Dear Friends,
First, thank you SO MUCH for your support.
It’s with a heavy heart that I now have to announce that Milou has crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Thursday, October 20, just 11 days after Texas.
Milou had seen his health considerably worsen the past few months: he had lost a lot – a LOT – of weight, had newly discovered thyroid problems, and was diagnosed with kidney disease. His condition took a turn for the worse on that sad Thursday evening, as he could barely breathe, and we had to take the decision to stop the pain.
Milou was my husband’s kitty of 17 years. I had know him myself as long as I have known my husband. He loved to eat – and you could see that by just looking at him! He loved to play, and he loved to cuddle with his human. He loved to hiss at Texas too, although he had stopped doing this for a while, when his health started to show weakening signs. Milou was the last of our three French cats – Grouik, Texas, and Milou – that we had taken with us when we moved to America. He is of course very much missed.

Texas, Kitshka, and Milou – September 27, 2016
I wanted to take the time to answer each and everyone of you to thank you for your nice words and support, but getting back on the blog only reminded me that Texas wasn’t here anymore. I will get in touch soon though.
As for Kitshka, she is healthy but really seems lost. She’s staying next to us humans more than she used to, obviously asking for TLC. She was always closer to Texas, I think, than she was to us, but things are changing. She still appears to always be looking for something… probably Texas.
I am not sure what I want to do with the blog in the long term yet – or if Kitshka shows any appetency for blogging – but I’ll definitely pay tribute to Texas and Milou soon.
I wonder if Texas, Milou, and Grouik are giving French lessons to the other kitties across the Rainbow Bridge now…
Thank you all again for your support. It means a lot.
Carine, Texas’ human
Oh Carine, I am so very sorry! My furry babies that have crossed the bridge are leaning French… xxx
I’m so sorry… so much tears and so much good bye’s for you…. I bet they will give lessons, maybe the heavenly kitties need is as much as we do here on earth…
easy rider recently posted…easyblog SHELTER SATURDAY
Great sadness..
I am so sorry. Know that I am thinking of you and your husband. Sad for Kitshka, but so happy she has you both.
Oh Carine, I’m so sorry. So much loss in such a short time. My heart goes out to you.
Keep Kitshka close – so very sorry for all of you.
Animalcouriers recently posted…All the way to Greece with Cookie
Oh, I am so very sorry that you’ve suffered yet another loss – so closely following Texas. I hope you will consider encouraging Kitshka to blog. She has to be sad right now after losing both of her furry friends.
Prayers for all of you!
Je suis tellement désolée Carine.
C’est très compliqué de trouver les bons mots. C’est tellement dur de perdre deux chats en si peu de temps.
C’est vraiment un bout de coeur et d’âme qui meurt à chaque fois. Terrifiant.
Et je pense à Kitshka. Elle doit être totalement perdue. Peut être qu’un jour elle aura besoin d’un autre petit frère.
Je suis de tout coeur avec toi et avec ton mari aussi.
J’aime beaucoup cette idée de cours de français quelque part dans les étoiles.
Nat à Chat recently posted…Souris-lemming
Oh Carine… I am so sorry for you, losing Milou so soon after Texas. I’m sure Grouik, Texas and Milou found each other, wherever they are.
Wishing you much strength and sending hugs. You are in my thoughts.
Herman recently posted…Changing Colours
Too much loss in such a short time. Hugs and purrs from this house to yours.
Kate recently posted…Sassy cats — Preparing for the winter
We are so sorry to hear your sad news and know you will miss Milou very much and it is upsetting that Texas had not been well either for a long time. We are sending heartfelt purrs to you . Take care.
Carine I’m SO sad to hear about Milou……he sounds a lot like Sammy – same age and medical conditions. I’m sure he tried very hard to stay longer – especially since it was such a short time ago that Texas left for the Bridge. But I have no doubt that Milou, Grouik and Texas are absolutely loving that they are together again. The three angels are keeping watch over you and Kitschka and the rest of your family and I know your heart aches wishing you could just have one more hug. Sammy and I send our love.
Pam and Sammy
Sammy recently posted…Magic Bacon Time
Oh we are so sorry to hear such news,Texas and Milou,so very sad that so many anipals have crossed the rainbow bridge,much love to you all,xx Speedy and Mum Rachel
Carine, what a shock, so soon after . The old soul kitties are the hardest. They’ve seen us through lives ups and down or in your case from France, Our Merlin will gladly take French classes and he’s still blogging. Big hug xoxo
Layla Morgan Wilde recently posted…Cat Day Contest and Black Cats Tell All Book Cover
My heart goes out to you all and thinking of your babies at the Rainbow Bridge with my sweet shy Petie – perhaps they will befriend him. Your babies were two of the lucky ones – so loved ❤️❤️
We are very sad to hear this news! Hugs to you! xoxo
Carine, I am so sorry about Milou. Poor little Kitshka! She must be very sad without her brothers. My heart goes out to you. I am in a similar place – my Skootch is fading, I almost had him put down yesterday. I fear he will not last much longer.
I am sending you biggest hugs and purrs.
Ann Boyajian recently posted…Louie’s Gotcha Day
Oh, no! Such loss in such a short period of time. Sending lots of purrs of comfort to you and Kitshka, too.
I am so sorry for the loss of handsome Milou.
Ellen Pilch recently posted…Coloring on Saturday
Oh how sad to lose Malou so soon after Texas. We are so very sorry and send you a ton of comforting purrs and hugs. ~Wally, Ernie, Zoey and Mom Sue
The Island Cats recently posted…We Have A House Guest
Oh no, that’s so sad. We are so sorry for all the heartache you’re going through. We’re thinking of you and sending love, hugs and purrs your way.
So very sorry you have lost yet another beloved cat. Sending warm purrs of comfort from all our fur babies. You have three precious guardian angle cats wathcing over you now.
Milou loved a wonderfully long life and his years were filled with love and care. But to lose one so quickly on the heels of another is so hard. Carine, as with you, I am stil grieving Texas’ passing and only a year or two older than Savannah. I loved him so much. Warmest of hugs, Linda
Savannah’s Paw Tracks recently posted…Friday Memes Once Again!
I am very sorry for your loss. I too have lost a dear cat of 16 just yesterday. My deepest sympathy to you.
Oh no! I’m so sorry…my husband’s cat, Pyret, is also 17 and I have known her since he bottle-fed her as a tiny kitten. I am so dreading the day she leaves us…
Coco, Jake and Angel recently posted…Aby-a-Day – 4 June: “Snazzy” (Saturday Photo Hunt)
Carine, we are so sorry that Malou had to go to the Bridge, especially so soon after Texas. We bet Moosey and Sammy will sign up for your angel kitties’ French lessons.
Sending purrs and prayers for you, your husband, and of course Kitshka.
meowmeowmans recently posted…(Almost) Wordless Wednesday – Nashibee :)
Two losses, so close together — oh, I’m so very very sorry! I wish words could take away the pain. Thinking of you both ….
I am so sorry that Milou has gone to the Bridge, especially so soon after Texas. My thoughts are with you and your family, and with Kitshka who must be feeling very sad and confused.
Flynn recently posted…Eric’s Day Flashback – Wrasslin’
I am so very sorry for the loss of Milou. It is doubly heartbreaking right after sweet Texas. I know you heart is still reeling from that and to now have the loss of Milou only makes the sadness more intense. Keeping you in my prayers as well as your husband who I know must truly be devastated.
I’m sorry for your loss. Sending comforting thoughts.
Oh no! I’m so sorry you lost Milou so soon after Texas. :-( I’m sending all of you lots and lots of purrs.
Summer recently posted…National Cat Day Caturday
We’re so sad, so sad ! So much loss in so little time, we’re sorry. We send you comforting purrs.
The Swiss Cats recently posted…Bel automne
Godspeed your journey to heaven Milou: we know your family is devastated; losing one loved one is hard enough, losing two so close together is the worst. We send hugs, loves and our sincerest sympathy…..boomer, daisy, tuna, dude and sauce♥️♥️♥️
Quelle triste nouvelle et comme cela doit être une cruelle épreuve pour vous . Je suis désolée et je vous adresse toutes mes pensées attristées et vous souhaite beaucoup de courage
.Que vos 2 petits anges reposent en paix . Ils ont eu une vie de bonheur à vos côtés et ne seront jamais oubliés .
Plein de caresses à petite Kitshka , si seule maintenant.
je vous embrasse.
Sat here choking back tears once again as I read your news. Texas passing hit us all like a thunderbolt, now Milou. Fly free brave spirit of Milou and, please, pass on our condolences to your husband.
Losing Peanut (19.5) was tough for us, but we learned over time, that we had so many loving and lovely memories of her, and I hope you will treasure those of Milou.
Oh.. My.. I am so so sorry.. I completely missed that you lost Texas.. And now this, I can’t even imagine. My heart breaks for you.. Sending purrs of healing and condolence
Rest peacefully, Milou. Continuing to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Such horrible, heartbreaking news…that happened on my birthday too :( I am so deeply deeply sorry. That is so much to endure. I am always here if you need an ear or (((hugs)))
I am so sorry. I remember when I lost the last of my out of state cats after moving here. Your cats came from Paris and it feels as if the end of a special part of life, doesn’t it. They will always live in your memory and never be forgotten. A warm hug of comfort.
So very sorry you have lost yet another beloved cat. I am in a similar place – my Skootch is fading, I almost had him put down yesterday.
My Master says: “When one of our furry friends ‘goes’, it’s a part of our life that ‘goes’. Texas, Milou. I’m so sorry.”
Frimousse recently posted…RouXy, this Monday morning
I grieve with you. Even if we know that that dreadful day is just around the corner, it is always a shock to us when it finally arrives, isn’t it? And especially when there are two such lamentable losses within a short time. I can well understand that it will take you (quite) some time before you can write about Texas and Milou. With our Buster it took me a full two years. Time will soften our sadness, but we’ll always cherish the memories of our four-legged friends.
Take care,
We are so sorry to hear about Milou especially so soon after losing Texas.
Even though we did not know these sweet cats, we send comforting purrs
to you and your family. We know how painful it is to lose two so close together.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
We are so very sorry to hear about Milou passing and so soon after Texas. Sending comforting hugs and purrs.
With deepest condolences,
Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis
Je partage votre peine à tous. Tino et Bella vous font de doux ronrons de réconfort. Affectueuse pensées
So sorry and sad that Milou ran off to join Texas so soon. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Laila and Minchie recently posted…GO CUBS GO!!!
Nou ssommes vraiment désolés d’apprendre le départ de Milou, si vite après Texas, C’est tellement dur de perdre nos amis, quelque soit leur age. Nous vous envoyons plein de ronrons et nous espérons très fort que Kitshka reprendra vite gout à la vie, même sans ses amis.
Gros Ronrons,
Les Chans du Perche
The Poupounette Gang recently posted…Manly Monday
Oh I’m so sorry. I know exactly how you feel as we lost two of our four babies last month, also within 11 days of each other, Sept 9 and 20.
They may be gone, but will remain in our hearts forever! ?
I am grieved by your loss of Milou. My cat, Tungsten, had thyroid and kidney problems, too, but I think it was cancer that killed her. You were fortunate to have Milou for seventeen years, but we all know that an eternity with a beloved friend is never enough. Godspeed, Milou.
I am sorry that I didn’t know about Texas’s passing. It must be very hard to lose them both so closely together. Godspeed, Texas.
We are so very sorry to hear of this second loss. And Quill and the rest of us send our love and purrs to Kitshka and you too. Hope you can all comfort each other.
We are soooooooo sorry. And we’re sorry we’re just getting here. We’re sending lots of hugs and purrayers.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
Deziz World recently posted…Service Cats: The Life and Heart of Shad
I am so sorry for this terrible loss of Milou–especially so soon after Texas. My heart goes out to you and your family. What beautiful boys!!
We are so sorry for your loss. Purrs to you all.
We are so sorry to hear that also Milou has left for the Rainbowbridge, so soon after Texas. It’s heartbreaking news and we don’t know what to say, but send Soft Pawkisses to comfort you all <3 <3 <3
Little Binky and Granny recently posted…Clean Wordless Wednesday
For some reason we are thinking of you tonight and came by. We hope you were able to have a happy Christmas celebration and are looking forward to 2017. Life changes with the loss of just one furry and you lost two within a short time. We hope your hearts are healing and you are smiling when you remember Texas and Milou.