Hiya everyone!
Before I tell you what beautiful me is doing, I want to remind you that we have a giveaway for 2 Shelter Cat Dolls from Dream Pillow. Here they are:
Follow the link to yesterday’s post (by clicking on the image above) to discover what you have to do.
This is not a giveaway for catnip sticks, kitties (it seems some of you misunderstood. Easy on nip, kitties!). It is a giveaway for these 2 shelter cat dolls.
So, what have you been up to lately?
Today is a crappy day where we live.
Milou is at the vet again for, er, constipation issues. Nothing serious but I bet he is a bit tired of going to the vet regularly because of this (and surprisingly, we don’t get any reward cards for free treats for going to the vet regularly like the humans have in their stores! I think that is not fair!).
It’s been raining, and there is a LOT of wind outside, and it’s in the 30s (that’s a temperature of around 4C for our European furriends), which means nothing to see on TV that is much interesting. So we’ve been busy doing nothing Texas and I.
I found an abandoned blankie that is quite comfy on the couch. I made it mine, since it had been abandoned. Now if only the human could stop taking pictures. That’s the problem with rainy days: not only is there nothing on Bird TV, but the humans can’t go out to take pictures so guess who is being photographed?
What are your favorite activities when the weather is that bad and the humans can’t stop bothering you?
We love to sleep on rainy days when MomKatt’s at her work … but if not, we still follow her around. Plus SHE likes to read on the sofa on rainy, cold days, so that’s like double luck ’cause we get lap time AND nap time then!
Purrz! We are excited about your giveaway! MomKatt wants the purple one!
Selina recently posted…Pre-Dinner Dialogue
We are having the same kinda weather and it IS boring! What I do is follow mai mom around the house and yowl intermittently so she pays attention to me. Then when she asks me what I want, I’m not sure what to do but she always goes and gives me more water and more foodz, so that works out good, huh? xxoo Bhu
Oh, poor Milou, not nice :( As to the weather, it sucks here too. Dry but bitterly cold. Keep warm are carry on with the cute sleeps.
Animalcouriers recently posted…Philo is off to a special home in Ireland
We’ve got a day like you do today. It’s rainy and cold. So we’ve been doing our best to sleep it away. But we still can’t avoid the stoopid flashy box. Sheesh.
The Island Cats recently posted…Formerly Feral – The Lookout
Hoping that Milou is feeling better soon! It is COLD and cloudy here in Michigan so we could use some sun too!
Caren Gittleman recently posted…A Cat Chat With Caren and Cody holiday give-away! Enter to win Kitty Kick Stix!!
Sorry to hear about Milou. Drats there is nothing on cat TV. It is starting to get cold here so we are now having a snuggle too. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
We live in a big enough house so that I can be on a completely different floor in a room far, far away from my human when she is annoying me.
I hope Milou is better soon! That must be frustrating for him to keep having to go to the vet – on top of being unwell!
Sparkle recently posted…Dear Sparkle: How Do I Cheer Up My Unemployed Human?
We are so sorry to hear that Milou is at the vet. We’re sending healing purrs and prayers!
It’s cold and cloudy and dreary here, too. Sigh…
meowmeowmans recently posted…Photobomb Friday :)
Kitshka, Texas et toi vous avez l’air d’avoir trouvé la même occupation que Loustiquette et moi … c’est de saison il parait.
Il fait froid et humide ici aussi. On sort quand même, mais après la chaleur est la bienvenue !
On espère que tout va bien pour Milou. Moi aussi je suis un peu abonnée aux dames en vert. J’ai des gros problèmes d’allergie aux puces et aux aoûtats. C’est pas drôle d’aller là bas !
Plein de ronrons.
Aw….little K, you are so beautiful! Texas, too, of course!
Sending you some sunshine!
Love, Sundae
Dianna recently posted…Random Five Friday
So sorry Milou isn’t feeling well….but I completely understand your huMommy taking pictures of the two of you…you’re both so beautiful!
I live in Florida and surely wish I could send you some of our sunshine!!!
Sending good vibes to Milou~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Such a pawsome and generous giveaway AND you and your brother Texas look quite comfy napping on an icky day. Today wasn’t really icky here but I napped anyway…..that abandoned blankie you’re on is a great color Kitshka!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
It is cold here also so I spend most of my time on mum’s recliner by the woodburner. The rain has gone but we have ice instead. I may take mum for a walk tomorrow if the sun shines.
Flynn recently posted…Eric’s Day Flashback.
We’ve been having lots of lousy weather as well. We do exactly the same as you all…nap. When we are not doing that, we are sitting by the backdoor whining for Mom to let us out on the catio. If she does, then we whine to come in ’cause it is cold. MOL. Purrayers for Milou. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Kitties Blue recently posted…CATS WANT OUT NOW!
Sorry I am late! Thanks for coming by!
Ragdoll Mommy~
Ragdoll Mommy recently posted…Too long gone….
Awww, poor Milou! Sending our purrs.
We’re finally getting good weather here, maybe you guys need to teleport over!
d’Artagnan Rumblepurr recently posted…Secret hidden cat
So, when it’s crappy outside, we do our usual communal nap on Mom’s bed. But, due to the crappy weather, Mom likes to sneak into the cat puddle and nap with us! Score for Mom and us cats!
Poor Milou! Has he tried slippery elm?
Paws crossed for a sunny day tomorrow!
Purdey says her favourite rainy-day activity is investigating wardrobes. She has got a nest earmarked for today, in a big beach bag amongst some shoes!
Jo Woolf recently posted…Falkland’s treasures
Have you tried adding pumpkin to the kitty food? My gramma’s cat had constipation issues for a time, but the pumpkin solved the problem finally. Much cheaper and easier than vet visits.
emma recently posted…Ready, Set, Shop | GBGV | Follow Up Friday
Si on met la patte sur l’imbécile qui nous a chipé le soleil !!! Grrrrr !
Ronrons solidaires… et bon Zzzzzzz !
Les Chats-Pitres recently posted…Ascension
Chez nous il fait froid aussi, on ne sort pas en ce moment, on reste près du radiateur.
Bon courage Milou, on espère que tu vas aller vite mieux.
ronrons d’Opale et SOnye
Opale et Sonye recently posted…Séance beauté
Kitshka, that was nice to adopt the lonely blankie. You are a good girl. We read a book when we have bad weather and when the tv-guy shows only boring things. All my best wishes to Milou, hope all is well.
easy rider recently posted…easyblog THE SOLUTION
We hope Milou feels better quickly , poor baby!
We have ben getting sun here in typically rainy Vancouver! But it is cold so all the birdies are hiding!
the critters in the cottage xo
LP recently posted…The Jetty.
When the weather is bad over here I sleep , sleep and then sleep some moore :)
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal recently posted…Vet ni vad ?!
I understand you don’t like to be bothered by paparazzis, but you look lovely on those pictures, Texas!
Belette Optimiste recently posted…Chronique de l’Étrange: Exercice à la barre
Here Comes the Sun by George Harrison
Here comes the sun (doo doo doo doo)
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right
Our Mom likez this song and she playz it when it is gloomy out. Hope it sendz some sunshine your way. We likez blankies too . Sometimes are pawrents have the nerve to disturb us trying to crawl under the blankies after we have taken them over.
We hope poor Milou is feeling better and doesn’t have to go to the Vet anymore. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)
We’re sending purrs to MIlou! We usually have rain but it’s been sunny but cold here. Wish you could come have some of our sunpuddles!
BeadedTail recently posted…Smile, it’s Sadieday!
Je lis mal l’anglais mais par contre je me régale avec tes photos ; quelles beautés !
Ronrons doux
leschatsdumaquis recently posted…Noël, se faire plaisir et faire plaisir !
Mostly, I send the Human to her work so she stops bothering me, or I go into my little tent where she can’t really take pictures of me, or in desperation, I go UTB and that’s that! You should teleport over here–it’s at least twice as many degrees as you have!
Spitty the Kitty recently posted…Contemplative Caturday
THIRTY! IN Austin? That is cold for down there! Our temp tonight is going to be 8. And that’s not in C, that’s in F. (And we *give* it an “F” too!) Yeah, we’re hunting for snuggly blankies too!
Maxwell, Faraday & Allie recently posted…Saturday Photohunt: Over
Coucou !
Chat dort bien ! Quelles superbes photos !
Chamitiés du dimanche soir
Béa kimcat
I understand what you mean. Here, no sun too ! The weather is so depressive, I have no energy to play and I keep on sleeping all day long. Purrs!
Eirwena recently posted…Soutien félin
We do hope Milou feels betters soon..we loves the fireplace in winters..we creep up with the doggies and it’s toasty two doggies make lots of fur warmingz hugs Dinnermintz xx
Bev Green recently posted…WHAT A WEEKEND …..WE IZ TIRED
They do so love to take photos – well done on the random blanket score though!
Bonjour les copains !
Nous venons vous informer que nous avons changé d’adresse de blog … nous avons migré avec tous nos articles et désormais, nous sommes ici :
Gros ronrons
I watch the birds feeding on our bird feeder…and the squirrels are always out even in rain…and I snooze away the whole afternoon under my tent on our bed. Dad makes it specially just for me.
Savannah recently posted…Monday Meowsie News…
Yow Kitshka we haz SNOW here so no patio time in Condo now…me snugglez in condo indoorz n purrtendz me iz outside butt it not da same ;)
Mum moved da ground feeder over to da patio where we can watch Bird TV as da Mournin Dovez stay all Winter. Oh n da 2 sparrowz: Woodstock n Jack Sparrow.
We iz feedin a feral named Midnite Milo so me getz to meow wif him thru da glass ebery nite….
To keep Mum frum takin a bazillion pix wif da cammyra me sleepz…alot…. ;)
We hopez Milou getz over da constipashun truuble…me haz Bowel Disease so me feelz fer him…me goin to Vet tomorrow…Mum takez me ebery Wednesday now fer follow treetmint…it is not as bad as it waz…
Sowwy me wroted a book..,,,me got carried away….MOL
Nylablue xxx
Sherri-Ellen T-D. recently posted…Me iz a MUM Again!!!