We’re back and we missed you!

Hiya furriends!

Another 1+ week without being able to blog or read your bloggies… I know my human was trying her best, but since she’s not a kitty, her best just wasn’t enough. Sigh. Sorry.

I have many awards to acknowledge and share, and many furriends to thank. I will be doing this in the days to come, probably one at a time.

In the meantime, here are some warming (I hope!) pictures for those who are in cold areas or (still :-/) without electricity (one of my humans’ friends in CT just got his electricity and Internet back and we know some still haven’t).

[My human is saying that it is stupid since they can’t see the pics if they don’t have electricity. Duh! I know, human! But I’m sending warm thoughts and purrs!]

After this very pointless, human interruption, here are the pics. Yeah, I didn’t looked pleased on the pics because Kitshka and I were having the bestest of naps and my human woke us up with her awwwwwwwws! Do humans and interrupting kitties go together, you think?

Warm purrs to y’all!

46 thoughts on “We’re back and we missed you!

  1. Gosh – I hate to do this cuz I don’t want to disturb you….but I have to say “AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW” !!! Hopefully I did that quiet enough that I didn’t wake you and Kitshka….you sure do look all snuggily and cozy keeping each others’ tummies warm! We all missed you too……believe me……….

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy :D

  2. AWWWW! If I thought Sundae would accept a little kitty as well as you’ve accepted Kitshka, I would adopt one today! Those are such sweet pictures! We’ve missed you, Texas!

  3. Missed you lots my furriend! And Sammy got the first “aaawwwwwwwws” in but not the last…I’m thinking they are going to keep on coming. If Mom was guaranteed I’d look like that with a fur sib I’d have a live in sis or bro like yesterday! Pw pats, Savvy

  4. Awwww….. you have have been woken up here too. That’s what happens when you look cute and sweet! We have a cousin in NJ who finally got her power back but they still have no water. That’s really bad because they can’t even go to the bathroom.

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