A special message for a special Ladycat

I would like to thank the beautiful Lisbeth of The Cat on My Head for being my Valentine, and her human for being such a nice human and contacting me and dressing us up so nicely. Can you adopt me? My human is not up to the job!

Lisbeth and Texas - Valentine's Day | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Dear Lisbeth,

This is a real honor to go to the Ball at Madi’s with you! You are the prettiest Ladycat!

Here is a little something just for you, to go with your dress:

A flower for Lisbeth | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Happy Valentine’s Day Y’all!

38 thoughts on “A special message for a special Ladycat

  1. dood…enjoy yur date anda happee hearts day oh love two ewe all N heerz two a red snapper kinda week oh end !! :)

  2. Dear Texas, Thank you so much for the lovely flowers. I am over the moon at being able to accompany you to the Queen of Hearts Dance. I hope we get a lot of votes on our post as cutest couple. If I get a tunnel I can teleport to see you. We all miss you very much. Maybe you can get your mom to promise you at least one post a week. What an absolutely lovely day I have had. Happy Valentine’s Day. XO, Lisbeth and purrs and paw-pats from my sisfurs and brofur, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid and Calista Jo
    Kitties Blue recently posted…QUEEN OF HEARTS DANCE WITH PRIZESMy Profile

  3. Enfin un peu de nouvelles…
    Vous formez un très joli couple Lisbeth et toi Texas. J’espère que tu as passé une super soirée de Saint Valentin.
    Moi je n’ai pas de Valentin, alors de suis restée à la maison. Mais c’est pas grave. J’ai beaucoup d’amour quand même.
    Plein de ronrons.
    Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Le “Mythe” de la caverneMy Profile

  4. Gosh Texas, maybe you and I can make a date sometime and go to a ball together…I think we know each pretty well now…what do you think? Sorry to have been absent from you buddy…I will read back a couple of posts to check up on you and Kitshka and Milou…hopefully we will be back visiting more frequently. paw hugs, Savvy peeEss Jet’s Mom is still struggling with her illness
    Savannah’s Paw Tracks recently posted…Friday Frolics…Sage StyleMy Profile

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