Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat’s Guide to Waiting in Style

It seems like a recurrence on Texas’ posts and mine now too: we are constantly waiting for the female human to help us blog.

Since this is a bit embarrassing to us, I thought I would post a little tutorial in pictures of how a Ladycat should wait for… well whatever she is waiting for, but particularly humans.

So the rules are simple: find a nice pillow, better yet, a comfortable Mancat to lay your cute head, spread your beautiful furry legs… and voilà ! Prentend to sleep and plenty of “awwwwwws” will follow!

Here, give it a try!

Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat's Guide to Waiting in Style | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat's Guide to Waiting in Style | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat's Guide to Waiting in Style | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat's Guide to Waiting in Style | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat's Guide to Waiting in Style | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat's Guide to Waiting in Style | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat's Guide to Waiting in Style | Texas, a cat in... Austin

40 thoughts on “Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat’s Guide to Waiting in Style

  1. Oh Kitshka you cutie – you’ve gotten to big and floofy since we first saw you as a little kittie girl!! I think you’ve picked a VERY comfy and squishy pillow with Texas’s rump…..looks like a great place to put your weary head for a snooze. We’re missing all of you BUT understand your humans are busy – after all you moved not all that long ago and settling in and working – it’s a lot for a human to handle! Snooze on……relax……we’ll see you whenever you can join us!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  2. You look so soft and snuggly, I just want to jump into the middle and snooze with you, but I guess with me being a dog, you wouldn’t like it much. Have you heard anything from Hey It’s Jet here by chance? I know you started the vocab hop with them but then his mom got sick and no one has heard if they are doing okay. We miss them and worry about them.
    emma recently posted…My DoodiePack Means Work | GBGV | FitDog FridayMy Profile

  3. my stars kitshka; I know you love, or pretend to …your big brother… but he surely can find another spot to nap on;…… after bringing you a silken pillow…… so you have MORE room to lounge at will….and while he’s at it, tell him and or milou a nice side tray with sum caviar would make an excellent snack, please bring it post haste…hugs girl from dai$y =^..*= we hope every one has an awesum week end

  4. Eeeoww Lady Kitshka ya shure have diz down *pat*…me Mum iz ‘oohhin’ n ‘aaahhhin’ n she said she wuud hop to it n blog fer ya if she were yer Hu’Man….me MUST try diz ’cause she doez not blog when me askz!! ;)
    Ya both look so comfy….maybee me shuud get me own mankat??
    Lub Nylablue <3

  5. Tu es absolument adorable, craquante comme ça Kitshka. Une vraie demoiselle chat qui sait comment faire craquer les humains et aussi ton frère qui te sert de parfait oreiller moelleux !
    Des caresses pour toi et aussi pour Texas.
    Nat à Chat

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