I would like to thank the beautiful Lisbeth of The Cat on My Head for being my Valentine, and her human for being such a nice human and contacting me and dressing us up so nicely. Can you adopt me? My human is not up to the job!
Dear Lisbeth,
This is a real honor to go to the Ball at Madi’s with you! You are the prettiest Ladycat!
Here is a little something just for you, to go with your dress:
Happy Valentine’s Day Y’all!
Oh, you two are so beautiful! I love the lavender!
Happy Valentine’s Day – have fun at the ball! I’m sure Sammy and I will see you there…
Love, Sundae
Hi Texas! I miss you my friend………but I’m happy you and the beautiful Lisbeth are going to Madi’s Ball……..I’ll see you there! I hope you ALL have a really lovely Valentine’s Day…..
Sending Hugs………..Sammy
Sammy recently posted…There’s No Stopping Love!
You both look stunning. Happy Valentines, see you at the Dance xxoxxx
Mollie and Alfie
mollie and alfie recently posted…HAPPY VALENTINE’Z!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Traveling cats recently posted…Cat from Brussels {Belgium}
c’est très mignon, bonne st Valentin, ronrons d’Opale et SOnye
Opale et Sonye recently posted…L’amour chez les animaux
Great you get to come out of semi-retirement for this great Ball ;-) Lisbeth is the kind of girl it’s good to know. Have lots of fun, both of you.
Animalcouriers recently posted…Leo and Lexi are heading back to Gibraltar
WOW! You and Lisbeth are wonderful! Have a Happy Valentine’s Day and much joy and fun at the Ball. Hugs from Paris.
Texas that’s so romantic. And Lisbeth is really the cat of your heart. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your furmilies!
easy rider recently posted…easyblog THIS MOMENT…
Happy Valentines Day Texas and Lisbeth,xx Speedy
speedyrabbit recently posted…Happy Valentines Day To You All!
Texas you and Lisbeth look lovely. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and all your loved one. Have a fabulous day.
Best wishes Molly
Molly The Wally recently posted…Happy Valentine’s Day!
So so sweet! Me-Ommmmm
Swami Zoe recently posted…A Most Thankful Thursday! Me-Ommmmmm
♥♥Happy Valentine’s Day♥♥
♥♥.•*’ (¸.•*´♥`*•.¸)`*•.♥♥
Love from the Zee and Zoey Gang!
dood…enjoy yur date anda happee hearts day oh love two ewe all N heerz two a red snapper kinda week oh end !! :)
You make a very handsome couple!
Cattywumpus recently posted…Successful surgery!
Vous faites un trés beau couple de chamoureux! Amusez-vous bien au bal de la Chat-Valentin !
Ronrons et moustachouilles.
What a good looking couple you are! Happy Valentine’s Day!
The Island Cats recently posted…Happy Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentines to all of you from all of us!
*Angels Abby & Gracie*
Angel Abby Grace recently posted…Happy Valentines
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Sparkle recently posted…Happy Valentine’s Day Cards and Giveaway Winner
Vous êtes magnifiques tous les deux ! Une belle carte !
Bonne fête de Saint Valentin !
Gros ronrons les copains !
You look wonderful, and don’t worry we will be here when you come back!
Harvey Button recently posted…Valentine’s Day Family Friday
Happy Valentine’s Day! No matter who dressed you, you look mah-velous! :)
meowmeowmans recently posted…Happy Valentine’s Day!
Yow Texasya looked so handsum in yer suit n Lisbeth iz purrfect fer ya!!!
It was fun to dance wif ya n catch up…we shuud do diz more often….
Lub frum Nylablue =^,,^=
Sherri-Ellen T-D recently posted…“RED lettur” Valentine’z Furiday!!!!
Happy Valentine’s Day, Texas!
Sometimes, Cats Herd You recently posted…Ashton’s Valentine
Dear Texas, Thank you so much for the lovely flowers. I am over the moon at being able to accompany you to the Queen of Hearts Dance. I hope we get a lot of votes on our post as cutest couple. If I get a tunnel I can teleport to see you. We all miss you very much. Maybe you can get your mom to promise you at least one post a week. What an absolutely lovely day I have had. Happy Valentine’s Day. XO, Lisbeth and purrs and paw-pats from my sisfurs and brofur, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid and Calista Jo
Kitties Blue recently posted…QUEEN OF HEARTS DANCE WITH PRIZES
What fun! Happy furry V day!
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101.com) recently posted…CatDance Cat Love #Giveaway & Celebrity Q & A
Yous 2 is such a cute couple! Happy Valentines Day!
Penelope recently posted…It’s Here!!!
Happy Valentines’ Day Texas, to you and to efurryone at your house and to your Mama too! We will see you on the dance floor today! You and Lisbeth make a sweet couple :)
the critters in the cottage xo
LP recently posted…Valentine’s Day. Happy!
Happy Valentine’s Day ! Zorro was to the pawty with Calista Jo, it was great to see you on the dance floor ! Purrs
The Swiss Cats recently posted…Saint-Valentin
You’re such a romantic, Texas! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Whisppy recently posted…Tutu Tuesday
Too sweet. Hope you had fun! ♥
Enfin un peu de nouvelles…
Vous formez un très joli couple Lisbeth et toi Texas. J’espère que tu as passé une super soirée de Saint Valentin.
Moi je n’ai pas de Valentin, alors de suis restée à la maison. Mais c’est pas grave. J’ai beaucoup d’amour quand même.
Plein de ronrons.
Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Le “Mythe” de la caverne
you look so cute together:-)
Misaki recently posted…Pup Personality of 2014
Aww wonderful. Hope you had a great Valentine’s Day!
Coccolino recently posted…Celebrations all around
LOL, cute pics!
KatzTales recently posted…Guido: We’re Giving Stuff Away!
You two really made a nice couple and meow can you dance!
Saw your bloggie over at the 3 Moggies
Grrreat intermew
Timmy Tomcat recently posted…We deserve an Easy but!
Wow! I’m honored to know such a handsome couple. Did you have a great time at the ball?
georgettesullins recently posted…Returned as Rudolph
Gosh Texas, maybe you and I can make a date sometime and go to a ball together…I think we know each pretty well now…what do you think? Sorry to have been absent from you buddy…I will read back a couple of posts to check up on you and Kitshka and Milou…hopefully we will be back visiting more frequently. paw hugs, Savvy peeEss Jet’s Mom is still struggling with her illness
Savannah’s Paw Tracks recently posted…Friday Frolics…Sage Style
Those are some fine garments y’all have on!
Russel Ray Photos recently posted…SNIPPETS (5-13-14)