Chicken, Shrimp, and Nip

Thank you all so very much for coming to Milou’s pawty on Monday! Milou was very touched to see you all at his purrthday. I hope you had a good time, for we sure did!

The humans came back home with some more gifts for Milou: a nip mousie, that was not super successful so far (of course, Milou prefers my magic carrot!), and a wand toy with birdie and peacock feathers (my human wasn’t able to get any picture for this one).

As mentioned before, Milou has a special diet and it is extremely rare that the humans would give him anything else for fear it would cause him health problems. But for his purrthday, he was treated with one of my Almo Nature wet food of chicken and shrimps that he devoured in less than 2 minutes… and he didn’t leave any crumb behind. Kitshka checked.

[Click to biggify]

And then Milou went back to his favorite activity:

In other news, have you heard that a cat cafe is opening in Paris, France? My human and I are very excited about it, as you can guess!

35 thoughts on “Chicken, Shrimp, and Nip

  1. So glad the birthday boy had a good day! It was nice that he got a special food treat too which he OBVIOUSLY liked…….I’m not one bit surprised that a cat café is opening up in Paris – they are such a wonderful idea for humans AND kitties alike…..what’s not to like about having a cuppa with a furry feline staring at you????

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  2. Milou, what wonderful presents you got for your dear birthday. Thank you for telling us about the Cat Cafe. I wish I could go and enjoy it. I wish there were such things here in the U.S but I have never heard of one.

    Milou, you are so handsome. I love the stripes on your arms. So debonaire! xxoo

  3. Tu as vu comme c’est bon, Milou, Almo nature. Moi j’adore. C’est dommage que tu ne puisses pas en manger plus souvent. Mais la santé c’est ce qu’il y a de plus important.
    La dernière photo … c’est rigolo d’avoir regardé Nat à Chat l’observer en penchant la tête dans tous les sens pour comprendre. Comme ça tu as l’air de dormir sur le dos !
    Loustiquette et moi on t’envoi plein de ronrons. Pour Kitshka et Texas aussi, mais tout spécialement pour toi.
    Nat à Chat recently posted…Chat veut aiderMy Profile

  4. I wish you a wonderful purrthday Milou. Sorry to be late but it seems like my human has some troubles to manage everything. I hope you enjoyed the shrimps and chicken meal. Purrs.
    Eirwena recently posted…ACCUEILMy Profile

  5. Milou, you really loved yourbirthday treat! LP thinks Leo (who is also an older fellow) might like a treat like that too :)

    We heard about the cat cafe…it sounds very intriguing as long as the cats are well taken care of and can’t inadvertently escape and get lost…our Mama worries :p

    the critters in the cottage xo

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