Thankful Thursday & Happy Halloween!

I have been a little off the Internet lately because the humans had to deal with serious stuff of their own that took them a lot of time and energy. I won’t give you any detail because my human would probably suspend all my accounts everywhere if I did but things seem to settle fine and they seemed happy yesterday so I am hoping I can get more time now and my human can focus on the important things in her life, starting with me!

This is why I am thankful today: good news for the humans and me attention ;-)

I apologize for not visiting regularly if at all. I’ll try to make amends.

Now today is Halloween! Kitshka and I are going to Misaki and Mollie‘s Halloween Ball!

I am going with the charming Lisbeth of The Cat on My Head. Lisbeth chose the costumes and her human did the picture of us. Thank you so much to both of you!!


I have the prettiest partner! You are pawsomely beautiful, sweet Lisbeth! Lisbeth is dressed as Catherine the Great. She is Lisbeth the Great!!

Kitshka is going with Bailey of Bailey Boat Cat.


Kitshka is dressed as a pumpkin and Bailey as a black kitty. My human wishes she had a little more time to work on their costumes and she hopes Kitshka and Bailey still had fun!

Finally, to wish you all a spooky, furry Halloween, here is a Halloween decoration my human encountered:


Nothing kitty is scary, if you ask me, but it makes for a nice decoration!

Happy Halloween everyone!

It’s another Caturday! Cat Mural in New York (Part 4), Monthly Kitty Links, and Halloween!

It’s another Caturday! Cat Mural in New York (Part 4), Monthly Kitty Links, and Halloween!

This is, for now, the last cat mural I will post. Next week I will show you other, real NYC kitties (I bet you will love the next series of posts!).

This mural is just across the street of the Whiskers Holistic Pet Care store I featured last week, and it is also a Chico mural.

This mural features humans and a kitty!

NYC Cat Mural | Texas, a cat in... Austin

NYC Cat Mural | Texas, a cat in... Austin

It’s been a long time since I have posted a Monthly Kitty Links post (last time was before we moved). So here is one with links going from June to September 20013!

A kitty defends her territory.

This kitty is working as a gatekeeper.

Don’t you want to pick up this kitten and give her a huge hug?

Out of ideas on how to nap? Check this.

Some Japanese Kitty Art.

A wild kitty… or is it a kitty in the wild?

If you haven’t “squeed” already today, go there now.

Band of brothers?

Say Hiya to Freddie Romeo!

Because it’s Caturday.

Life is better with a furriend!

Finally, you might have noticed that I have added a countdown to Halloween in the sidebar on the right. If you don’t know yet, Mollie & Misaki are hosting a Halloween ball! Would a beautiful ladycat be willing to come to the ball with me?

In the meantime, my human spotted this in Austin.

Halloween Decorations - Austin, TX | Texas, a cat in... Austin

This is not our vet. Apparently, the statues are always there, but they have been decorated for Halloween. Ain’t that cute?

Halloween Decorations - Austin, TX | Texas, a cat in... Austin

I hope you all have a great Caturday!

Silly, Silly Human

Can someone please tell me who invented Hug Your Cat Day?

Instead of working on our BlogPaws post, here is what my human did when she got back home.

Do I look like I want a hug?


Well, okay, she did give me a little bit of salmon after that. But still!


Laugh human, laugh. Ma vengeance sera terrible.

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day in the U.S.

As a French kitty, I was told by my French human that it was important not to forget that we were free today, because people, many of them American, fought and continue to fight for our freedom.

So we wanted to simply say thank you.

Memorial Day, France, United States, Texas Cat in New York

The picture used in this montage in honor of American soldiers was taken by my human on Memorial Day 2011, at the Suresnes American cemetery, near Paris.

Every year, the city hall of Suresnes, along with representatives of the American Battle Monuments Commission organize a special ceremony to honor American soldiers who fell on French territory, to say thank you and remember, and to renew the friendship between our two countries.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

So, we are late for our giveaway again. Everything’s here and ready but the human wanted to translate something from French to put on my bloggie and hasn’t already. Hmpf. So we will post it tomorrow.

Here is a snippet picture to make you come back tomorrow:

In the meantime, today is Cinco de Mayo! Happy Cinco de Mayo! We know this is a celebration of a Mexican victory against the French, but we really don’t care that much ;-)

And to prove it to you, I’ll have my favorite mojito again!

[If you can’t see the video on the blog, click here]

Have fun!

Happy Easter or Happy Happy!

Texas & Kitshka: The female human is preparing something in the kitchen

Texas & Kitshka: The female human is preparing something in the kitchen

Texas: What are you doing human?
Kitshka: Is there cream involved?

The human: Chocolate eggs
Texas & Kitshka: Ah…

We want to wish everyone who is celebrating a Happy Easter!

Texas: We want to wish everyone who is celebrating a
Happy Easter!

And to those who do not celebrate, we just wish them Happiness!

Texas: And to those who do not celebrate, we just wish them Happiness!
Kitshka: And cream cheese!

VBP Thursday on Friday and HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!

Because my human left us for three days in snowy New York to go to sunny California for something related to work, we’re a lot behind reading your posts and blogging again.

So, exceptionally, we will post our VBP post tomorrow (we do want to post the links to everyone who participated and it takes some time since we cannot do it automatically).

But today, we wanted to wish you a HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!
Enjoy the day with the humans and furriends you value and love!

Our Best Wishes for a Purrfect New Year 2013


2012 brought us many surprises, good and bad.
The sad part was that we lost Grouik. We still miss you lots, Grouik, especially Milou.
The good part was that we met many furriends, may I add furry and human. Our furriends were there to support us in the bad times, we tried our best to support them when they needed some purrs too. We are very lucky to have found you and we really – REALLY – appreciate you visiting my little blog. So THANK YOU!

For 2013, we wish you all that your heart desires and deserves, as well as lots of purrs, treats, and for the humans, some of our fur to make your black pants a little more sophisticated!

Before closing the 2012 page, we thought we would do a small retrospective (VBP) of some of our 2012 posts. We decided to show you those that got the most likes, one per month.

I started the year in January with a Yeats poem. In February, bed sharing had only just begun.


In March, bed sharing was in full swing.


In April, Milou was trying to steal my wind (no pun intended – please!).


In May, I demanded an explanation to Milou.


June brought fresh catnip.


July was a very sad month, because Grouik went to the Rainbow Bridge. So instead of linking to a post, I will link to his page.


August brought us Kitshka!


September was destroy-a-toy month for Kitshka.


October brought us cold weather. Brrrrrr.


In November, we purred for peace (still are of course).


In December, we kept ourselves warm and almost cozy!


Mademoiselle Kitshka’s Birthday, Boxing Day, and Thanks!

Mademoiselle Kitshka’s Birthday, Boxing Day, and Thanks!

Today, Mademoiselle Kitshka is 6 month old! Happy birthday, Kitshka!
Now that you’re almost not a kitten anymore, could you stop playing with my tail? What? No. Pfft. Okay.

Here are pictures of little K. striking a paws on (in?) one of our Christmas gifts!


Since today is Boxing Day, we didn’t want to miss it! We LOVE boxes! And that is part of the wonderfulness of Christmas: boxes left behind!
I know on this day we are supposed to give our humans a gift, but aren’t we, kitties, a year-long gift, really?


And last but not least, I would like to say thank you to Ann at Pawsitively Pets for making me a drummer kitty in her fabulous Anipal Tribute to the 12 Days of Christmas. Check it out, it is fantastic! Here’s little not-so-old me:

drummer texas

Thank you Ann!

Purrs to all!