I already told you about my exercise routine, to be a beautiful Ladycat.
There is something else that is very important to be beautiful and that is sleep! Even the humans know it (they just don’t apply it consistently!): sleep is essential to a beautiful fur and to stay fit. Where do you think the expression “sleeping beauty” comes from? Well, obviously, from napping Ladycats! Where else?
Here’s the evidence!
Little K, I would just love to rub that sweet little tummy fur! You’re doing a great job getting your beauty rest!
Dianna recently posted…Friday’s Fences – Old Corolla Village
Obviously, your beauty sleep routine is working…you’re such a lovely fur-baby!!
You have the beauty therapy down paw pat dear K!
Animalcouriers recently posted…The midday ferry eventually left at 16.15
definitely a beauty
Dawn recently posted…Andrea This Morning
Dear Kitshka,
Do you think if I sleep long enough, my leg will grow back?
Crepes recently posted…Confession Friday: I’m Running Out of Time
Hmmm… I’m not sure but I don’t see the point, Crepes. I like you furry much the way you are!
OMC Mom is squeeing…..she wants to smooch those bootiful paws!
The Florida Furkids
The Florida Furkids recently posted…Please vote for Raz
Oh Kitshka, you have turned into such a pretty lady. Those are such good pictures of you having a nice nice nap. Hope all of you have a great day.
Marg recently posted…Formerly feral Friday.
Mommy and I think your beauty routine must be working Kitshka because you are a beautiful young lady!!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Kitshka, you are so beautiful…we don’t think you need much beauty sleep!
The Island Cats recently posted…Formerly Feral – Dream Interrupted
Kitshka, we believe you are probably the most beautiful cat on the planet. Your floof is beyond compare and those toes, those toes, magnificent. Have a great snoozy day and weekend. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
Kitties Blue recently posted…WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: UP A TREE
Awww snuggle look at your fluffy paw’s. You are beautiful xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
mollie and alfie recently posted…LET THE FUN BEGIN…
My goodness, you’re so lovely! Such gorgeous floof! You remind our human of her angel Chumley. :-)
Such a pretty kitty, that sleep is really paying off for you!
emma recently posted…K9 Kamp Week One – The Results | GBGV | FitDog Friday
I never saw a kitty in this sleeping position – that’s gorgeous! I agree you must be the sleeping beauty :o)
easy rider recently posted…easyblog FERVENT FRIDAY
Well your plan is obviously working Kitshka because you are one lovely sleeping beauty!
the critters in the cottage xo
LP recently posted…Esme and Lambie.
You do look very cute sleeping. :-)
Jodi recently posted…Co-Hosted Follow-Up Friday – June 7, 2013
Our cats sleep pretty good except for one–that’s Circle. She only sleeps when I sleep. At night only. Never had a cat like that before!!!
Have a good week-end !!!
All she needs now is her prince to wake her up!
speedyrabbit recently posted…Speedy and his treasure hunt in the garden!
Purrty Kitty – loving your captures:) Have a Purrfect Weekend!
Renee recently posted…It’s a Date
Oooooh I love those mittens! Ah, the duvet life is a dream come true.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101) recently posted…Feral Flashback Friday
Tu as bien raison on est des Belles au Bois Dormant et des Princesses nous les minettes. Et quand on dort c’est occasion de encore plus se faire admirer par nos humains qui fondent littéralement en nous regardant.
Tu fais comme moi, tu t’étales quand tu dors. Comme ça on se relaxe bien de partout.
Des ronrons.
Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Loustiquette d’intérieur
OH Kitshka you are a beauty whether sleeping or not!
Abby recently posted…Feather Fever
La félicité même.
Liousha et Tiki recently posted…Musique !
OK…Mom wants to smoochie those toesies really really bad!!! You are definitely becoming one hot, hot, ladycat Miss K
Savannah’s Paw Tracks recently posted…Late Thankful Thursday…
Kitshka, I am glad you already know how essential beauty sleep is!
Sparkle recently posted…Part 2 of Yesterday’s Post
Wonderful pictures of Kitshka. It is a real pleasure to look at her sleeping. Purrs!
Eirwena recently posted…ACCUEIL
oh petit trésor…
Opale et Sonye recently posted…Petit côté rêveur
those photos just TOTALLY made my day!!
You have the art of “beauty sleep” down to a science!
No wonder you are soooooo beautiful!
Caren Gittleman recently posted…Cat and Dog Buddies!
Beautiful stretching technique! And those paws are just delightfully fluffy :)
Cat recently posted…feline friday wet cat
You look so cute with your legs stretched out and your face down between them. It’s as if you were just too tired to hold it up any more.
Thank you so much for your kind words of condolence about our grandpeep in our comments. We’ve been overwhelmed with the kindness of the blogosphere.
Sometimes, Cats Herd You recently posted…A Sad Day, but Better Days Ahead
Our mommmy turned to us and said “SEE? This is why we havent been blogging this week. I needed my sleep!” HAH. Excuses, WE say. Did you mum reeeeally wanna apply for our Now Hiring position? Just curious…MOL!
Maxwell, Faraday & Allie recently posted…Fun Find: Attorneys at Awwww
Well, yes but Texas wouldn’t let her. I think it was something between her and Texas. Sometimes I don’t understand those things…
So THAT is where you get your lovely furs from Kitshka!
Ann Staub recently posted…Social Pet Saturday: Giveaways Galore, Tasty Treats, & Kitten Seeking Forever Home
Kitshka, you are gorgeous! Look at that fluffy tummy! You are a living testament to your own (obviously rigorous) exercise regime. Keep it up! :)
Jo Woolf recently posted…Kilmore – a quiet chapter
Rhôôô ! Quelle “sleeping beauty”, en effet ! Mais contrairement aux bipèdes, surtout, ne pas essayer de réveiller !
Les Chats-Pitres recently posted…Carton commun
A sleeping beauty indeed :)
angelswhisper2011 recently posted…Shine on and don’t disturb
Awww! So cute, and I agree totally!
Des photos félines à souhait !
Chamitiés du lundi
Béa kimcat
Béa kimcat recently posted…Parc des Hautes-Terres du Cap-Breton
That’s some quality Super Napping she’s doing.
Kitten Thunder’s Girl recently posted…Basket Cases, Part Two
You sure look comfy!
Misaki recently posted…new park friends
Miss K is just to adorable for words :-)
MyThreemoggies recently posted…Which side?