Catmas Trees in Austin, TX!

I have noticed that there were many kitty furriends living in Texas (especially Twitter furriends)! So maybe that is one of the reasons why when people decorate Christmas trees on the road here, you can find… kitty Christmas trees!

Below are two trees that my human saw on Loop 360 in Austin among dozens of decorated trees (you can learn a bit more on the tradition of Loop 360 Christmas trees on my human’s blog). I think they are pretty cool! If the humans would trust us with a Christmas tree, this is how I would like it decorated!

Hello Kitty Christmas Tree on Loop 360 in Austin, TX | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitty Christmas Tree on Loop 360 in Austin, TX | Texas, a cat in... Austin

How are your humans decorating their Christmas tree?

33 thoughts on “Catmas Trees in Austin, TX!

  1. Awww….cute tree decorations! Our tree got decorated yesterday – mostly with ornaments my parents have brought back from their bazillion trips all over the world. My favorite thing about the tree is being UNDER it !!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy
    Sammy recently posted…Silent SundayMy Profile

  2. I love that last tree with the cat ornaments. I’ll have to go visit your other blog.

    We haven’t started to decorate yet. Mere and Al love all the tissue papers though. Riley is the go in the box guy. He’s been helping with the lights for outside. Jasmine just gives her Siamese princess opinion. Ashton usually is napping away while this is all going on.

    JC and The Purr and Fur Gang
    JC recently posted…Holiday CardsMy Profile

  3. Mai mom tells me this story efurry kissmess: “In olden days there useta be a kitteh here named Sofie. One kissmess, I put out the tree and the beautiful handmade patchwork tree skirt and all the purresents and efurrything looked really purrity. Except Sofie decided to sneak behind the tree and use it like a litter box. It was not a good thing for the maple wood floors. And that is why, my dear Bhu, we do not put up a kissmess tree anymore.”
    bhu recently posted…BrrrrrrrrrMy Profile

  4. Last year was my first Christmas in Austin and I too was inspired by the decorated trees. I came up with an idea, that I worked on (albeit occassionally) throughout the year….a Jimmy Buffet tree, with a grass skirt on the bottom and I planned to rotate the song theme on top each year, starting with Margaritaville. I collected plastic margarita glasses, leftover and cheap flip flops, poptops that I strung together as garland, and inexpensive (I promise I did not steal from restaurant) salt shakers. The weekend of Thanksgiving I decorated my first tree, which I am proud to say is pictured on this blog. The rest of the story is even MORE Austin. My father in law was hospitalized so I had the occassion to travel that stretch of road daily a couple of weekends later and noticed on Friday all the flip flops were gone…hmm, then Saturday morning, all the salt shakers were gone, but the maragita glasses were still there. Well, by Sunday, those were gone too (of course it was Saturday night) and all that was left was the grass skirt and a couple of cheesy plastic balls from another tree. I was disappointed but thought, lesson learned. I went to take down the grass skirt and the folks that were selling firewood at the bottom of the hill where my tree was decorated actually thanked me for all the goodies on the tree…..they just thought of them as Christmas presents that were left to them for the taking……WOW, Austin at it’s weirdest. Next year – Cheeseburger in Paradise, let’s see who values empty Heinz 57 bottles.

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