Happy Gotcha Day to me my human!

First things first: I want to wish a very Happy Purrthday to the beautiful Sparkle!

It so happens that today is also Cat World Domination Day (like everyday, but today a little more!), so remember to visit Sparkle on these two impawtant occasions!

This is also Jewel’s purrthday. Please join the pawty at Fur Everywhere! Happy Purrthday, Jewel!

This is also Derry’s purrthday, at Fuzzy Tales. Likewise, please join the pawty! Happy Purrthday, Derry!

Now, I am sure you are wondering: “why this strange title?” Well, today is the day my human saw me for the first time 7 years ago and decided to adopt me. But on this Cat World Domination Day, I want to be honest…

***suspenseful music ***

We kitties all know too well that whenever we get the chance, we really are the ones choosing our humans. So today is really our day, or the day I got my human ;-)

Like I was writing yesterday, I trained her all these years to be a good human: play time, nap time, cuddle time, not-too-much-tango time, treat time, etc… But today, for my Gotcha Day cake, she made a mistake. Can you spot what is missing in this chicken-salmon stew topped with a piece of fresh salmon and rabbit treats?

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; chicken stew; treats; catnip

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; chicken stew; treats; catnip

You got it: nip! I had to wait for her to sprinkle some before I could eat.

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; chicken stew; treats; catnip

Thankfully, she put some on my favorite carrot later too and there is plenty of stew AND nip to share with all of you! Mmmmmh! Yummy!

[Click on any picture to biggify]

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; chicken stew; treats; catnip

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; chicken stew; treats; catnip

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; chicken stew; treats; catnip

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; chicken stew; treats; catnip

And that’s not all! She made some cupcakes to my glory.

Well, the kitties don’t exactly look like me even though they’re obviously ginger cats (I have a PINK nose, human, remember, this little pink nose you love so much and also my beautiful whiskers are white) but that’s a first try, so she has to work on it. And of course, your humans can have one!

[Click on any picture to biggify]

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; cupcakes; cat cupcakes

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; cupcakes; cat cupcakes

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; cupcakes; cat cupcakes

My human will post how she made them on her blog, so I’ll update this post later today, if you are interested.
UPDATE: here is what my human used.

In the meantime, let’s pawty!

58 thoughts on “Happy Gotcha Day to me my human!

  1. Oh Texas my super good friend What a lovely way to celebrate your Human Gotcha Day……I’d say your human was worth all the time it took to train her if she makes such lovely meals and kitty cupcakes to celebrate the occasion! Everything looks fantastic and I really hope that you and your human have a super special day ALL DAY LONG!!!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  2. Happy birthday dear Texas, and congratulations for training your human so well. It’s obvious that she loves you very much for making so yummy and beautiful cupcakes to your glory!! Moreover she is very talented!!! Big hugs from Paris :-)

  3. Happy Gotcha Day, Texas and human. The chicken-salmon looks yummy, sprinkled with nip, that must taste like an extra dimension. The cupcakes look very tasty too, can’t wait for the recipe. Here’s some extra pawkisses for the special occasion :)
    angelswhisper2011 recently posted…We made it….My Profile

  4. C’est un jour super important Texas. Aussi important qu’un chatniversaire.
    Ca a l’air super bon ce que tu manges. Elle est vraiment gentille ton humaine. Tu l’as bien éduquée.
    La mienne elle trouve que tes cupcakes ils sont magnifiques, originaux !
    Loustiquette, Nat à Chat et moi on te souhaite encore beaucoup beaucoup de “gotcha day”.
    Des ronrons.
    Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Hisia dodo – Episode 4My Profile

  5. Happy Gotcha Day, Texas! Your human has set the bar rather high, with your Gotcha Day cake. Wow, yum!

    Derry says thanks for the “shout out” re: his birthday. There are a lot of great reasons to celebrate today!

  6. Happy gotcha day to your human, Texas! I think it is auspicious that it happens to coincide with Cat World Domination Day! Now it’s time to party down – LOTS of partying going on today!
    Sparkle recently posted…Outsmarting CatsMy Profile

  7. Pingback: Cat Cupcakes for the Most Wonderful Cat in the Whole Wide World | Books, cupcakes and cats chasing chipmunks...

  8. Pingback: Des cupcakes à tête de chat pour le meilleur chat du monde entier | Mon chat m'a ramené un chipmunk !...=^.^=

  9. dood a veree happee gotcha day two yur mom. hope ewe both haza sooper grate fun filled kinda day N heerz ta a bazillion mor gotchas dayz:) we think yur snax tray is way awesum N just in case ya get hungree later, a happee gotcha day TT card. texas; hope ewe get plentee of cat nip, grazz, toyz, treetz, salmon, perch, toona, noe burd, trout, flounder, mackerull, sea bass, ham samiches, friez, cake, mice creem, butter, donuts, pizza piez, sgheti, burgers, a 2014 CATillacs car in red enjoy yur day and haz FUN !!!!!!

  10. Texas! You have trained your human most excellently! We will need to invite you over so that we can get some pointers from you! That salmon stew with nip looks delectable! :)

    Happy Gotcha day sweetie :)

    the critters in the cottage xo
    LP recently posted…Lambie and the Kittenbabies.My Profile

  11. Happy Gotcha Day to your mom. She is VERY fortunate that you got her and consequently she got you.

    You birthday feats look furry inviting. May I have a cupcake? Even the black nose part?

  12. I’m SO sorry I missed your (human’s) gotcha day, yesterday. You see, as the new Lord Chancellor of Canada I was… uh… I was chancelling (?) across this great nation of mine.

    But better late than never, so…

    HAPPY GOTCHA DAY! May your YEAR be filled with love & cuddles and treats & nip. Lots & lots of the nip!

    Nerissa’s Life recently posted…you gonna drink that milk?My Profile

  13. We are pleased you have come to your senses and decided to rule France from the comfort of your own home in New York. We think that is wise, at least until you are certain that whole guillotine dealio is really done with.
    Spitty the Kitty recently posted…Lovely LeoMy Profile

  14. What a GREAT DAY!!!!
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Joyeux anniversaire ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Joyeux anniversaire ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Joyeux anniversaire Cher Texas ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Joyeux anniversaire¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪
    Mes is so happy for your human too!
    Penelope recently posted…Week 9 – Chopped!My Profile

  15. Pingback: Happy Purrthday, Mademoiselle Kitshka! | Texas, a cat in New York

  16. We read this on your Gotcha Day, but didn’t have time to comment…sorry. What a gourmet treat you had. Your mommy sure makes excellent noms. The cupcakes look positively delicious, and we know your mom did her best to make them look as much like you as possible. Best wishes as well as purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
    Kitties Blue recently posted…WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: MOON AND STARMy Profile

  17. Happy Happy Gotcha Day!!! What a pawsum sellybrashun which me managed to miss :(
    *Embarrassed earz droopin*
    me feelz so bad me missed da pawty!!!
    Dat meal looked so yummy n yer Mum shure iz sweet to add da nip n carrot….
    May you have many more Gotcha dayz me sweet furend…
    Lub Nylablue n SherriEllen (who needz to turn da puter on more…)
    Sherri-Ellen T-D. recently posted…WW: Summer’s First Rose for MumMy Profile

  18. Texas!! We thought we had already wished you Happy Gotcha Day, and now we see that we DIDN’T!! Somehow we saw your pawty post earlier…….. but we digress. We are very impressed with the treats your mom made for you AND the hoomins! She’s very talented, and must love you A LOT.
    Happy Belated!!

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