New Year, New Meow

Not new me human, it’s still little old me, but a new meow because a new name and design for my blog!

Finally, human!

New Blog Design

I had announced this a while back. My human I finally decided on a name, and the design has been slightly changed, but there might be more design changes (that is if my human decides to work on it before another six months pass…).

What do you think?

I have also updated my Facebook page with the new name:

Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Promote Your Page Too

If you don’t already follow me… well you’re missing on plenty of cat stuff, so you should definitely make it a priority for 2016 to follow all my social media accounts.

I have also changed my Twitter handle. If you were already following me, you don’t need to do anything. If you weren’t, well, you need to follow me:

I’m also on Instagram:


And on Pinterest:

If I am not already following you on any of these social thingies, feel free to let me know and I will gladly follow you back!

Last but not least, my human also updated my About page and the one for my fur family. Last time she updated them was 2012! I think the humans would call this a Christmas miracle!

Now, I just need her to come back home.

Welcome to My New Home of the Internet!

Welcome to My New Home of the Internet!

Hiya everyone!

I hope you are all doing fine. Milou seems to be doing a bit better =^.^=

As I said on Sunday, I have a big piece of news to announce and this is that I now have my own domain! My assistant human was so frustrated by the limits the blog had, that she bought me a domain and a hosting place! Yeah!

Kitshka and I are super happy for our new place! Milou would like to know if that means more food is coming…

Now, don’t get us wrong: is a wonderful free tool and it served us well the past (almost) two years and we are thankful for it!
Time had come to get serious though.

So, what do you need to do?

If you have bookmarked my blog, or entered its URL (address) in a reader, you have to change this URL (address): The new address is

To keep on receiving my notifications by email, you need to subscribe again (sorry): enter your email address in the little box, on the top of the sidebar on your right. UPDATE: The furry nice people at WordPress have just notified me that they had successfully moved all my followers to my new blog. SO, if you were already following me, you should not have to subscribe again. You should receive my Wordless Wednesday post tomorrow without doing anything. Please do let me know if you don’t. A BIG thank you to WordPress!

The blog you used to know will stay for now, but it won’t be updated anymore. Pics of me and Kitshka and Milou will be here!

As you can see, the design of the blog is pretty much the same. For now. Changes are to come, but since this is a kitty blog, you know, we thought they should come gradually ;-)

I hope you’ll enjoy the new experience. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you encounter any technical problems!

I am going to take a nap and then visit your bloggies, while my human is working on my new blog!

Purrs y’all! And make yourself at home!

My Three Moggies Update

It seems like their site has crashed and is for now inaccessible :-(

Hope our furriends will be back online soon and that they have not lost everything like they said they might have in the comments of my previous post.

Gotta go backup my blog, methinks.

Purrs to Archie, Oscar and Henry and their humans!

UPDATE ON THE UPDATE: They are back with for now
