News About Following You & Bloglovin’ & My Comments Going to Spam

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Hiya everyone! How are you all doing?

Texas on the apartment bike | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Sorry to start this post with this invitation to follow me on Bloglovin’ but they require this for my human to link my Bloglovin’ profile to my bloggie.

As I mentioned before, we are switching following from email to Bloglovin’. Sadly, my human noticed too late that instead of asking WordPress not to send emails anymore (without unfollowing your blogs), she was unfollowing your blogs… Again though, I’ll keep following you from Bloglovin’ but I’m sorry my human made this mistake.

Also, I have been commenting again in your bloggies, and I don’t always see my comments appear, so it may be that because of my absence, they are going to your spam folders. Would you mind checking fur me? Thanks!

That’s all for today! I hope all y’all are doing fine. Me? Well, more outrageous news are to come about my human.

Texas | Texas, a cat in... Austin

18 thoughts on “News About Following You & Bloglovin’ & My Comments Going to Spam

  1. Bonjour.
    Beau chat, combien en as-tu ?
    Ici nous sommes 6 chats, à Lyon (France)
    A bientôt…..
    Au revoir.

    Google Translate
    Beautiful cat, how many do you have?
    Here we are 6 cats in Lyon (France)
    See you soon …..

    Commentaire parti dans les spams ?

    Comment out in spam?

    Dani – Les Chats du Bocage (blogspot)

  2. your comments are appearing on our blog (thank you!!) maybe because we are on Blogger?

    We use Bloglovin’ but NEVER, EVER go into our feed there because we also subscribe to everyone via email. I am praying that your emails will still continue to come or I might accidentally forget to visit!

    I LOVE following by email! xoxoxo
    Caren Gittleman recently posted…Cody is in the book:”Kittenish” by Gwen Cooper & Homer’s Heroes !!! #Kittenish #HomersHeroes #NepalQuakeMy Profile

  3. Don’t worry Texas your comments are coming through,we just have comment Moderation on,Mummy has Bloglovin but has found she had trouble using it so we never go into there,and your blog posts are coming through good too,xx Speedy
    speedyrabbit recently posted…Happy Fathers Day!My Profile

  4. dood…we haza lot oh trubull with thoze follow byez….even peepulz tryin ta follow uz never get post notizzez with thos follow byez buttonz…. ? may bee yur mom can leeve… e mail on…… til her noez it werkz for sure ??? ♥♥♥

  5. We checked our spam folder and you weren’t in there… but we had to rescue somekitty else who had fallen in, so thanks for reminding us to look! We follow you using Feedly. All of those emails were just too much for us, too.
    Sometimes Cats Herd You recently posted…Wand Toy 101My Profile

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