Licks and… a bag!!

Today I conclude my thanks for the great prezzies we received the past year thanks to Zee & Zoey (check here and here).

We received a Lickety Stick, Salmon flavor. Of course, Milou and Kitshka loved it! They wouldn’t stop! Me? Hmmm, I have to say, not really. But Milou and Kitshka had no problem making up for me!

On the other hand, we all liked the World’s Best Cat Litter, which also came with a scooper and… a bag!!! A BAG!!!

Bags. The bestest human invention. After boxes.

43 thoughts on “Licks and… a bag!!

  1. I agree Texas…..bags and boxes……where would the cat world be without them! Looks like that was a REALLY fabulous pile of goodies you got last year…….SOOOOOOOOOOO many exciting, new, and yummy things and ALL of you enjoyed them.

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  2. That’s hysterical. I’d never heard of a Lickety Stick… they look addictive. :) Sorry we haven’t been around but hopefully we’re back to stay this time!

  3. LOL!!! I am sure my cat Bert would like that lick stick thing, Sophie is rather picky, so probably not but I know they would both love the bag and I like to jump on the bag when they go in, that is one game we play together!

  4. Hello!! Ce “licky stick” à l’air de plaire! sans nul doute!! Merci pour ta visite au Jardin!! Ravie de découvrir ton blog félin, Majorelle est aussi une Expat. et les chats ont aussi bien voyagé (mais sur le continent africain!)
    Les sacs et les boîtes, je confirme, ils adooorent ici aussi!! caresses aux matous

  5. Way to show your them your refined palate, Texas. Licky-stick, indeed. what next? Tuna Tootsie Rolls? Cod Blow Pops? Please. Now, a Mouse Push Pop, MAYBE I would try. But I, too, have my standards.
    p.s. – “rouge à levres saumon”….hysterical.

  6. We’ve tried those Lickety Stix and they weren’t a big hit here – Binga and Boodie liked it okay, but didn’t go nuts over it and I wouldn’t even touch it.

  7. Hmmm…Lickity Stick, huh… looks like it needs investigationing!
    But we only see Lickity Stick for doggies on Amazon; so if the Mommies try it for us, we’ll go directly to the website.

    Mommy says if they do it, they’d give us the Dairy or Salmon to try.

  8. Hehe I love that face you made when presented with the stick. Glad you like the bag. My furry children love bags of all shapes and sizes. They adore the cloth bags the best, the kitten loves plastic bags you get at grocery stories.

  9. I’m beginning to think I should pay more attention to the bags and boxes in this house – normally I just let them be thrown out. I now see I could be missing opportunities. On the other hand that would mean I actually have to leave my bed and after my play in the park in the morning I only do that for dinner or cuddle laps :-) And blogging of course!

  10. We love The World’s Best Cat Litter. Our HuMom likes that the stinkiest stuff can be flushed and that the litter is biodegradable. Petsmart also offers a corn litter in a generic formula that is a little less expensive but works just the same. We also have a Likity stick but so far no one will try it. Maybe our HuMom will offer it around again.

  11. Ce truc a l’air d’être une “tuerie” ! Miaoumiam ! L’effet fut tel que Roméo a eu une hallucination : il a cru se reconnaître sur la 5e photo ! Héhé ! #sosie !
    Ronrons des Chats-Pitres.

  12. Oohhh… those look like WONDERFUL prezzies. Yoo-hoo! YOO-HOO!!!
    And I’ve got more good news for you. You’ve just gotta come on over to my blog today ’cause there’s a special little somethin’ waitin’ for you there.

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