Not just beautiful but stunning as well. You have the very whitest furs. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo Kitties Blue recently posted…ASTRID SNOOPERVISING
Et nous aussi on est complètement d’accord. Tu es une magnifique minette, la déesse du Texas !
En plus tu as une bouille de toute jeune minette et c’est craquant au possible.
Des ronrons et des caresses.
Hisia, Loustiquette et Nat à Chat Nat à Chat recently posted…Un jour cadeaux
You sure are a beauty :) Have a super weekend xxooxx
Mollie and Alfie
mollie and alfie recently posted…LOGO… LET’Z VOTE’Z
Kitshka, you sure are very very pretty. Great picture. Hope all of you have a wonderful day.
Marg recently posted…Formerly Feral.
What a beautiful portrait. xox
Such a pretty portrait!
Ellie recently posted…When someone loves you….
That would be a good background photo on your phone!
Country Bling recently posted…Remi and Dove Hunting
Stunning you. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Molly The Wally recently posted…Dog Blog, Free Flying Friday!
You are indeed beautiful, Little K!!
Dianna recently posted…Friday’s Fences – Pretty In Purple
You are lovely.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Hannah and Lucy recently posted…My Stroll
Not just beautiful but stunning as well. You have the very whitest furs. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Kitties Blue recently posted…ASTRID SNOOPERVISING
Kitshka! What does your necklace say? – Crepes.
Crepes recently posted…Confession Friday: I Long To Be A Fashion Designer
Such a good looking kitty!
emma recently posted…Lots of News This Week | GBGV | Follow Up Friday
Ahhh Pretty Kitty:) Have a Purrfect Weekend!!!
Renee recently posted…Living the Big & Beautiful Life – Sept
**plop** oh my yesssiree you are!!!
Angel Abby recently posted…Boo Being Boo
Yes! I love that tag “if I am out, I am lost”.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom recently posted…AiKiou Interactive Pet Feeder Giveaway
A healthy self esteem!
Beautiful photos =)
Maggie recently posted…Mysterious Lucy
Yes you are very beautiful, as the picture! Purrs …
Eirwena recently posted…ACCUEIL
kITSHKA you are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! You really look a lot like our Circle!!! She is beautiful too!!!
You sure are beautiful. It’s a good thing to be confident :-) Have a great weekend!
Coccolino recently posted…What a mini pig needs
Caren Gittleman recently posted…Remember Me Thursday…#LightforPets
Nous confirmons : beauté !
Graous graous.
Liousha et Tiki recently posted…Deux ans, fiestachat
Whoa! Driving all the Mancats crazy here! Have a beautiful weekend too!
Colehaus Cats recently posted…Basket Case.
Et nous aussi on est complètement d’accord. Tu es une magnifique minette, la déesse du Texas !
En plus tu as une bouille de toute jeune minette et c’est craquant au possible.
Des ronrons et des caresses.
Hisia, Loustiquette et Nat à Chat
Nat à Chat recently posted…Un jour cadeaux
Yes. Absolutely gorgeous.
Maggie recently posted…Introducing: Girl Cats of Paws
(sound of swooning cat)
Austin Towers recently posted…The Tuxedo Cat
Kitshka, we were both sort of wondering if you would like to join us for a dinner of catnip and tuna. ;)
Yes you are lovely Kitshka.
Flynn recently posted…Eric’s Day, The Friday Flashback.
You ARE beautiful Kitshka! Now don’t let it get to your head!! :p
the critters in the cottage xo
LP recently posted…Flowers For Fabulous Friday (With Mitalee).
You are a beauty, Kitshka. But you already knew that. :)
The Island Cats recently posted…Formerly Feral – Where’s My Tail?
Kitshka, my human is always going on about how beautiful you are! It’s enough to give a girl an inferiority complex.
Sparkle recently posted…Dear Sparkle: My Human Is Taking Up the Whole Bed!
You are right beautious!
Brian recently posted…T.G.I.F. Thinking Gracie
Stunning, Kitshka! You’re making all the mancats swoon!
Sometimes, Cats Herd You recently posted…Flashback Friday
Kitshka should be a model. She iz beeutiful!!!! Love Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)
Kitshka you are absolutely stunning!!!!
Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue too.
Sherri-Ellen T-D. recently posted…Furabuluss Friday
You got her good side. Gorgeous shot.
Cathy Keisha recently posted…More Posing and Posturing
OMC, Kitshka, I am all weak in the knees. Do you think someday I could teleport over to Austin and just wash your sweet earsies for you??? Sigh.
Spitty the Kitty recently posted…Spitty and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Barftacular Very Bad Day
Yes, you are most Beautiful!
Have a Purrrrfect weekend!
^.,^ x6 ♥♥♥xoxo♥♥♥
Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats recently posted…Remember Me Thursday ~
“You are so Beautiful to Me!” *warbles Speedy*
speedyrabbit recently posted…Some more awards from my pals!And some very Important Mail!
You most certainly are a stunning and beautiful kitty :) hugs Fozziemum xx
Bev Green recently posted…TAKE THAT MR RABBITZ
my my my…how you have grown into such a lovely ladycat Miss Kitshka
Savannah’s Paw Tracks recently posted…Caturday Photo Hunt…Global
What lovely eyes you have. You are beautiful!
georgettesullins recently posted…♪Acorns keep bouncin’ off the roof ♪
Oh Kitshka you ARE BOOTIFUL!!!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Quelle beauté !!!
Chamitiés du dimanche
Béa kimcat
Béa kimcat recently posted…10 bonnes raisons d’adopter un chat âgé
Beautiful indeed. Pawkiss for the most beautiful girl in town :)
angelswhisper2011 recently posted…Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge 3.
OMG Beautiful
MyThreemoggies recently posted…Spot us