Thankful Thursday: Remember Me Thursday – Light A Candle for a Pet #LightForPets

Today is Thursday, September 26. It is Remember Me Thursday, the day to light a candle for the pets lost in order to shine light on the pets waiting to be adopted.


You can light a virtual candle online, on the event’s page, here.

We have decided to put our metallic cat to use: he is holding our candle today.

Remember Me Thursday – Light A Candle for a Pet – #LightForPets | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitshka was momentarily intrigued by what the metallic cat was holding.

Remember Me Thursday – Light A Candle for a Pet – #LightForPets | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Remember Me Thursday – Light A Candle for a Pet – #LightForPets | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Remember Me Thursday – Light A Candle for a Pet – #LightForPets | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Please be very careful with candles around kitties (or the other way around). Do not light the candle without it being out of reach of kitties (I know it sounds evident but I’d rather remind it).

Remember Me Thursday – Light A Candle for a Pet – #LightForPets | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Remember Me Thursday – Light A Candle for a Pet – #LightForPets | Texas, a cat in... Austin

If it seems to you that the candle resemble a little cake, you would be right. Well, it’s not a real cake put on fire! My silly human realized too late that these fantasy candles were the only ones she had. But all in all, it is like offering a treat to a kitty, so I think it is okay.

And on this day, we, kitties and humans in this house, are thankful that we have found each other.

Purrs to all.

31 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday: Remember Me Thursday – Light A Candle for a Pet #LightForPets

  1. Hi Texas! I think that little candle is purrrfect in Mr. Metallic Cat’s arms. We lit a candle today too in memory of all the animals who never knew a safe home in their lives – We hope lots of people honor the day by adopting and saving an animal!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  2. Me and mum like your cat holding the candle. Mum has lit three candles. one for Eric, one for all the cats,horses and ducks who went before and one for all the animals in shelters who never got their forever homes.

  3. Pingback: September 26, Shine a light for pets | theseeker

  4. This is a very special lit candle, kitty offering. Very beautiful and meaningful. We did an on-line virtual candle. Mommy no longer as lit candles in the house after some flaming clothing and fur incidents. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
    Kitties Blue recently posted…ASTRID SNOOPERVISINGMy Profile

  5. Yow well said Texas…me iz so glad Mum rescued me n Aunti Mingflower befur me…we went to da site n we lit a candle in Mingflower’z memoree az she waz da one who taught Mum bout puppy mill kittehz…
    We iz shurely blessed do bee wif our Hu’manz diz day n every day. ;)
    Lub Nylablue xo
    Sherri-Ellen T-D. recently posted…Furabuluss FridayMy Profile

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