It seems like a recurrence on Texas’ posts and mine now too: we are constantly waiting for the female human to help us blog.
Since this is a bit embarrassing to us, I thought I would post a little tutorial in pictures of how a Ladycat should wait for… well whatever she is waiting for, but particularly humans.
So the rules are simple: find a nice pillow, better yet, a comfortable Mancat to lay your cute head, spread your beautiful furry legs… and voilà ! Prentend to sleep and plenty of “awwwwwws” will follow!
Here, give it a try!
Oh Kitshka you cutie – you’ve gotten to big and floofy since we first saw you as a little kittie girl!! I think you’ve picked a VERY comfy and squishy pillow with Texas’s rump…..looks like a great place to put your weary head for a snooze. We’re missing all of you BUT understand your humans are busy – after all you moved not all that long ago and settling in and working – it’s a lot for a human to handle! Snooze on……relax……we’ll see you whenever you can join us!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Good day you beautiful loved babies. I am sorry to be late visiting. xoxoxo
Kitshka, you have become such a gorgeous lady cat. You do look really comfy. Love the pictures. Take care.
Marg recently posted…Fun Friday
You look so soft and snuggly, I just want to jump into the middle and snooze with you, but I guess with me being a dog, you wouldn’t like it much. Have you heard anything from Hey It’s Jet here by chance? I know you started the vocab hop with them but then his mom got sick and no one has heard if they are doing okay. We miss them and worry about them.
emma recently posted…My DoodiePack Means Work | GBGV | FitDog Friday
Oh, such stunning photos! You certainly are an expert on waiting in style!
We can see you are hard at it LOL. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Molly The Wally recently posted…Slog It Blog It, Garden Gridlock!
Shall I say it? really? Ok: AWWWWW! Have a wonderful friday, I will send a an extra big hug!
easy rider recently posted…easyblog HUG FEST FRIDAY
Aaawwwwww!! (You were right, Kitshka!) :)
Jo Woolf recently posted…Looking again at lichen
Being a cat is so tiring. ;)
Kitshka, you are SO lovely and SO big! I’d be lovin’ on you all day long!
Texas, you look after that beautiful sister of yours, you handsome mankatt, you! ;-)
Both of you have a great weekend!
Selina recently posted…Kittens’ Thankful Thursday
You are a lovely ladycat no matter what you do, K! We wait for your human all the time, and then we five get her attention for a nice long time and see ourselves all over the internets.
Bernadette recently posted…Daily Sketch Reprise: Three Cats Afternoon
Oh you two are gorgeous.. I do think you needs new staff though MOL xx0xx
Mollie and Alfie
mollie and alfie recently posted…SO MUCH LUB’Z
Kitshka you are stunning and so is Texas. What a way to nap in style!
Angel Abby recently posted…The Chair
Awwwww. That’s so sweet!
Whisppy recently posted…Almost Wordless Wednesday With Mango
Any sane human would do your bidding with this tactic, Kitshka!
Sparkle recently posted…Cat Photo Don’ts
my stars kitshka; I know you love, or pretend to …your big brother… but he surely can find another spot to nap on;…… after bringing you a silken pillow…… so you have MORE room to lounge at will….and while he’s at it, tell him and or milou a nice side tray with sum caviar would make an excellent snack, please bring it post haste…hugs girl from dai$y =^..*= we hope every one has an awesum week end
I so want to LAZY AROUND like a kitty right now – Great Captures! Have a Purrffeecctt Weekend – Meow:)
Renee recently posted…The Old #2
such lovely pics xx
Misaki recently posted…FF: Happy!
Yep, we’d be warming up those blogging fingers in no time! Purrs…
Colehaus Cats recently posted…Young ‘Uns Part 2.
Kitshka, I like to lay like that on Ernie’s butt. Very comfy.
The Island Cats recently posted…Formerly Feral – New Mousie
It looks like Texas makes a very comfy pillow.
I haven’t had any updates on new posts from you for a while, so I checked and you had disappeared from our reader! I will put you back immediately! Old Reader is not working well for me.
Flynn recently posted…Eric’s Day Flashback Photos.
Hello beautious! The pics say it all!!!
Brian recently posted…Run Free My Dear Pal Dash Kitten
You two are just so adorable! Wish I could cuddle with you! Me-Ommmmmm
Swami Zoe recently posted…Back From My Yoga Retreat!
Thank you for the great tutorial, Kitshka. We’ll have to try that out!
meowmeowmans recently posted…What’s behind door number one?
You sure do look cozy there while you are waiting!
Sometimes, Cats Herd You recently posted…Formerly Feral Friday
What a beautiful cat you are waitting!!
I’m so glad to see everyone happy and adjusted to their new home and deepening their bond :-)
You were right : Mum has been “awwwwwwwing” at the first picture ! Purrs
Loupi and Zorro recently posted…Elle a des puces…
Une attente très stylée, en effet… Surtout toi, Kitshka !
Bon week-end.
Les Chats-Pitres recently posted…Grasse Mat’
Sweet Kitshka what a beauty you are. These pictures of you two sweeties are just adorable. What a pretty tummy you have Kitshka how could anyone pass up giving it lots of rubs that bring on all those ahhhhhs. Hugs and nose kisses
Mags Corner recently posted…Share and Share Alike
Each one of those photos is absolutely aah inducing. The final close-up is even squeeable! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Kitties Blue recently posted…ANNOUNCEMENT OF UPCOMING EVENT
Kitshka tu as trouvé l’oreiller idéal , Texas est sûrement douillet comme tout! Tu es vraiment une ladycat fort jolie et futée!
caresses à vous 2 mes minous .
Eeeoww Lady Kitshka ya shure have diz down *pat*…me Mum iz ‘oohhin’ n ‘aaahhhin’ n she said she wuud hop to it n blog fer ya if she were yer Hu’Man….me MUST try diz ’cause she doez not blog when me askz!! ;)
Ya both look so comfy….maybee me shuud get me own mankat??
Lub Nylablue <3
Tu es absolument adorable, craquante comme ça Kitshka. Une vraie demoiselle chat qui sait comment faire craquer les humains et aussi ton frère qui te sert de parfait oreiller moelleux !
Des caresses pour toi et aussi pour Texas.
Nat à Chat
Bet all the men cats were falling all over themselves looking at those photos. I guess you got your blog post so I’d say it worked.
Cathy Keisha recently posted…You’re My Favorite!
Aahh, I want to curl up in the cat pile with you…
(Kitshka, what beautiful, furry toe beans you have!!)
Gorgeous moggies x
Mythreemoggies recently posted…Hula Hoop
Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures! Kitshka you know how to “wait for”, well done! Purrs
Eirwena recently posted…ACCUEIL
My goodness I think it helps if you have a floofy tail that Man Cats can Swoon over
Timmy Tomcat recently posted…What is your Favorite Easy
Cuteeeeee :)
angelswhisper2011 recently posted…Wrong nannies