texas. I hope you get well.
a bit of an overflow problem but it is such a nice box.
please stay safe ,,,that is most important…I shall pray that you are all safe. If you do have power cuts, as is likely, we shall just have to wait until all is restored to normal.
Please stay safe all of you and keep purring
Salut Texas, j’espère que tout le monde va bien chez toi et que Sandy ne vous causera pas de grands dommages. J’ai toujours entendu dire que les chats ressentent fortement et bien avant les humains l’arrivée d’un ouragan, mais j’ai un jour vécu l’arrivée d’un cyclone à l’Île de la Réunion, avec ma chatte précédente, et elle n’a jamais dormi aussi profondément que le jour où les vents violents ont balayé l’île ! Il faut dire que le cyclone nous avait finalement évités, seule la queue nous avait touchés, c’était peut-être pour cela… Bref, reste bien calfeutré avec tes humains et tout devrait bien se passer. On attend de vos nouvelles avec impatience !
PS : Quant à cette boîte, elle est exactement de la bonne taille, ce sont tes humains qui n’y connaissent rien, évidemment ! :lol:
Liousha : Prenez soin de vous, soyez prudents. La taille de la boîte ? Je dirais qu’elle est parfaite !
Tiki : Euh, je suis pas d’accord !
Liousha : Ah bon ?
Tiki : Vi, la largeur de la boîte me semble parfaite. Mais je trouve que la longueur est un poil trop grande !
Graous graous.
we are sending purrs and prayers that all of you on the east coast will be safe!
Thinking of you – Be Safe!
I hope your family and you are all safe! And be careful ok?
Our human is stuck home because of Sandy, too. Stay safe, friends.
BTW, we think that box is the purrfect size for you!
Texas, you are the cutest in these photos! Did you have fun in the box? Stay safe and sending love and purrrs xx
Texas, you have the right idea!! Stay very safe xox
Stay in safe, Texas,
although we are far away, but purring for you all!!
ça déborde un peu! mais mieux vaut un petit chez soi qu’un grand chez les autres!
Nous pensons à vous en ces heures de fortes turbulences atmosphériques. Courage.
Ronrons de soutien.
You are precious in your new box, Texas! Love those photographs! Hoping you are safe and well!
Keeping you and your family in my prayers during the bad weather.