Happy Easter or Happy Happy!

Texas & Kitshka: The female human is preparing something in the kitchen

Texas & Kitshka: The female human is preparing something in the kitchen

Texas: What are you doing human?
Kitshka: Is there cream involved?

The human: Chocolate eggs
Texas & Kitshka: Ah…

We want to wish everyone who is celebrating a Happy Easter!

Texas: We want to wish everyone who is celebrating a
Happy Easter!

And to those who do not celebrate, we just wish them Happiness!

Texas: And to those who do not celebrate, we just wish them Happiness!
Kitshka: And cream cheese!

42 thoughts on “Happy Easter or Happy Happy!

  1. Le chocolat n’étant pas bon pour nous, les minous, et la Maman étant au régime, on n’a pas eu de chocolat cette année à la maison ! Mais ce n’est pas grave, on se rattrapera demain matin avec les tartines (pour Maman) beurrées (pour moi !) du petit déjeuner demain matin !
    Joyeuses Pâques à tous et bon chocolat à vos humains !

  2. What nice photos Texas and Kitshka! You two look all snuggled in for Easter while you snoopervise your human making chocolate stuff in the kitchen. By the way Kitshka, I added “cream cheese” to my Mom’s grocery list for this week. We’ll see if she notices! I’ve never tried it before.

    Kitty Hugs and Happy Easter, Sammy

  3. Happy Easter, although so far, it has been kind of a bust around here – no ham (the humans don’t eat it), and not even any chicken. I think my human is having pizza!

  4. Hippity, hoppity, happy Easter. We hope your mom made you something special since we’re sure those chocolate eggs were for her. We had some nip. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Muaricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  5. Kitshka sounds like a little nonsense, just like Pixels. No worries though, I love cream cheese so that’s a fantastic wish.
    Happy 7th Birthday Texas – hope you’re having a wonderful one and that you are being spoiled rotten!!!

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