Kitshka Friday: Helping the Human to Be Productive… With a Song or Two

Us kitties know that to be productive, we need to take lots of naps between the productivity sessions.

This is Texas’ human I was dealing with below (sometimes, Texas has to nap so I agree to take over). See, I settle behind her computer screen, next to the window, so I can both snoopervize her and watch Bird TV.

But humans like Texas’ human rarely agree to take naps (silly humans!). So I have to invite her to take a break. My super cuteness helps, as you are about to see.

Human! It's time for a break!

Human! It’s time for a break!

Ah! She's not listening! Let me rock the boat a little...

Ah! She’s not listening! Let me rock the boat a little…

Rock The Boat screen, Work The Middle...

Rock the boat screen, Work the middle with my paw…


Change positions, Do positions…


Stroke it for me…

Human: Kitshka,
I’d like to know where you got the notion…
To rock the boat, don’t rock the boat baby,
Rock the boat, don’t tip the boat screen over…

Oh! That's a different song! You're singing!

Oh! That’s a different song! You’re singing!

Gotcha! You took a break!

Gotcha! You took a break!

Will you take a break with us on Friday?

38 thoughts on “Kitshka Friday: Helping the Human to Be Productive… With a Song or Two

  1. We dont thinkz anybody could resist sweet Kitshka. We thinkz it’s funny that your hooman even attempted to resist you. I guess u know how to get her attention. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)

  2. Haha, nice technique Kitshka! We all have different ways of interceding with our humans: Wilbur jumps in Mom’s lap and headbonks her repeatedly , and then pounces at the mouse movement on the screen. Louie gets in her lap and slides off to one side, so she has to hold him to keep him from sliding off. Skootch likes to stand in front of the screen so that she can’t see around him.
    We kittehs are very creative!

  3. Kitshka I hear you might be free for the Halloween ball? I would love to go with you if you’ll have me? I’m very unorganised and have no idea how we get our paws together for a photo but if you have an idea I think it could be pawesome! Bisous Bailey

  4. Oh Kitshka you cutie pie! Giving your human a bit of a worry with those feets pushing on the screen!!!! Anything for a belly rub right??

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  5. Hey Kitshka, you such a goo performer! You know what, my human is not used to have naps or to take some breaks too! But I am sure of one thing: when she looks at me napping, she is jealous ;) Purrs and have a nice week-end.
    Eirwena recently posted…ACCUEILMy Profile

  6. Since my human is done putting my calendar together, I think I will take a break myself. Her, not so much – she has lots of catching up to do for stuff that got pushed back so she could get the calendar done!
    Sparkle recently posted…Friday FlubsMy Profile

  7. Kitshka! You are naughty AND your hooman sings you a lullaby (well a song in any case…)!! Don’t rock that screen over or we predict there will be big trouble!! :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  8. Kitshka my dearest! My Mom has signed up twice to get your posts in Feedly but they aren’t coming over! I told Mom to subscribe to your emails – I can’t be without your posts for a moment longer. Please know my adoration of you has never dimmed.

    Quill and Greyson recently posted…Floofy FridayMy Profile

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