I’m taking a break from my Mondays are for Memories series.
Those of you who are furriends with me on Facebook know that I have been extra nice this weekend in order to lift my human’s spirits: cuddles, staying next to her, coming when she calls (well, that’s not often that I would do that!), purring all day…
All of this generally works pretty well. One thing I found out works well too in this kind of situation, is making the humans laugh. Have you tried?
I tried to play monorail cat, for example…
… but the couch was too big for my tocks!
Who said it was my tocks that were too big?!?
Anyway, I asked Kitshka to show her tocks to see if the problem was mine. Mademoiselle Fluff gave us a show!
So I relied on playing with her to distract the human (please, forgive the mess around, strangely cleaning the house is not necessarily a cheering activity for humans…)
The human laughed. Mission accomplished.
In other news, I have officially asked Lisbeth of The Cat on My Head to come with me to the Halloween Ball. But I am waiting for her answer.
I have also convinced my human to register me for the Cat Scouts. I have never received my confirmation email thanks to which I can complete my registration though. So I guess I’ll have to get my human to send them an email.
Maybe my human should cuddle with me now, while I am waiting for these two impawtant email?
Happy Tocktober everyone!
Well, if that didn’t make your human smile, we don’t know what would :D
Animalcouriers recently posted…Milo takes Buenos Aires by storm
Very nice rocks Texas and that couch made your ticks look big, I know you have lovely ‘just right’ rocks, it was the couch. And Kitshka has the floofy rocks for sure! Paw pats, Savannah
Savannah recently posted…Friday Alert and Fun
Both of you have great tocks, that is for sure. Kitshka, you do have the fluffy tocks. And Texas, yours are purrfect too. Have a great day.
Marg recently posted…Mancat Monday
Kitchka is certainly showing plenty of Tocks in that fight scene. MOL! I finally accepted the award you gave me a while ago. Sorry TW waited so long.
Cathy Keisha recently posted…I’m Honored to Accept These Awards
Ohhhh i just wanna kiss and squeeze those juicy looking tocks!!! MOL!
Caren Gittleman recently posted…PetPR.com Launches Pet Blogger Profile Series, “10 Questions with…” A Guest Post By Meredith Schneider, PetPR.com Manager
Great tocks both of you…your tocks rocks. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly
Molly The Wally recently posted…Mischief Monday, More News With Talking Heads!
Yes, your human should definitely cuddle with you, Texas! Cuddling always makes thing better..
Love, Sundae
You gave mommy the best laff to start her day!
Sometimes all a human needs is a cuddle with their favourite four legger!
You’re a good guy to try and cheer up your human….they can be rather difficult to cheer up sometimes but I think monorail cat and trying to get Kitshka to display her tocks certainly are two VERY good strategies….you say it worked and she smiled? Excellent! I’m glad you’re signing up for Scouts!! Did you email denmaster? She’s pretty good at responding in a timely fashion…..the rest of the process is easy peasy…….can’t wait for you to be there – you can join the group I’m in if you wanna…..”Worldwide Wildcats”….sounds intimidating don’t you think??
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Sounds like a good group for a Globetrotter kitty ;-)
I emailed the denmaster. Waiting for the answer =^.^=
hehehe great scrap Texas,Hope you get the answers you want,xx Speedy
speedyrabbits recently posted…Tavistock’s Tower of Terror! A tale to count down to Halloween!
Ha! – you 2 are such a HOOT!!! Have a Purrfect Week:)
Renee recently posted…Adding Richness
C’est ambiance karatecat chez vous aussi ?
Caresses au trio de choc.
Ronrons des Chats-Pitres.
Les Chats-Pitres recently posted…Communiqué félin
Voui un peu. La petite ne veut rien ecouter !
Texas, I just had mom send you an e-mail with my acceptance to accompany you to the Halloween Ball. I am sorry I hadn’t answered your e-mail earlier, but it came in after my bedtime. And Mom was busy this a.m. helping Mauricio with his Merit Badges and Lily Olivia with her costume for Sammy’s contest. Sweet, quiet kitties like me don’t seem to get as much attention as some of the squeaky wheels around here. Please let me know what I will need to do to attend. This will be my first ball, and I am so excited to have such a pawsome and handsome date. Mauricio says when you finally get your Cat Scout stuff up and going, he’d like you to join the Worldwide Wildcats troop. You’ll find lots of friends there (Brian, Wally, Raz, Austin, Sammy and many others). xoxo, Lisbeth and purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid and Calista Jo
Kitties Blue recently posted…EASY LIKE SUNDAY: SNUGGLE BUDDIES TAKE 2
I am soooo excited to go to the ball with Lisbeth!
Haha, we like Kitshka’s censored tocks! Both of you have lovely tocks – it’s the fault of the COUCH for making them look too big!
Thank you!
grate tocks shots guys….sew milou doez knot wanna give up a tocks shot ore him iz pree parin hiz tocks for de shot !! ???~~ :)
The human couldn’t find him yesterday when it was time to show our tocks. Maybe he was hiding somewhere. He wants a one-cat show!
have you seen our living room? I thought yours was pretty clean! ;) Haha. How nice of you guys to make your human laugh. :)
Oh I wanted to see Kitshka’s tock, I don’t have any lady kitties round me..MOL.. great news , I see your date has replied and youz coming to the ball xxooxx
Mollie and Alfie
mollie and alfie recently posted…MY THREE MOGGIES
Yes, we are coming =^.^=
We have until the 20th to send our pics, right?
Great tocks Texas.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Hannah and Lucy recently posted…It’s Raining
Miaouhihi ! MiaouDeRire !
Graous graous.
Liousha et Tiki recently posted…Scop
Y’all are having some busy Monday! I look forward to seeing you at the Cat Scouts!
Brian recently posted…Mancat Monday: Feeling Fine and an Award That’s Mine
Vous êtes excellents les copains !
Vous avez fait rire notre humaine aussi !
Alors vous préparez un grand bal pour Halloween ?
Câlinous et ronrons
Voui il y a un bal organise sur la blogosphere par Misaki (http://themisadventuresofmisaki.wordpress.com/2013/10/07/howl-o-ween-ball/) et Mollie et Alfie (http://www.molliesdogtreats.co.uk/monster-mash/).
Si cela vous it, vous pouvez y participer aussi !
Nice to see that other cats fight with each other, not just my two!
emma recently posted…Cool Junk | GBGV | Monday Mischief
Nah, we’re playing! Now you should see when Milou and I come face to face ;-)
Great photos! Hope your human is smiling BIG :) Teddy and I sure are. Cheers! CBXB
Cowboys and Crossbones recently posted…Weekend Winks – Chillaxin’ Style
She is now!
The couch may have been too big, but those are great tock shots! We love how you furred up the couch too. :)
Whisppy recently posted…Mancat Monday
Oh thanks! I am furry proud of my work on the couch ;-)
It sounds like you are doing a great job of making your human feel better! Over here, we distract her by acting out… maybe not as effective!
Sparkle recently posted…How to Make Your Cat Do What You Want
Your tocks are PETITE compared to some (koff*Salem*koff) tocks around here, Texas! Did you know that our John’s tocks look VERREH much like Kitshka’s? BEFORE he got shaved, that is.
Katnip Lounge recently posted…What Sheebie Did on Her Summer Vacation
Oh wow! Maybe they share a family tock?
Texas what a classic! monorail cat doesn’t work here with three out of four cats!! Pickles can do it as she is just like a little bonsai…poor munchkin hahah.great Tock shots..and I am sure mummy found your whaps gane very cheering ,glad your date has replied and you will have a great time at the ball :) hugs Fozziemum xxx
Bev Green recently posted…IT’S PAWTY TIME EV-FURRY ONE
LOL well, it made my Mum laugh Texas so this HAS to be a good thing!
Tidying up – its for Wusses I say!!
Harvey Button recently posted…Wellington Railways 150th Birthday Middle Earth Monday SPECIAL
Me think both of you have grrreat looking Tock´s !
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal recently posted…Idag tänker jag ha en …
It’s a tock kerfluffle! We’re glad you are distracting your peep to make her feel better. That’s a very important job.
Sometimes, Cats Herd You recently posted…Mancat Monday
We unnerstand that laughter is the best medicine for these humans, so GOOD GOING!!
Maxwell, Faraday & Allie recently posted…Wherein I Kick Allie’s BEE-hind
Monorail cat is a fun game. We are sure you both have very cute tocks. We know Kitshka did not want to show hers. We hope your Mom is cheered up now. Our Mom laughed at you and Kitshka playing. Love, Cali, Andy,Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)
Austin, your tocks are purrfectly lovely! Who said they are too big, they fit just right. And we loved all the furs you left “behind”. Ahahaha! Nice GIF, too!
MOL! Those are some great ‘tocks you gots, Texas! And welcome to Cat Scouts! I’m a Cat Scout…and I sent you a furiend request!
The Island Cats recently posted…Mancats – Changing Seasons
You made our mommy smile too! We think your tocks are purrfect!
BeadedTail recently posted…What a Difference a Week Makes…
MOL… I think your tocks fit perfectly Texas!
Ann Staub recently posted…I Painted My Dog to Look Like a Tiger with PetPaint
We are sure your human appreciates your attempts to make hers feel better.
Purrs and hugs,
Carmine, Milita, and Jewel
Fur Everywhere recently posted…Mancat Monday
This was great; you are great. Thank you for sharing!
McGuffy Ann Morris recently posted…Mirror Fun
Ben on s’ennuie pas chez vous ,ça remue !!
gros ronrons et bisous