Despite the craziness that is our house these days, we want to take a moment to thank you all for coming to my Gotcha Day Pawty and to Kitshka’s Birthday Pawty.
I know! This was almost a month ago! But I just wanted to stress that we really appreciated, despite the silence!
My human (who is obviously at least partly responsible for the craziness), would also like to thank all of our readers who wished her a happy birthday (again almost a month ago) via my blog (she thanked those who posted wishes on her blog already – hmpf).
My furriend Easy had sent this pawsome card for her:

And I had ordered a gift for my human’s birthday. A gift I found at Mollie and Alfie‘s shop, here. Lovely cat earrings I paid for with my human’s paypal account kibbles for Alfie.
Well, my furriends added a lovely bracelet with it! I was very happy (because Kitshka played with and broke my gift to my human, a hairball bracelet!) and so was my human! She was very moved! She loves both the earrings and the bracelet!
Look at these!

THANK YOU VERY MUCH from the both of us!
Mollie and Alfie sell cat and doggie stuff (if you care for doggies!). Check their online shop when you have some time!
In other news, you might have seen that the humans have disassembled our cat tree and put it in a box yesterday? Well, Kitshka has a plan (again!). She has seized the male human’s tools and plans to re-assemble our tree during the night!

Does anyone by any chance has the assembly notice though?

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