44 thoughts on “A Good Box Is Hard to Find… and Keep

  1. Uhoh……Kitshka arrives on the scene just as you’re claiming that box for your own…..it’s a mighty sturdy box – should withstand any amount of conflict which might occur over territorial rights though!! STAND FIRM TEXAS!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  2. You cats! Mom is always putting out a new bag or box and my kitties get so excited! Sometimes she makes a cat house out of a bigger box, cuts out doors and windows and then I stick my nose in and they play with me too!

  3. dood…call de ewe pee N ess store N tell em ya knead sum boxes…best with cat stuff in de box….but ewe knead sum boxes….they will dee liver em rite ta de front door…!!

  4. Yow Kitshka me can see Texas peepin at you in dat last piccie…you BOTH need yer own box…..at least ya have one…der are no boxez here…oh Mum kin me haz a box like da kitties in New York do????

  5. Oh, we agree with you on that sweet Texas so hang on to that good box! We can see there is someone else interested in that box too so looks like sharing is in the future. Hugs and nose kisses

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