Hiya! This is Milou blogging today!
Texas told me if I wanted to blog I could. He says he is too ashamed to blog before his human help him visit his furriends. He says he’s on a strike. Whatever that means.
Kitshka? Well, Kitshka is siding with Texas, of course!
So I take my chance to blog!
You noticed that Kitshka wasn’t too interested in her post-op (VBP) bunny.
I thought the bunny might feel a little alone, so I thought I would console him. Okay, plus he had nip in his pants. What? That’s true!

Come closer, little bunny…

Here’s a snuggle for you!

What do you mean by “ouch”?
I think the bunny likes me. What do you think?
Careful Milou, you might love bunny to death!
a bunny with nip in his pants… that sounds interesting BOL Have a wonderful wednesday Milou and best wishes to Texas&Kitshka ;o)
Hi Milou! Nice to see you blogging!
Another cats rubbish, is another’s treasure..Have a great Wednesday xx0xx
Mollie and Alfie
I think the bunny likes you too!
Oink oink,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig
Good to see you post! Bunny is a tough cookie, he can take some play!
I think you should… KILL THAT NIPPY BUNNY! All nippy toys must be killed!
I think the bunny is madly in love with you and I am dying laughing at Sparkle above
I’m glad you’ve adopted that bunny Milou – sounds like he’s got some very yummy stuff in his pants (gosh that sounds weird!!).
Holiday Hugs, Sammy
WE do think that bunny loves you Milou. We are so glad to see you on the blog. It definitely is your turn. Good job playing with bunny. Take care.
I think it loves you too.. Lovely to see you.. Hugs GJ xx
milou; him doez like ewe…and may we say itz nice ta meet ewe…and thoze kitty hoots rabbits bee de best !!!
I think the bunny is probably glad to get some attention! Looks like a great time ;)
Everybunny needs a little love.
I think you look like you belong together :-)
that fat little bun needs your lovin’! how humaniterrerium, uh, humanitary…um…I mean, how nice of you.
MILOU!! Welcome!!! And yes, that bunny totally luvluvluvs you!! high paws dude, Savannah
Milou, I’m sure the bunny likes you, but don’t be too hard on him :)
Who is going to deliver the easter eggs ;-) xx you go Milou
Heheheh! Sweet!
Hi Milou! Maybe you could kiss the bunny’s ouchie away? :)
Cute pictures, Milou! :)
Hmmmmm. We’ll that Bunny might be afraid NOT to like you if you know what I mean. You *do* have your claws into him, you know.
Still, possession is 9/10s of the law, and you gots him so I say he is YOUR bunny now!
The Human says I get to open my present this weekend. I can’t WAIT!!!
That little bit of Nip seems to be working it’s magic!
Sometimes us kitties can get a little over zealous with our loving – especially when nip is involved!!
Oh yeah, Milou! We can see you love that bunny very much! :)
Mowzers, Milou, you have a nip-hold on that bunny for sure!
Milou, that’s our kind of bunny if there’s nip in his pants..but be gentler; after all, he’s carrying the goods..:)
I mean “love me tender, love me true…” :-)
this post haza nothin ta due with yur post but sinze ewe be on werd press
ore haz yur own blog; we wanted ta sends this yur way sinz ya mite knot sees this
on blogger:
A veree merree Christmas, ta all R pals far N wide
“Time for me ta takez a brake” de Eazter bunnee cried
hope de dood in red, brings ya everything ya wish
hope ya don’t wakez up, ta stoooopid burd in yur dish
over heer in trout towne, we shirlee will be jammin
noe chowin down on turkee, wee bee feastin on salmon
salmon salmon… feastin on salmon
sing long everee one… wee bee feastin on salmon
make sure ya eat sum pie, cookieez… Christmas cake
stay way frum BURD, for de love oh God’s sake
coz memburr it don’t matter, bee ewe boy ore gurl
if ya eat de burd, yur shirlee gonna hurl
pork chops N steaks, even sum burger N friez
bee WAY better N burd, we canna tell noe lies
salmon salmon… feastin on salmon
sing long everee one…wee bee feastin on salmon
sew a trooly merree Christmas, happee mew yeer two
we wish ya health N happiness, de yeer long thru
heerz ta treetz n toys, fore get de brush N comb
ta all R shelter pals, hope ya get yur for ever home
thanx for bein R pals, we bee trooly blessed
we luvz ewe one N all, R pals be de BEST
salmon salmon… feastin on salmon
sing long everee one… wee bee feastin on salmon
luvz frum boomer, dai$y, tuna N sauce & gram paw dude two
Oh, we get it! Bite-y snuggles to end loneliness. Well, lookie there! Nip! MOL! Purrs…
A little ‘nip then a big nip bite. Have a great week!
Guess What? Guess what? Guess what? That’s right! Some kitty’s Stoopy Human finally, finally, FINALLY let him open his Secret Paws present! AND OMC, what riches tumbled out of it could not even be believed!!! We just finished posting about it on the Secret Paws 2012 blog! Come see XOXOXOXO
Dear Texas, I am obsessed, OBSESSED I tell you, with the clothespin on my orange mousie’s tail. The Human says she thinks I need an i-n-t-e-r-v-e-n-t-i-o-n, but I don’t really know what that is. You’ll have to excuse me know, I need to get back to….well, you know.
Milou tu es adorable avec ce petit lapin. Bonne soirée et de joyeuses fêtes de fin d’année Texas. Je fais une petite pause. A bientôt. Bisous. Cricri
I am not so sure about the bunny’s love but it is cute!
Milou, you should blog more often… :)