i think it can. I think it can! Rub! Rub around on it. Work in small patches. You can do it! – Crepes. Crepes recently posted…The Rocky Report: Sound Therapy
When I saw the title, I thought this post would be the opposite. You guys trying to dirty up a white couch. MOL! Dunno why my peeps don’t have light furniture.
Looks like your humans finally decided to give up on trying to de-fur that couch. Mom says she doesn’t blame them. Personally, we think it looks just fine. MOL, HO, HO, HO! “Hi,” to Texas from Lisbeth. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo Kitties Blue recently posted…WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: IS THIS FOR US?
There’s still some work to do, but it’s a good start ;-)
And I nominated you for the Blog Of The Year Award. More info on my blog. Traveling Cats recently posted…Cat from Wellington {New Zealand}
Furrina couch iz impawtent werk..Mum keepz blankiez n sheepskin on ourz so she can wash dem n make more werk fer herself ;)
Lub ya all Nylablue xxx Sherri-Ellen T-D. recently posted…Rappin up diz Catmess seeson!!
Looks like the three of you are working hard to make it so!! Good morning,, beautiful fur-babies!
Ho ho we know that one. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
Molly The Wally recently posted…Wordless Wednesday, Canned Edition!
Hi Texas…have a wonderful wordless Wednesday. xoxox
You did a really good jobs folks! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Purrs to you all.
Of course it could! Keep up the good work ;-)
Animalcouriers recently posted…Last night in the Limousin, on track for the UK tomorrow
You like lazying in the snow, do you?
Frimousse recently posted…Froid ?
A kitty’s job is never done…!
Dianna recently posted…Breakfast Interrupted
So pretty! Ya’ll have a great Wednesday!
Selina Carter recently posted…Cute-Day!
i think it can. I think it can! Rub! Rub around on it. Work in small patches. You can do it! – Crepes.
Crepes recently posted…The Rocky Report: Sound Therapy
The Creative Cat recently posted…Featured Artwork: Dusk in the Woods
Heh heh. You kitties have been working really hard!
Whisppy recently posted…Happy Belated Birthday, Coco and Felix!
Oh, I think the kitties could do a little more!
Sparkle recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: Sometimes the Wrong End of the Feather Wand Is More Fun
We think you are doing a great job on that.
MOL! We think you guys have done a great job….but there’s still more to do. ;)
The Island Cats recently posted…What’s That Wally Doing?
Very good work guys!
Maxwell, Faraday and Allie recently posted…(Almost) Wordless Wednesday
let it snow, let it snow LOL?
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101.com) recently posted…ASPCA #SantaPaws Twitter Party, Gift Pack Giveaway +++
You can do it. Power shedding!
Sometimes, Cats Herd You recently posted…Almost Wordless Wednesday
Dad went to leather. Darn
Timmy Tomcat recently posted…You Better Not…
When I saw the title, I thought this post would be the opposite. You guys trying to dirty up a white couch. MOL! Dunno why my peeps don’t have light furniture.
Looks like your humans finally decided to give up on trying to de-fur that couch. Mom says she doesn’t blame them. Personally, we think it looks just fine. MOL, HO, HO, HO! “Hi,” to Texas from Lisbeth. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Kitties Blue recently posted…WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: IS THIS FOR US?
There’s still some work to do, but it’s a good start ;-)
And I nominated you for the Blog Of The Year Award. More info on my blog.
Traveling Cats recently posted…Cat from Wellington {New Zealand}
Better get to work, it might just happen!
Coccolino recently posted…Pig-nata Piñata
Christmas is really coming fast now!!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha! you’re in big trouble missy!
Purrfect post for the holidays..love u both, cutie ;)
Hey there! Why not come over to my blog for a visit? There’s a special little somethin’ waitin’ for you there.
Nerissa’s Life recently posted…bling, bling and more bling
Just stopping by to say Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Coccolino recently posted…FOTOR.com – finally understanding how to do photo editing!
Furrina couch iz impawtent werk..Mum keepz blankiez n sheepskin on ourz so she can wash dem n make more werk fer herself ;)
Lub ya all Nylablue xxx
Sherri-Ellen T-D. recently posted…Rappin up diz Catmess seeson!!