Cats In New York: Apartment Hunting? Uptown or Downtown Cat?

My human has some pictures of cats – real or not – that she has taken in the place called Manhattan these past two years and I thought I would share some of them.

Just another proof that ***cats rule the world***

Texas a cat in New York, New York real estate, New York, New York cat, Manhattan cat

Real Estate Agency – Lower Manhattan

31 thoughts on “Cats In New York: Apartment Hunting? Uptown or Downtown Cat?

  1. my human had a “West Side Cat” when they moved to The Village years ago (centuries ago, I fink). She was used to sitting in windows in Ohio and imitating the birdies out there, with a chirpy “mweep, mweep, mweep,” noise and some teef-chattering, like she wanted them to think she was a bird but then got to excited and gave herself away. Then they moved to Manhattan and she spent her days on the fire escape, watching the pigeons. this time she said “mooooo…moooooo….mooooooo….” Teh pigeons neva did fall for it, tho’.
    Sparky Spitfire recently posted…“But at what cost?”My Profile

  2. Hope those real etsate kitties aren’t promoting apartments that need kitties ’cause they have mousies! Guess the kitties residents wouldn’t mind, but not too sure about the tenants. Have a super snoozy weekend. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
    Kitties Blue recently posted…IF AT FIRST YOU DON’T SUCCEED…My Profile

  3. I never thought of real estate as a profession for us kitties! I wonder if Downtown Cat knows of any places in the 10013 zip code. My human has always dreamed of making scads of money and living in Tribeca… she dreams BIG!
    Sparkle recently posted…Photo Hunt: GrinMy Profile

  4. Uptown LadyCat
    She’s been living in her uptown world
    I bet she’s never had a backstreet Tom
    I bet she didn’t get the truth from Mom

    I’m gonna try for an uptown LadyCat
    She’s been living in her purebred world
    As long as anyone with hot blood can
    And now she’s looking for a downtown Man(Cat)
    That’s what I am!
    Spitty the Kitty recently posted…Ding-Dong! Those Grads Are GoneMy Profile

    • My human says your Mom should not hesitate to give her a call next time ;-)
      She has my human’s business card, right?

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