Silly, Silly Human

Can someone please tell me who invented Hug Your Cat Day?

Instead of working on our BlogPaws post, here is what my human did when she got back home.

Do I look like I want a hug?


Well, okay, she did give me a little bit of salmon after that. But still!


Laugh human, laugh. Ma vengeance sera terrible.

39 thoughts on “Silly, Silly Human

  1. That first photo said you wanted a hug, just not one as long as that was. And your mommy looks so happy. We all lined up for hugs after we found out what day this is, even though some of us DO NOT like them. We can’t encourage our humans too much ’cause they are hugging fools. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
    Kitties Blue recently posted…WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: UP A TREEMy Profile

  2. The photo never lies! It looks like you wanted a hug, but by the second photo you were done. Just like my furkid. One hug a day is all she’ll take and that’s just a quickie one. Our other furkid loves hugs and kisses all day long. Happy hug you cat day and here’s to many more.

  3. Well we didn’t allow any hugs around here. We barely let our Person catch us, much less hug us. But Texas, it sure looks like you didn’t mind that hug at all. HAve a great day.
    Marg recently posted…Wordless WednesdayMy Profile

  4. Oli and Obi both like to be hugged but they wouldn’t allow photographic evidence, either. In fact, Obi is here right now to tell me he does NOT like to be hugged but it is the only way he can get tall. And that is NOT a purr I feel, he is trembling from the terribleness of being held.
    Kitten Thunder’s Girl recently posted…Christmas CaveMy Profile

  5. dood…SALMON !!!!!!!! knot much we wood knot due for SALMON. !!!!!! just think, if ewe getted 7 hugs…that wood equalz ta 90 salmon !!! saweet ~~~~~~~~

  6. Texas sur la première photo tu as l’air de l’apprécier ton câlin… juste sur la première.
    Iil faut bien faire quelques sacrifices pour le bien être de nos humains. Sinon ils sont stressés, malheureux. Ils pourraient dépérir, ne plus être capables de s’occuper de nous. L’horreur quoi !
    Des ronrons.
    Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Ça pousse pas dans les cerisiersMy Profile

  7. Yow Texas…run fer yer life!!! me haz banned ‘Hug Yer Kat’ day here n Mum nose if she pickz me up she will get da ‘clawz of doom’ n she doez not want dat ouchie at all!!! Now we do have snuggle da Kat day every day so she can bee close to me ;)
    Silly, silly Hu’manz iz right!!!!
    Sleep wif one eye open!
    Lub Nylablue xo
    Sherri-Ellen T-D. recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: SNACKINZ n me pink tongueMy Profile

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