Update on Milou’s Health: It Might Be a Megacolon

Hiya everyone,

As I mentioned here and there (for those who have been following me for some time), Milou has been going to the vet regularly for the past two years, due to constipation issues. We tried adding fibers and the vets prescribed laxatives, and it helped for a while, but it now seems that the problem is more serious than that.

Milou on his human's lap | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Milou, on his human’s lap

Milou has to go to the vet almost once a week to have an enema. With Thanksgiving, our new vet even taught the humans how to perform one just in case.

Our vets in New York diagnosed IBD or cancer (they had to make a biopsy to know for sure, but the humans decided not to go for the biopsy because it was a very invasive surgery, Milou is 14, and at the time he had lost a lot of weight if you remember, plus the vets told our humans that the treatment would be more or less the same anyway).

Our vet here in Texas thinks that Milou has a case of Megacolon: basically, Milou’s colon is dilated so much that it cannot process the poop out anymore. Feces stay stuck inside and become larger and very dry and hard.

According to our vet, there are but two solutions: a surgery by a specialist vet to take away part of the colon (the dilated part that cannot function anymore) or… the worse solution ever. Neither my human, nor me can resolve ourselves to write it here :-(

Milou has an appointment with a specialist vet next Monday. In the meantime, the humans are doing some research on the health issue. If any of you has had this problem in your furry family, please feel free to share how it went. Thank you in advance.

This is not a furry nice time of the year, in some respects. There are several kitties that need purrs, including our furriends at Brian’s Home. We too are purring for them.

Graphic by Zoolatry

Graphic by Zoolatry

72 thoughts on “Update on Milou’s Health: It Might Be a Megacolon

  1. Oh Texas my friend…..I’m so sorry about Milou……I know he’s had problems as long as I’ve known you but let’s hope that the new specialist has some ideas to help him cope. Poor guy – I know that has to be super uncomfortable for him too. I asked my Mom and she doesn’t have any info on coping with something like this – none of her kitties have ever had colon issues including me. I do wonder about getting older though and all the things that come along with that – I’m Milou’s age and Mom and I just hope that I’m lucky enough to avoid anything serious. We both hope and purrray that Milou gets a solution. I know you and your humans hope the same.

    Special Hugs, Sammy (and his Mom)
    Sammy recently posted…Tuesday TeaserMy Profile

  2. Oh no, we are sorry to hear about Milou’s troubles. We haven’t heard of a mega colon before now so we are no help. Hope that isn’t what it is. We sure send tons of purrs and prayers. Take care.
    Marg recently posted…Thankful TuesdayMy Profile

  3. Oh Texas, that sounds SO unpleasant and painful/uncomfortable for Milou. I know your peeps will do the best thing for this dear one. We’re purring for you, sweetie, and will look for updates to this situation from you.

    Big hugs, my furriend.

    Selina & MomKatt Laura
    Selina recently posted…Purring for Brian’s Sister GracieMy Profile

    • Milou has been on wet food only for a little more than a year too and we do add pumpkin, which he seems to like.
      Thanks for sharing!

    • Thank you so much for the info. It is reassuring to know that the success rate is high.

      My human would love to try and start Milou on raw food and she’s pretty sure he’d love that but he has his special diet for his urinary problem. Years ago (like 10 years ago), when he was eating anything other than his special diet, he was having huge urinary problems, so the humans stuck with his special food. But lately, despite all their work not to have him eat our food, there are times when he succeeded and never had a problem lately (well, on that urinary issue).

      Thank so much for stopping by!

  4. I have heard about megacolon and have an internet friend who has a cat with megacolon but haven’t talked to her in quite a bit. Just sending you all prayers and hoping the specialist can find a treatment for Milou.

  5. Texas! I’m writing about Rocky’s issues here, too, and the post comes out tomorrow. He’s been having the same thing with constipation and weight loss. He hasn’t been diagnosed with megacolon, but we’re still doing fluids and b12 shots to make sure he has all his needs met nutritionally. Also, I had this bachelorette named Goldie that has megacolon. She’s being treated at Tabby’s Place. If you like, I can ask my friend at Tabby’s Place if they have any information for you. Just email me! Here’s the link to Goldie. It will lead you to more information on their page. Oh, my best to Milou!!!! http://catinthefridge.com/2013/10/31/botw-goldie/ Please send me an email or come to my page if you have questions I can help with!
    Crepes recently posted…Kittyo – Mamma’s Watchin’My Profile

    • Milou has been anesthetized a couple of times too.
      Our vet directed us to the Central Texas Veterinary Specialty Hospital.
      Thanks for your support!

  6. Wow…another sick kitty. This is becoming an epidemic. Mommy says she would have the surgery for sure. We know the vets say a cat is a senior kitty somewhere around nine or ten years old, but if Milou is healthy otherwise, Mom says she’d get her the surgery. Good luck with making the decision that works for your family. We will add her name to our 24/7 purr-a-thon that we are having for all the currently sick kitties, and Mom will add her to her prayers. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
    Kitties Blue recently posted…TUXIE TUESDAY WITH MAURICIOMy Profile

  7. Abby has issues with constipation too. Some Manx in general just have problems in that regard. After a severe bout of what the DR called IBD which I didn’t think was accurate I began a diet with pumpkin and slippery elm and very finely ground organic flax that did the trick for her. She only had one more episode where she got stuck and we had to take her to the Vet for an enema but I suspect just these measures are not too helpful for Milou. We are purring so much for dear Milou and hope your Doctor can offer up some more options.
    Angel Abby recently posted…Tuxie Toosday With AbbyMy Profile

    • I remember you told us about slippery elm and I realize now that it was probably some time before our move and the human completely forgot about it :-/
      The pumkin helps a bit but is not sufficient unfortunately. My human is definitely putting the slippery elm on her list though. Thanks!

  8. Me and my mom-person are sorry to hear about Milou’s troubles :(
    Can´t give you any suggestion´s on what to do , we don´t know anybody who had this problem.
    My mom-person gives me Cat-malt once or twice a week , but it´s moore for anti-hairball treatment than my poop consistence :)
    Hope efurrything will work out OK !

    • Oh thank you, Sparkle! I didn’t know about this site! I am sure Milou would appreciate the massages ;-) Seriously, he loves tummy rubs!
      Thank you so much. My human is going to read this page and I am going to follow the blog.
      Thank you.

  9. dood…pleez ta chek out thiz site


    we haz known Lisa for yeerz….and trust de info she haz on this site…de site covers manee aspects oh bowel disease; furst hand with her kitty Alex, second with vet info and advise and third frum others sufferin with it….we be bee troooly sorree ya gotta go thru thiz; az all ways, de blessings oh St Francis two ewe…..

    • Thanks for the link and for the blessings! It sounds very interesting. My human is going to read all about it. It is always useful to read about first hand experience
      Thank you so much!

  10. On est vraiment désolées et de tout coeur avec vous.
    Nat à Chat elle a regardé sur des sites français, et partout c’est écrit que l’opération d’un mega colon fonctionne bien, sans trop de suites opératoires.
    Mais nous on croise les pattes pour que ça s’arrange sans opérations.
    On envoie plein de ronrons pour Milou.
    Hisia et Loustiquette
    Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Abyssine et plante odoranteMy Profile

    • My human thought about acupuncture but to our knowledge, it is hardly – if ever – practiced on cats in France, so she doesn’t know much about it for kitties. Thanks for the link, we are going to look into it!

  11. Texas, we’re sorry to hear about Milou. Zoey has constipation issues. She only poops about once a week (though lately she’s been going a little more often *knock wood*). The vet suspects she has the beginnings of megacolon. Zoey takes cisapride and gets miralax and probiotics mixed in her foods. She only gets wet foods and the mom mixes lots of water in with it. The thing about Zoey is that when she does go, it’s not all hard and dry…it’s normal looking…just a lot of it (as you can imagine). So the vet isn’t as concerned about it. The vet says as long as Zoey is eating, drinking, not vomiting and acting normal otherwise (which she is) there really isn’t anything else to do at this point. The mom didn’t want to take Zoey to get an enema regularly because Zoey would have to be sedated for them to do that. She did have a couple at first. The mom keeps a close eye on her now and keeps a record of when she poops.

    We hope the specialist can help Milou. We’d be interested in knowing what he/she says. The mom was going to take Zoey to a specialist, but Zoey does not do well at the vet.
    The Island Cats recently posted…Mancats – ShowdownMy Profile

    • Milou – except for the period I linked to on my post a few months ago – was always eating (always been a big hungry kitty). But he has vomited twice recently, which is really not like him. The humans were also concerned that Milou was often sedated for the enemas, it is not very good for him. And he came back really weird (because of the sedation, although after about 12 hours he went back to normal).

      We will let you know what the specialist says.

      Thanks for sharing Zoey’s problem!

  12. Texas, I’m with Ingrid on the raw diet as well as other dietary changes–if you’re concerned about urinary issues, the raw diet is the key. Jelly Bean blocked even on the food I’d tested out on other boys, and even when he wasn’t blocked he was in the box straining three weeks out of four. On the raw diet he writes his name on the back of the litterbox and other fancy things, no problems at all.

    Also, Kelly had been diagnosed with IBD a few years ago and during her last year, right after we lost Cookie, Kelly just quit eating and had been having issues with diarrhea that turned to constipation. I knew she liked raw food so I just changed her over and she completely turned around in a month–she was 19 at the time.

    I also have geriatric kitties for whom this is also an issue for loss of muscle and coordination. Hydration is key as well as the pumpkin, but feeding a grain-free food is essential. Good luck with him!
    The Creative Cat recently posted…Daily Photo: Three Loaves, and the Sister Who Arranged ThemMy Profile

    • The only thing stopping my human really is the urinary problems. But then no vet has been able to tell my human what’s so special about the Hill’s Diet. So yes, she might try to carefully introduce raw food to see what happens.

      My human remembers reading about Kelly changing to raw food and how it helped. Thanks for the reminder. We’ll let you know of course.

    • Yes, Milou has a little pumpkin added to his wet food (he’s only on wet food now) and it helped a bit but it doesn’t seem enough :-/

      Thanks for your purrs.

      • I sometimes give Gus a tiny (less than an ounce) treat of whole milk to help get fluids in him. If lots of milk gives a cat the runs, a little might make it softer and easier to handle.
        Oldcat recently posted…Baby StepsMy Profile

        • We thought about doing that too, but were concerned it wasn’t too good for him. But indeed, as a little treat, it might help.
          Thank you!

  13. get well very soon little Milou, your family and friends love you!
    and you are precious to me, I have two cranky tabbies like you, and they are my little furry babies.
    kisses and many best wishes little one!

    • Unfortunately, my human is not sure homeopathy can help. This is nothing against homeopathy – she uses it herself – but if the colon is dilated and unable to function, an intervention might be necessary. That’s what they are going to try and find out with the specialist.
      Thank you so much for your healing pawkisses!

  14. Pingback: Milou Monday: Milou is at the Vet for Perineal Hernias | Texas, a cat in... Austin

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