We are still trying to catch up with all the nice awards I received but that my human never helped me accept.
I have to ask: do I look like a sleeping dragon on this picture? (You can click on it to bigiffy, don’t be afraid)
I am asking because today I am accepting the Dragon’s Loyalty Award. I was nominated for this fantabulous award by Catnip Of Life on March 20, 2013 (hide human, hide).
I want to give huge thanks to Catnip of Life for this award!
I am not sure how many of my furriends have received it. I am not sure I have seen it that much. The Dragon’s Loyalty Award is the combination of two awards I already received : the “Very Inspiring Blogger” and the “Versatile Blogger” awards. Isn’t the result of the combination super cool?
So, what are the rules to accept the award?
1. Display the Award Certificate on your website
2. Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented your award
3. Present 15 or so awards to deserving bloggers
Okay, so as always, if you have it already, or don’t want to accept it, I don’t want to force it upon you. I like that awards allow us to share linkies of our favorite blogs, so I am sharing yours =^.^=
1 – Sammy from One Spoiled Cat
2 – Nerissa from Nerissa’s Life
3 – Eirwena from Journal d’un chat : les aventures d’Eirwena
4 – The gang from The Cat on my Head
5 – Mr. Bowie from Hands on Bowie
6 – Nellie and Kozmo from The Cat from Hell
7 – Savannah from Savannah’s Paw Tracks
8 – Nylablue from Nylablue and SherriEllen’s Purrfect Pad
9 – Binky from AngelsWhisper
10 – Hemingway and Shakespeare from Two Cats’ Views
11 – Cathy Keisha from Stunning Keisha
12 – Wally from The Island Cats
13 – Easy from Easy Blog
14 – Cody from Cat Chat with Caren & Cody
15 – Austin Towers from CATachresis
4. Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post
Will do that as soon as the post is online.
5. Post 7 interesting things about yourself
Now this is a bit difficult. Hmmm… okay let’s go!
1- I like to sleep with one of my hind legs touching my nose (no comment!)
2- I eat Milou’s food sometimes, but so does Kitshka!
3- I can’t understand why Milou would play with Kitshka yet still hiss at me!
4- I like to wake up the humans with a song around 4 am sometimes.
5- I need to have my human for myself alone some of the time.
6- You know the little bumps on French madeleines? Well, once my human baked some and left them on the table and I nibbled on all the bumps.
7- I am on a quest to turn the humans’ black sofa into a white one (Kitshka is helping on this project).
There you go! Now you know there’s a dragon sleeping inside of me =^.^=
Thanks Texas my buddy for nominating me for that dragon award – I have it and think it’s one of the coolest pictures on an award EVER! I think inside a lot of us kitties there is a dragon waiting to breathe fire and roar!!!!! Good luck on the turning the black couch to white project – I bet you and Kitshka can handle that one QUICKLY!!!!
Kitty hugs, Sammy
Sammy recently posted…Tuesday Teaser
Bravo pour cette distinction car tu le vaux bien petit Dragon de canapé!
Congrats on the award Texas – love the seven things!
Animalcouriers recently posted…Peter the tortoise speeds his way to the Lone Star state
Super award Texas for a super Kitty :) xxooxx
Mollie and Alfie
mollie and alfie recently posted…MEGA BALL!
One question, though, from my Master, “A very clean and white bed§. What about your paws?”
Frimousse recently posted…Le temps qui passe
Well, my paws are always very clean =^.^=
Well deserved Tex and concatulations. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly
Molly The Wally recently posted…Dog House Blog, Treats On Tuesday!
Oh my I am HONORED and HUGE congratulations to you!!! I am honored to be included on your list, YOU are one of OUR faves (and so many others of our faves are on your list) THANK YOU!! You made our day! Also, thank you for introducing us to Catnip of Life, we are now following them! xoxoxo
Caren Gittleman recently posted…Catit Design Senses Food Maze Is Purrfect for National Pet Wellness Month! Enter to Win!
Awww thank you!
Lots of purrs!
Awww, thanks! Thanks so much my friend. I don’t have that award yet. At least I didn’t until now. Until you were so kind to give it to me. Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!
Nerissa’s Life recently posted…because neglect STILL isn’t workin’!
Oh WOW! ConCats on the award Texas and thanks for passing it on to me too :))) As you know, I live in the land of the dragon, so this is right up my street!! I am not sure that the Staff will allow me to follow the instructions to the t, but I will nag .. errr … encourage her to do so!! Going over to see Catnip of Life now :) xxx
Austin Towers recently posted…CATachresis presents ……
Congrats on the really cool award!!! Thanks for the purrs, I appreciate them!
Brian recently posted…Opt to Adopt: Butter Pea the Cat Says Please Opt to Adopt Me – Asheville, NC
Wow, we are so honored to receive and accept this award. We have never seen it before. We are so excited that you also passed in on to our honorary sisfur, Nylabue. We will need to list 8 interesting things since there are eight of us. Texas, you are the most adorable, content sleeping dragon we have ever seen! We agree about awards ’cause it allows us to link to other blogs and maybe turn someone on to a great blog they didn’t otherwise know about. Sleep well sweet prince. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Félicitations transatlantiques !
Concats on your award Texas.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Hannah and Lucy recently posted…Tea for Two
Sqquueeee!!! *runs to the stage to accept the award from Texas*. I can’t believe I finally got this award! PAWSOME! We luvluvluv dragons and don’t have this one….thank you so much Texas…*mmwwwaaaaa* that’s a smoochie for you…
Savannah recently posted…Monday Meowsie News…I Had A Visitor!
Concatulations and thanks for nominating moi! maybe you are something like a vice-versa member of the Rolling Stones? They tried to paid all things black and you want it white…. I’m curious who will win LOL
easy rider recently posted…easyblog MOUSE MONDAY
Whoa! Concats on the award and I honored that you presented it to me. Glad you will be a presenter at my next awards’ show. Now to kick the human into gear. Very inneresting facts about yourself.
Cathy Keisha recently posted…Monday Mail Call
Congratulations Texas! Well deserved! Thank you very much for the nomination, I will prepare a post soon about it. Purrs!
Eirwena recently posted…ACCUEIL
Je ne comprends pas ce que c’est les award, ton humaine ou toi m’en avez donne un mais je sais pas ce que je dois faire .
Le dragon award , chat, chat doit etre tres particulier
Eos recently posted…Tourner dans un film
A big congrats on your nice award. Loved the interesting things about you. Well done. Take care.
Marg recently posted…Tabby Tuesday.
Congratulations on the award :)
Eeowww Texas what a cool award!!! Me iz gonna feeture when we announce da Ellyfant’z new name ok?? Dat way dere iz 2 guud fingz to sellybrate! Ya made me day as me haz to go to Vet’z in a hour so me will fink of breathin fire all over Dr. Dave, MOL!!! ;)
Lub Nylablue xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Pee Ess: yer so hansum in yer piccie…me never noticed til now….*swoonz*
Sherri-Ellen T-D. recently posted…PONY is NOT spelled ELLYFANT Mum!!!!!!
Concatulations! And you can sleep however you like! Me-Ommmmmmm
Swami Zoe recently posted…Man-Cat Monday: Brofur Apollo, the Little Lion Man
Congratulations, dear Texas! Actually, on this picture you look as an Angelic Dragon :-) Hugs from Paris!
Congrats and thanks for the good wishes!
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101) recently posted…Mondays With Merlin: Purrs of Thanks & A Fishy Blast from the Past
That is actually a pretty cool award! Concatulations!
Sparkle recently posted…Tuesday Toes
Congratulations on your award, Texas! Maybe Milou hisses at you because he caught you in his food bowl? ;)
Whisppy recently posted…Mancat Monday and An Award
Concatulations on your award !
Loupi and Zorro recently posted…Nouvelles d’automne
Congrats on your Dragon’s Loyalty Award, Texas!
Thank you very much for nominating HoB. Much appreciated, my friend! Bowie says “Meow!”
Herman recently posted…Smooth Water
Bravo Texas ! C’est bien mérité !
Câlinous et gros ronrons !
Concatulations for winning the award, and to everybody you presented it to!
Sometimes, Cats Herd You recently posted…Scene of the Crime
Concats on your award. We loved the picture of you Texas and we thought it was simply gorgeous.
Angel Abby recently posted…Abby How Can It Be?
Concats on your award Texas!
Flynn recently posted…Tummy, Tail, Toesies and Tongue Tuesday.
Oh Wowwzers! What a fabulishious AWARD! Me loves it and mes KNOWS me is a dragon!!!! And THANKS YOUS so Furry Much for giving it to mes! YOUS ROCKS!!!!
Penelope recently posted…Will Wonders Never Cease!!!
Hmmm. Sleeping dragon? Maybe sleeping lamb!! Heehee :)
the critters in the cottage xo
Concats on your well deserved award! We loved learning some new things about you, especially how you like madeleines. Those are our mom’s favorites, and when she bakes them, she has to hide them cause they are Mica Moo’s favorite too.
Oui Oui recently posted…Worried Wednesday
Concatulations on your award!!!!
You lookz very hansome all curled up sleeping. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)
What a cool award, Texas! Thanks for passing it on to me!
The Island Cats recently posted…Mancats – Crazy Squirrel
I *LOVED* reading all your seven things, Texas! My Human has not helped me blog about like a million awardies or something, or maybe three. I dunno. It’s an outrage either way. Maybe your post will embarrass her into helping me?
Spitty the Kitty recently posted…Wonderful Wednesday
Congratulations on your Dragon Award and thank you so much for the nomination. Although we have this award already, it means a lot to us to receive it again. Thanks Pal. Very appreciated :)
I like to wake up Granny too in the middle of the night..as she says…She only has to cuddle me for a few minutes then, after she can sleep again ;) Pawkisses for a Dragony Day :)
angelswhisper2011 recently posted…Freedom
Well done on your award!
Congratulations Texas on your award ,looks cool too!xx Speedy
speedyrabbits recently posted…Speedy’s birthday morning!
Meow when I looked again I DID see the Dragon!
There it is
Timmy Tomcat recently posted…Purrs Needed and Lots More
Hi, Texas. With your move it is OK about being late with the acceptance. Better late than never…purr-r-r-r-r-r-r :-) You are so-o-o-o-o deserving!
Congrats on the pawesome award!
Misaki recently posted…Looking for Love: Nom Nom
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