It’s another Caturday! Cat Mural in New York (Part 4), Monthly Kitty Links, and Halloween!

It’s another Caturday! Cat Mural in New York (Part 4), Monthly Kitty Links, and Halloween!

This is, for now, the last cat mural I will post. Next week I will show you other, real NYC kitties (I bet you will love the next series of posts!).

This mural is just across the street of the Whiskers Holistic Pet Care store I featured last week, and it is also a Chico mural.

This mural features humans and a kitty!

NYC Cat Mural | Texas, a cat in... Austin

NYC Cat Mural | Texas, a cat in... Austin

It’s been a long time since I have posted a Monthly Kitty Links post (last time was before we moved). So here is one with links going from June to September 20013!

A kitty defends her territory.

This kitty is working as a gatekeeper.

Don’t you want to pick up this kitten and give her a huge hug?

Out of ideas on how to nap? Check this.

Some Japanese Kitty Art.

A wild kitty… or is it a kitty in the wild?

If you haven’t “squeed” already today, go there now.

Band of brothers?

Say Hiya to Freddie Romeo!

Because it’s Caturday.

Life is better with a furriend!

Finally, you might have noticed that I have added a countdown to Halloween in the sidebar on the right. If you don’t know yet, Mollie & Misaki are hosting a Halloween ball! Would a beautiful ladycat be willing to come to the ball with me?

In the meantime, my human spotted this in Austin.

Halloween Decorations - Austin, TX | Texas, a cat in... Austin

This is not our vet. Apparently, the statues are always there, but they have been decorated for Halloween. Ain’t that cute?

Halloween Decorations - Austin, TX | Texas, a cat in... Austin

I hope you all have a great Caturday!

It’s (Still) Caturday! Cat Mural in New York (Part 3)

It’s (Still) Caturday! Cat Mural in New York (Part 3)

Today we are going to the East Village in New York, to a pet store, more precisely, to Whiskers Holistic Pet Care on 235 E 9th St, close to 2nd Ave. As for the other murals I posted, this one was made by Chico and features several animals.

[you can click on any pic to biggify]

Whiskers Holistic Pet Care | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Whiskers Holistic Pet Care | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Whiskers Holistic Pet Care | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Whiskers Holistic Pet Care | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Whiskers Holistic Pet Care | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Whiskers Holistic Pet Care | Texas, a cat in... Austin

If you look closely, you will see that some of the animals have probably crossed the Rainbow Bridge, since it is written “in loving memory.” And indeed:

Phil Klein, the co-owner of Whiskers, is happy to be one of them. Mr. Klein asked Mr. Garcia to paint a small mural of the pet shop’s logo in 2008. In the years since, a crack has developed on the wall’s face, forcing the city to remove it.

Mr. Klein can recall when he first saw Mr. Garcia’s work in 1991. “I used to pass by it every day,” he said. “It started to feel familiar. Now you can’t walk three blocks and not see a Chico.”

Three years ago, Mr. Klein asked Mr. Garcia to paint a mural based on the company logo, which depicts two of Mr. Klein’s favorite former pets.

For the latest project he wants three animals depicted. “I said, ‘Hey Chico, I need my dogs and cats in there, but for everything else, just do what you want,’” Mr. Klein recalled. ”You don’t want to tell a master too much of what to do.”

Earlier this week, Mr. Garcia was hard at work on the mural. Nearby, balanced on a saw horse, rest paint-dappled photos of three of the pets Mr. Klein wants featured in the mural. Two have passed on, but the third, a cat named Rachel, is still alive.

Ain’t that a lovely mural?

On a lighter note… Look! My human saw this poster in the window and thought it was Sammy! It does look like Sammy! Is that you Sammy?

Whiskers Holistic Pet Care | Texas, a cat in... Austin

It’s Caturday! Cat Mural in New York (Part 1)

It’s Caturday! Cat Mural in New York (Part 1)

Last week, I featured a pawsome cat mural in Paris, France, my hometown. But in New York, where we used to live a couple of months ago, there were pawsome cat murals too!

Here is one of my and my human’s favorites.

Cat Mural - Mama's Bar - East Village, NYC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Cat Mural - Mama's Bar - East Village, NYC | Texas, a cat in... Austin

It is a mural for Mama’s Bar at Avenue B & 3rd St, in the East Village. If you click on the link to the bar, you’ll see another mural with kitties. Obviously, they must like cats! My human has never been there though.

The one my human photographed is signed Chico Art NYC.

What do you think about this one?

It’s Caturday! Cat Mural in Paris, France

It’s Caturday! Cat Mural in Paris, France

These past few months, my human has had the opportunity to take pictures of several beautiful murals that represent cats. What better mural than a mural with one or several kitties on it?

She first saw a couple of them, completely by chance, in New York (that I will feature next week), then she looked for more. She found out that there was one huge and gorgeous in Paris in France, in my place of birth! But of course she was not in Paris, neither could she do the trip at the time. So I asked my human’s Mom if she would agree to go take a picture of it. She kindly agreed!

Here it is! Thank you so very much to Janina.

The mural is in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, at the corner of boulevard Vincent Auriol and rue Nationale. The artist is C215.

[Click on the pictures to biggify]

C215 Cat Street Art - Paris, France | Texas, a cat in... Austin

C215 Cat Street Art - Paris, France | Texas, a cat in... Austin

C215 Cat Street Art - Paris, France | Texas, a cat in... Austin

C215 Cat Street Art - Paris, France | Texas, a cat in... Austin

C215 Cat Street Art - Paris, France | Texas, a cat in... Austin