Kitshka Friday: Sleeping Beauty

I already told you about my exercise routine, to be a beautiful Ladycat.

There is something else that is very important to be beautiful and that is sleep! Even the humans know it (they just don’t apply it consistently!): sleep is essential to a beautiful fur and to stay fit. Where do you think the expression “sleeping beauty” comes from? Well, obviously, from napping Ladycats! Where else?

Here’s the evidence!

Texas a cat in New York, Kitshka, sleep

Texas a cat in New York, Kitshka, sleep

Texas a cat in New York, Kitshka, sleep

Texas a cat in New York, Kitshka, sleep

43 thoughts on “Kitshka Friday: Sleeping Beauty

  1. Kitshka, we believe you are probably the most beautiful cat on the planet. Your floof is beyond compare and those toes, those toes, magnificent. Have a great snoozy day and weekend. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
    Kitties Blue recently posted…WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: UP A TREEMy Profile

  2. Our cats sleep pretty good except for one–that’s Circle. She only sleeps when I sleep. At night only. Never had a cat like that before!!!
    Have a good week-end !!!

  3. Tu as bien raison on est des Belles au Bois Dormant et des Princesses nous les minettes. Et quand on dort c’est occasion de encore plus se faire admirer par nos humains qui fondent littéralement en nous regardant.
    Tu fais comme moi, tu t’étales quand tu dors. Comme ça on se relaxe bien de partout.
    Des ronrons.
    Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Loustiquette d’intérieurMy Profile

    • Well, yes but Texas wouldn’t let her. I think it was something between her and Texas. Sometimes I don’t understand those things…

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