Did you know that I was on Instagram?
Well, technically, it’s Texas’ Instagram account, but I make apparitions. So does Milou and well, of course Texas!
Texas showed the back of disrespect to his human because she was posting pics of us on her account. He wanted his own account. And he got it! But now we have to show the human that we can get more followers than her on Texas’ Instagram account! Will you follow us if you have an account? Chances are we will follow back (except if you are posting weird pictures, like some humans do… OMC!)
Texas’ name is @Texas_le_cat
Many pictures will be new (not posted on the blog!). So we are waiting to see you!
We don’t do insteegram fingy but we love squeeeeeling at your super cute photo’s :) XX00XX
Mollie and Alfie
mollie and alfie recently posted…ANGEL’Z WATCHING’Z OVER MEZ.
Hamming it up for the camera I see – cute:) Have a Purrfect Weekend!
Renee recently posted…Loco-motion
guys, we wood loves ta follow ewe on instagram …but frank lee we haz trubull followin direct shunz …N due knot EVEN ask de food serviss gal … her had a vee cee and R bak in de days oh old… that sitted in de same spot fora yeer…. coz her dinna noe how ta ree cord stuff……uh……
hay, hope everee one haza grate week oh end…at plentee oh ham samiches N friez…love de pick surez by de way !~~
these are fabulous! Mom has Instagram but never uses it
Caren Gittleman recently posted…“Cat Chatting” with Cody and World’s Best Cat Litter™!!
The last photo is absolutely priceless. We don’t do Instagram so we will have to miss the extra photos. Mom is spread so thin, she barely keeps up with the blog and taking care of our every need and whim. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
We don’t have an account but good luck. With those super pix we don’t think you will need it. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Molly The Wally recently posted…Dog House Blog, Groovy Baby!
Mommy has Instagram on her phone but she has no idea what to do with it. MOL! We’ll follow you as soon as she is able to figure it out. :)
Whisppy recently posted…Tutu Tuesday
Texas! Good for you getting your own instagram account. I have forbidden my Mom from doing that – she’s on Facebook and helps me with my blog and if she spent any more time on the compawter I’d be VERY UNHAPPY :( . Concatulations though – I know lotsa of our peeps are there already so you’re in GOOD company!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
une beauté
Opale et sonye recently posted…Ohhh
We’re following you on Instagram!!
Thanks for your kind words on the anniversary of Tamir’s going to the Bridge.
The Florida Furkids
The Florida Furkids recently posted…Angel Tamir – 1 year at the Bridge
I am loving all of you IG photos guys! They are all terrific.
Ann Staub recently posted…Ferret Friday | Pets From the Past
We gotta go join!!!
Angel Abby recently posted…Harvest Moon
yay got you on instagram – thanks for sharing that :-)
Can you believe my human put her foot down and said no Instagram account for me?! She has one for herself and she says she does not keep that one up enough as it is.
Sparkle recently posted…Friday Facebook Fun
Those are great photos. :)
The Island Cats recently posted…Formerly Feral – Follow the Sun
How do you get on that??
You need to have a smartphone in order to post, but if you click on the link on my Instagram name, you can just enjoy the pics without even registering, right from your computer =^.^=
Now Mommy has to figure out Instagram! Hurry up, Mommy!!!
Katnip Lounge recently posted…FUN Feline Fashion Friday
Our Mama doesn’t do instagram…or anything in/sta/ntly actually! She can barely keep up with the blog she is so SLOW and OLD!! heehee.We love the first black and white photo and last photo of Kitshka! Sorry Texas…but she is pretty darn cute :)
the critters in the cottage xo
What adorable pictures….can’t get enough cute kitty shots :) HUgs Fozziemum x
Bev Green recently posted…FRIDAY FIGHT NIGHTZ
sorry, I own no iPhone. Life looks better when the cat is upside down. Hello, Texas. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, meaning your human. =^-^=
Such cute pictures!
Really cool! We are following you on Instagram (thanks for following us, too, by the way)! :)
meowmeowmans recently posted…Arrghhh! It be Meow Like a Pirate Day!
We’re on there too! Woot! And we just followed you!
Maxwell, Faraday & Allie recently posted…Fun Find: DIY Kitty Recliner
Kitshka, You look sooooooo beauteous! We know the word “Instagram” but, alas, that is where our knowledge stops.
Spitty the Kitty recently posted…Center of Attention
We just started following you! I’ve had Instagram for awhile but always forget about it so I’m just now learning how to use it! Looking forward to your photos!
Ruby recently posted…Wordless Wednesday – September 18
Mummy is looking in to it,xx Speedy
speedyrabbit recently posted…Arrrh Shipmates it be Speak like a Pirate Day! So Tis Time to Announce Me Winners for Me Best Dress Pirates!
Mummy has done it Texas!xx Speedy
speedyrabbit recently posted…A couple of neat things!
Lovely photos, Kitshka! Purdey will be wanting her own account now!
Jo Woolf recently posted…Black grouse in silver birch tree
WOW!! Good stuff! I will have to nag errr ask the human to redownload instagram. She deleted it as she didn’t use it!!
Austin Towers recently posted…I have something to say….!
You’re both so cute :)
angelswhisper2011 recently posted…Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge 2
Kitshka tu es belle … j’en suis toute retournée !
Texas aussi d’ailleurs.
Nat à Chat elle n’a pas de compte Instagram. Alors je lui ai dit que c’est pas grave puisque c’est moi qui devrait en avoir un ! Elle n’a pas l’air très enthousiaste. On va voir.
Des gros ronrons.
Nat à Chat recently posted…Un jour vers la fin de l’été – Petite balade
I don’t have instagram but you look very cute.
Flynn recently posted…Eric’s Day – On Patrol.
I did that contest of followers with Dad on FB. Hah. No contest. I have to let some drop off every now and again so I can add friends I like and keep under 5k
Great Photos
Timmy Tomcat recently posted…Caturday with the Boys!
I haven’t been on instagram for ages!
If you want to follow me: Ailurous
I would LOVE to follow you if I had a Instagram account !
Maybe I can get my mom/person to fix that _!
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal recently posted…I lördags var min matte ..
Great photos we are not on there yet x
MyThreemoggies recently posted…Sleepy