My furriends,
Just a quick post to let you know that we are doing fine! Really not many damages from Sandy! We have electricity! Thank you Ceiling Cat!
How are my furriends on the East Coast doing?
On a less happy note, look who stole my brand new box:
I wonder if I can make some money, to buy myself Greenies, by sending the following picture to the Amazon humans… Don’t you think Milou is doing a great catification of their logo?
I’m so glad you’re okay!
That’s just great..What is it with kitties and boxes?? Especially ones they don’t fit in..BOL xx00xx Pee-ess Come vote for Nellie :)
Mollie and Alfie
I was so worried about happy you are purr=fectly ok……Just get another box sweet Texas, preferably a wee bit bigger
We’re also glad you are ok. We don’t like storms. We like your box but we don’t think Milou quite fits. Mom says that’s something we would do!
Great news you’re all fine. Hate to say it but Milous fits that box almost as well as you :D
Great you all are ok. Texas, I think you should send the last pic to amazon, this is perfect for their next commercial!!!
We are glad to hear you are all safe. We are purring for our east coast friends. It doesn’t look like Milou wants to give up your box any time soon.
Ce carton a du succès! mais ça va être juste pour 2 ! Va falloir investir !
I think you should send them a picture – maybe they’ll send you a slightly larger box each!
I’m glad you’re safe.
So glad to hear you are all OK. And boo to Milou for stealing your box. Satchie and Jay say *hiss* to that
texas…glad ewe N yur familee R safe N we hope all yur friends N famillee memburrz are as well…..
Glad to know you guys are ok, my peep back there is also fine.
I was just thinking of you as I was reading news about Sandy. So glad you are fine. Hello Milou!
Take care, i’ll be back,
Good to know you´re fine! *whisper* and you´re so generous to let Milou have the box as she were for sure a bit scarier than you? ;)
We were checking in to make sure everything was o.k. so glad to hear that you didn’t even lose electricity ! Our paws are crossed that the next two days are equally easy and safe. Stay safe all of you!!
the critters in the cottage xo
Ha! Glad to hear you are okay – take care! Happy Tuesday:)
Thank you for posting! It’s good to know you’re safe…except from marauding box-stealers!
we hear there are millons without power………so glad you are ok. Saw photos on TV of SIX INCHES OF SAND on the road in NJ!
SO glad you’re all safe. But seriouslies. Your sibling stealing YOUR box? NOT cool. Not cool at all. We assume retaliation is in order?
Vous allez bien, glop.
Milou s’est dit en quelque sorte que s’il y avait de place pour un il y en avait pour deux.
I sure am glad you all are okay!!!
Boxes… a true love!
So happy you all are OK! Personally I think you fit that box better than Milou does…..perhaps your humans need to order something ELSE from Amazon so you can be a “two box” family?????
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Glad that you’re all okay my friends. Bowie says “Meow!”
Glad to read this. Take care :)
Glad to hear you are safe .. Stay safe.. Hugs GJ xx
I have to say, if Milou stealing your box is your biggest problem in the wake of Sandy, you are doing quite well! Definitely a First World Problem.
I would so send that last photo to customer service at Amazon!!! Priceless! ANd so many products are being marketed/advertised right now using cats! PUrrrfect timing Milou! whispers behind paw to Texas…his butt sticks over the edge more than yours did, so it does fit you better…just saying…
I think Amazon should pay you commission!! Glad you are safe :)
Am so dang glad y’alls are doing good!
Take care,
So glad you are alright and you absolutely do need another box. Tell your pawrents to get a move on!
J’ai bien pensé à toi et ta p’tite tribue. J’ai vu des images impressionnantes de New york. C’est fou l’eau qui est arrivée très vite. Je suis contente que vous allez tous bien. Bonne soirée. Biz. Cricri
We are glad you are okay. What a great box…seems a little small but comfy!
Oink oink,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig
c’est rassurant de lire ces bonnes nouvelles,
et voir qu’il n’y a pas trop de dégâts chez vous, et toujours l’électricité.
Je vois que la boîte est très convoitée :)
ronrons de la part d’Opale et Sonye
bises de Laurence
Glad you’re safe and that you have electricity. Sorry you lost your box, I know how you feel – the behemoth almost (almost) stole my new bed but he really is a little too big for it :-)
Glad you’re all okay – I was thinking of you last night when we were watching the weather on tv.
Estamos contentes que vocês estão bem, nós acompanhamos as noticias sobre Sandi na Tv. Lamento pela sua caixa.
Glad to hear you’re okay.
So glad to hear you are safe and have electricity. So sorry you lost your box :)
Glad to hear that you are safe from Sandy!!!! We lost power for about two hours but were ready with candles and flashlights.
So glad you guys are alright! We are, too (though the dad can’t go to work since the train is broken … we kind of like that, to be honest).
That’s a great box. We can see why Milou stole it! :)
Granny and I were so relieved, when we heard you’re fine. Hey, Texas, I think who the box fits… wear it :D
Glad you are safe!
So glad you are ok and so very generous I would have kicked him out had it been my brand new box!!
Sûr que tu devrais envoyer la photo de Milou chez Amazon, ça leur ferait une sacrée publicité ! Au fait, vous avez laissé vos humains la vider avant de jouer avec ou pas ?
A part ça, suis bien contente que Sandy ne vous ait pas trop embêtés !
Bon week-end avec un peu d’avance !
We are so happy you are safe! Thank goodness. We were worried and purring hard for you. Now the only thing to worry about is how to reclaim your box?
kisses and purrs xx
Sherlock,Ash and Traveler
We are so, so glad you are okay and just wanted to tell you how much we love your box!!