The day before yesterday, I was reading a post at Catsparella’s about German cat’s tongues and you might remember that my human once made some that I posted about on my bloggie, and it reminded me of something!
With the move, I forgot to share about my human’s silliness. My human is a little bit silly sometimes. I have to agree with the male human that she does try some weird stuff in terms of food. Wonder what I’m talking about? No, I’m not talking snails or crickets, I’m talking green stuff. Like green cake. She claims it’s Matcha tea and that it is both good and healthy. I thought it was nip! It is not!!!
When we lived in New York, she used to shop at H-Mart, a Korean grocery chain, a supermarket rich in Matcha tea things of all sorts.
All sorts.
And my human, the silly silly one, she has to try them. Regardless, too, of the name on top of the, er, food. Please forgive me my furriends but am I the only one here that thinks there is something wrong with that name?!
Human: But Texas, I bought this because it was also written “langue de chat cookies”, or cat’s tongues…
Texas: Human! Does this look like cat’s tongues to you?!?
I did some research on the Internet and found the following. OMC!
To a Japanese processed food company, what is more exotic than English lettering for their packaging? One company, Sanritsu, one-upped the industry by mixing French and English together. Flench and Engrish. Flengrish. But there are dangers of utilizing Flengrish. That’s what I thought when, at my local Japanese market, I happened upon a box of couque d’asses.
Someone literate in both French and English would notice that the box contains cookies of asses. Ass cookies. And the experience is enhanced by the subtitle of “langue de chat cookies and chocolate,” or cat’s tongue cookies and chocolate. I just kept thinking of all the places of a cat’s anatomy that can be reached by his tongue, and from which area a chocolate-colored cookie might appear during an intense self-cleaning session.
She claims the cookies were not bad but with little interest. She thinks the male human and I have not seen her throw the rest of the cookies away after I found the post above.
Silly silly human. I might as well start a Silly Sunday series.
Yup, I agree with you Texas, this couque d’asses are completely nonsense! Purrs.
Eirwena recently posted…ACCUEIL
Oh Texas …what an …umm..interesting..ummmm biscuit???? i must say they also look a tad dodgy ..hope mum feels okay after eating Ass cookies…think i would pass :) hugs Fozziemum xx
Bev Green recently posted…MEETZ FERDINAND
Funny colour indeed…
My friend RouXy prefers HOME-MADE pear tarts!
He even eat the uncook batter…×338/2/10/83/90/12/00_sept_2013_2/092813_RXY–1-.JPG
Frimousse recently posted…Tarte aux poires
We often buy things in shops just because of their names ;-)
Animalcouriers recently posted…Taking care of the Ragdolls
MOL that was very funny!!!
Angel Abby recently posted…EZ Sunday With The Dynamo Tuxie Duo
My mom spent a lot of time in Asia when she was a flight attendant. One of her favorite things was seeing all the English spelling errors or failed attempts at words. They do love Engrish for sure!
emma recently posted…Riding the Running Board | GBGV | Black and White Sunday
Yikes they a green ,,,goes with the name LOL. Have a serene Sunday.
Best wishes Molly
Molly The Wally recently posted…Share It Sunday, Easy Weimaraner!
We MOLed at the product name. We aren’t sure we would have tasted them after reading that label.
Sometimes, Cats Herd You recently posted…Easy Like Sunday
butt cookies, that sounds great! Even for the name I would like it! Enjoy it and have a great sunday!!!
easy rider recently posted…easyblog SOS SUNDAY
Ha! I live near H-Mart and go crazy shopping there :-0
Layla Morgan Wilde recently posted…Cat Sense: Science Reveals Feline Secrets & Book Giveaway
HA! Texas it sounds like the BEST part of those crazy cookies is the NAME and not the TASTE!!!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Sammy recently posted…Silent Sunday
Bwwwwahhhhh now when your Human tells people they can “kiss” her D’Asses she can get away with it! Bwwwwwwwaaah!
Caren Gittleman recently posted…Happy International Coffee Day! Want a free cup?
Asian food can be really weard sometimes. I love some of their natural breakfast cereals, but their puddings and cookies are a no no for me.
Traveling Cats recently posted…Cat from Cala Llenya {Ibiza}
ewwwww…..xx Rachel
speedyrabbit recently posted…Me,my thank you card and fun in the garden!
Sometimes our Mom mixes all sorts of funny things together and claims that it’s wonderful. Her brother doesn’t even like to try her “experiments” but the neighbors do and they say it’s good. We just want our cat food in our dish and our nip on the floor. Don’t be mixing them in with other things, Mom! Purrs and soft paw pats to you…….
omfg i laughed so hard at this! lol ass cookies!! >.<
MOL! That’s a weird thing to eat…and the name is funny! :D
The Island Cats recently posted…Easy E Sunday
Hi Texas,
There IS a kind of “cats’ tongues” I used to like: they’re made of chocolate. Check some pictures out here:
Maybe your human will like them, too.
But I agree with you on what you say about silly names for some things.
Take care, and have a great Sunday afternoon,
Pit recently posted…Even an Oil-Well …
Mommy is HOWLING over the thought of what kind of chocolate would be on a cat’s tongue! EWWWWW!
Maxwell, Faraday & Allie recently posted…A Study in Blue
Yikes, Ass cookies with green stuff inside. No thank you. At least she did not crumble up the cookie and try to hide it in the kitteh food. MOL Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)
Elle mange des choses bizarres ton humaine Texas ! Moi ça me donnerait pas envie d’y goûter.
La mienne elle est obsédée par le bio et les choses qui n’ont pas beaucoup voyagé avant de les acheter.
Des gros ronrons.
Nat à Chat recently posted…C’est le week end
She could send them to me! I would eat ass cookies!
RumpyDog! recently posted…DeDe: It’s Your Uniqueness That Makes You Beautiful!
Eeeew! Ass cookies. No thanks!!
Flynn recently posted…Easy Like Sunday.
Sounds kind of cookie to me!! MOL
I agree, Texas, your human is silly …. but no sillier than mine!! ;)
Austin Towers recently posted…The Tuxedo Cat
We saw that labeling and your mom was brave to buy those cookies! Maybe you should start a regular column on marketing faux pas. Thank Ceiling Cat no tongues, asses or litter was used to make those cookies.
Oui Oui recently posted…Three Out of Four Again?
My human knows a lot of English and a little French and she was quite puzzled (and amused) by the packaging!
Sparkle recently posted…Sunday Catinee: Awesome Senior Kitty PSA
Think we will pass on those..BOL xx00xxx
Mollie and Alfie
mollie and alfie recently posted…LOGO… LET’Z VOTE’Z
H-Mart! We shop there ALL THE TIME! I love just wandering around taking photos of interesting things. I love how they import Korean toilet paper…what, is it better than American TP? I love that place.
Coco, Jacoby & Angel recently posted…Aby-a-Day – Septermber 29: Scenes from a therapy visit
Mum went to Japan in April/May and brought back Green tea kitkats :-)
MyThreemoggies recently posted…Keeping watch
OMC! My human bought some of these too! She is keeping them for Halloween ;-)
Yow Texas yer Mum iz silly butt at leest she is tryin to eat sumfing guud fer her. Mum tried diz Matcha in a shake n she had bad Reeflux frum it n it iz apposta bee so guud fer Hu’manz!!! Mum sayz never again! She said it did taste purrty good but she sayz she wuud NOT eat green A** Kitteh tongue cookiez!!! Diz iz a reelief!!! Yer poor Mum….we feelz fer her!!
Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen xoxo
Sherri-Ellen T-D. recently posted…Nanner nanner nanner…
Granny says green is poison, so these must be poisened, Tex. It’s all in the name I guess. Pawkiss :)
angelswhisper2011 recently posted…Freedom