News on Monday with Kitshka
You might have wondered what we’ve been up to?
No, we were not hiding! But the female human, who is our typist, had less interesting other things to do and wanted a small break. That’s too bad that she planned her posts on her blog, but not ours Texas’ if you ask me.
But where is Texas, I hear you think? He’s here, only he is not meowing to his human right now. Because of the bloggie thingie. Plus he hasn’t visited the Cat Scout blog since he registered. Talk to the paw, he gestured when the female human offered to post something here finally!
So I volunteered.
The human promised to help us post and visit more, but I don’t know if we can trust her. What do you think?
Oh I almost forgot! On Thursday, we will have a furry nice review of a furry nice product that is also helping shelter kitties. And there will be a giveaway! I hope to see you then =^.^=
Wordless Wednesday: Hiatus (We’ll Be Back Tomorrow)
Kitshka Friday: The Scoop Pillow
The other day, I found a new pillow on the couch. It had a sticker on it that said “litter scoop”). It was a scoop pillow!
I have to say it was not exactly comfortable, but just when I was starting to get used to it, it disappeared and I found it back near… our litter box! The sticker had disappeared though! How strange is that?!
Yes, this is our – Texas’ and mine – fur on the couch. We are working day and night to keep it not black. We work faster than the humans trying to clean the couch.
Are your humans using weird pillows too? And are they constantly taking your fur out of their your stuff?
Thankful Thursday & Happy Halloween!
I have been a little off the Internet lately because the humans had to deal with serious stuff of their own that took them a lot of time and energy. I won’t give you any detail because my human would probably suspend all my accounts everywhere if I did but things seem to settle fine and they seemed happy yesterday so I am hoping I can get more time now and my human can focus on the important things in her life, starting with me!
This is why I am thankful today: good news for the humans and me attention ;-)
I apologize for not visiting regularly if at all. I’ll try to make amends.
Now today is Halloween! Kitshka and I are going to Misaki and Mollie‘s Halloween Ball!
I am going with the charming Lisbeth of The Cat on My Head. Lisbeth chose the costumes and her human did the picture of us. Thank you so much to both of you!!
I have the prettiest partner! You are pawsomely beautiful, sweet Lisbeth! Lisbeth is dressed as Catherine the Great. She is Lisbeth the Great!!
Kitshka is going with Bailey of Bailey Boat Cat.
Kitshka is dressed as a pumpkin and Bailey as a black kitty. My human wishes she had a little more time to work on their costumes and she hopes Kitshka and Bailey still had fun!
Finally, to wish you all a spooky, furry Halloween, here is a Halloween decoration my human encountered:
Nothing kitty is scary, if you ask me, but it makes for a nice decoration!
Happy Halloween everyone!
Kitshka Friday: Dear TV
No no no! I meant Deer TV!
Tocks Outside the Tunnel Thursday: Who Did That?!
The other day I was entering my tunnel, the one I got for my Purrthday and… I smelled something weird…
Someone left pee mail in there!! Who dared pee in my tunnel?

It’s an eco-friendly way of messaging… why is he complaining?
Wordless Wednesday: Upside Down
Tocks Story, Cat Scouts, and the Halloween Ball
I’m taking a break from my Mondays are for Memories series.
Those of you who are furriends with me on Facebook know that I have been extra nice this weekend in order to lift my human’s spirits: cuddles, staying next to her, coming when she calls (well, that’s not often that I would do that!), purring all day…
All of this generally works pretty well. One thing I found out works well too in this kind of situation, is making the humans laugh. Have you tried?
I tried to play monorail cat, for example…
… but the couch was too big for my tocks!
Who said it was my tocks that were too big?!?
Anyway, I asked Kitshka to show her tocks to see if the problem was mine. Mademoiselle Fluff gave us a show!
So I relied on playing with her to distract the human (please, forgive the mess around, strangely cleaning the house is not necessarily a cheering activity for humans…)
The human laughed. Mission accomplished.
In other news, I have officially asked Lisbeth of The Cat on My Head to come with me to the Halloween Ball. But I am waiting for her answer.
I have also convinced my human to register me for the Cat Scouts. I have never received my confirmation email thanks to which I can complete my registration though. So I guess I’ll have to get my human to send them an email.
Maybe my human should cuddle with me now, while I am waiting for these two impawtant email?
Happy Tocktober everyone!
Kitshka Friday: Can We Make Easy Sunday Start on Friday?


Is that cream cheese?