I Am a Dinosaur Now. Roarrrrr!

Hiya everyone!

Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

(These are toys from Christmas that I haven’t been able to post about yet)

My human says she is sorry she has been so busy she could not help me with my blog (again) (she sounds like what humans call a broken record). She says she’s slept only 2 hours last night (humans are nuts). So?

Today is a special day. Today is my birthday and I turn 10! Kitshka told me I was a Senior now. Hmpft. Then, by email, my human told me the vet in NY had said I was a Senior when I turned 6. HMPFT.

Anyway, the good news is that rumor is my human is coming back for good in about a month (how many kibbles does that make?), so paws crossed. I’ll organize a big pawty when she’s back so you can all learn to know who I am again!

In the meantime, the male human bought me some special wet food that I really like.

Texas' 10th birthday meal | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Texas' 10th birthday meal | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Leftovers from Texas' 10th birthday meal | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

That was good! Can you tell what I like most? You can have the leftovers. No wait, Kitshka and Milou already took care of them. Sorry!


Chicken, Shrimp, and Nip

Thank you all so very much for coming to Milou’s pawty on Monday! Milou was very touched to see you all at his purrthday. I hope you had a good time, for we sure did!

The humans came back home with some more gifts for Milou: a nip mousie, that was not super successful so far (of course, Milou prefers my magic carrot!), and a wand toy with birdie and peacock feathers (my human wasn’t able to get any picture for this one).

As mentioned before, Milou has a special diet and it is extremely rare that the humans would give him anything else for fear it would cause him health problems. But for his purrthday, he was treated with one of my Almo Nature wet food of chicken and shrimps that he devoured in less than 2 minutes… and he didn’t leave any crumb behind. Kitshka checked.

[Click to biggify]

And then Milou went back to his favorite activity:

In other news, have you heard that a cat cafe is opening in Paris, France? My human and I are very excited about it, as you can guess!

Happy Birthday, Milou!

Happy Birthday, Milou!

Happy Purrthday, Milou! We can’t believe you are 14!

Look! Sammy sent you this cool card:


Thank you Sammy!

And then the human of Zoey the Cool Cat posted this video in the comments for you:

Thank you!

And look what Archie, Oscar, and Henry created:


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Today is your special day! And even though you keep on hissing at me all the time (like, ALL the time), I am wishing you many more years of happiness and what you do best, farniente!

Here are some pictures of Milou taken when we were still in New York. He’s a real hard worker!

Farniente: Milou chillaxing

Farniente: Milou chillaxing

Farniente: Milou chillaxing

Farniente: Milou chillaxing

So we Milou had the fountain and the box that came with it as gifts. My human was looking for something else (let it be a nip toy! let it be a nip toy!), that she couldn’t find at the local pet store, so there might be some surprises for tonight. I will keep you posted. And if you were wondering, there is still no nip in the metallic cat‘s arms BUT there is cat grass growing on the deck =^.^=

Without further ado, let’s pawty like there is no vacuum cleaner!

We’ve got fresh salmon and tuna! We’ve got all sort of raw fish!


We’ve got chicken breast and KFC fried chicken (Sparkle, we know you like them).



We’ve got nip cigars and nip pillows and wait…

I am granting each and everyone of you access to the toilet paper! Woohoo!

toilet paper


Happy Purrthday, Mademoiselle Kitshka!

Happy Purrthday, Mademoiselle Kitshka!

Thank you all very much for your wishes for my/my human’s Gotcha Day and for coming to my pawty and for visiting my bloggie! We are late on visiting again but we do our best to visit you every time we can!

Today we celebrate Kitshka’s first birthday! Are you ready?

Texas a Cat in New York; Texas; Kitshka; birthday

Kitshka: Smile, Texas, this is for my birthday
Texas: I think I had too many mojitos

Kitshka received some nice cards from Furriends. Sammy and Easy sent her these lovely cards:

Kitshka sends bisous to the both of you!

She had chicken & duck stew topped with freeze-dried shrimps and a Kitshka-size dollop of cream cheese (which she attacked first).

Texas a Cat in New York; Texas; Kitshka; birthday

It wasn’t easy for my human to take pictures because Little K is quick to eat anything in front of her.

Texas a Cat in New York; Texas; Kitshka; birthday

Texas a Cat in New York; Texas; Kitshka; birthday

Texas a Cat in New York; Texas; Kitshka; birthday

And if someone tries to steal her food, she has the situation in her paws…

Texas a Cat in New York; Texas; Kitshka; birthday

Texas a Cat in New York; Texas; Kitshka; birthday

Then came the gifts, with which she immediately started to play!

Can you tell she likes feathers? She likes her new snake too!

After all these adventures, our happy, one year old, Mademoiselle Kitshka is napping.

We are all so happy to have you in our family, Kitshka. Even if you are a little crazy, we all love you to bits =^.^=

This post has been turned to pink in honor of and to remember our Furriend Skeezix who has recently crossed the Bridge.

Kitshka Friday: Daydreaming in the Kitchen

Kitshka Friday: Daydreaming in the Kitchen

When the humans are in the kitchen, I like to be not too far from them…

Sometimes, little yummy noms fall on the floor and I catch them help the humans clean up.

Sometimes, the humans want me to clean their fingers too. I like to clean their fingers.

But the best moment in the kitchen is in the morning…

That’s when the humans get the cream cheese out of that white and cold closet behind me… Mmmmh… cream cheese…

Is it the white closet they’ve just opened?!?

Kitshka’s impawtant week

Kitshka will be 6 months the day after Christmas and the humans say it is time to get her “fixed.”
Huh?! I know Kitshka can be a little fury but not so much that you would want her “fixed.”

Then my human reminded me when they brought me to the V-E-T a long time ago, too. I sighed.

Kitshka is going to the V-E-T tomorrow. My human says she has to, although my human seems to be a little sad and nervous about it. Can I please ask that you send some purrs toward K. tomorrow?
She’ll be back home on Friday. My little K sister.

In the meantime, Kitshka is being herself alright. In fact, she is competing to become the naughtiest kitty of the year at our furriend Sammy’s place. Check it out, you can vote for the naughtiest kitty! Maybe Kitshka?

You see, my food is inaccessible to Milou because he has a special urinary diet, and so far was inaccessible to Kitshka too, because she, too, has her special (kitten) diet. She couldn’t reach my food.

Although she cannot jump to the top of this piece of furniture yet, she really wants to. Well, she wants to reach my food!

Clever little K quickly found out how to use the drawers’ ledge to climb her way to the top!

It took some time to my human to get the final close-ups, because she is quick! It also forced the humans to be extra creative and redecorate the drawers ;-)

What do you think? Naughty Kitshka? She’s not alone though! Go check at Sammy’s and vote!

What human? I was naughty too when I was a kitten? Meeeee?! Nah! That’s different: your wallpaper was ugly, I was helping you redecorate!

Monitoring the kitchen and humans food tastes

We all know that humans can make some strange food choices. While some good humans would prepare yummy food like the Greenies humans, some humans eat citrus and oranges and these smelly stuff that have no interest. My human also loves chocolate. Chocolate! But we kitties cannot eat chocolate!

Granted, my human did try and bake for us. Sometimes it was good. Sometimes it was so-so.

But sometimes, when humans bake for themselves, it’s plain meh!

The past weekend, my human decided to bake what she calls a Tiramisu Buche. We didn’t know what it was so we decided to investigate.

Well, guess what? Not only did we not taste what mascarpone was – although it did look like something quite good – but she sprinkled the buche with… yes, you guessed it! Some kind of chocolate powder! Oh, the humanity!

I mean, look at this!! Doesn’t it look plain meh?

So, when she tried to take a picture of us from above, well, she got what she deserved:

You can click on each picture to biggify them or use the slideshow below by clicking on any of the pics!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks:
=^.^= to our humans, when they deserve it
=^.^= to the humans who produce the Greenies
=^.^= to our furriends for visiting our bloggies and for writing bloggies, too

It is also a time when humans give thanks (that’s when we have to be careful because they tend to give extra cuddles and kisses).

And of course, it is a time to relax with our family…

…and to enjoy a lavish (VBP) meal!

From our family to yours: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

I wanna be a tester! I wanna be a tester!

But the center is in France :-/

450 cats and 200 dogs are in a full board hotel in Elven. Twelve years ago, the company Diana Pet Food set up one of the biggest testing centers for pets in the world there, in order to assess what food they like best. Kibbles and pâtées makers love it.

According to the article, cats live the good life in this place similar to a “3-star hotel” and can choose the food they prefer.

That’s exactly the goal of this “3-star hotel” for dogs and cats, based in Elven (Morbihan, France) . . . . to test the attraction of the pets to the ingredients that Diana Pet Food prepares in order to go with kibbles and pâtées. Powders or potions, “made with natural ingredients,” that the company will sell to Purina, Mars Royal Canin, or retailer groups brands…, the biggest names in animal food. “We hold 55% of the global market of appetence factors,” explains Jean-Pierre Rivery, Diana Pet Food’s President.

Apparently, there are 200 dogs and 450 cats living there. It is kind of like human homes only with a lot more food options.

What bothers me a little is that dogs and cats come very young from breeders and “work’ there only for a period of 4 to 5 years. Then they are “given for adoption.” But we all know that adult cats (and dogs I guess?) are less wanted when they are already adults…

They also say that the food has to smell good to… humans!

In Elven, humans give their opinion. “We must give satisfaction to the animal and the smell must please their owner” [sic!] analyzes Isabelle Guiller, R&D Director. “If it smells bad he [the human] won’t buy it again.” But owners [geez!] are received in white, sterile cubicles. For in Elven, the VIP room is for [pets].

There’s a video in the article. It’s in French but you can see a little bit the testing center.

So what do you think?

A children’s book for furry and human friends alike

I bet my human is going to rush to the store to check it out. I’m talking about Ms Reich’s children book, “Minette’s Feast: The Delicious Story of Julia Child and her Cat”

The story, she said, should delight not just kids, but foodies, cat lovers, Child fans and Francophiles.

“Minette’s Feast: The Delicious Story of Julia Child and her Cat,” was released May 1 by Abrams and tells the story of Child’s first cat she adopted when she lived in Paris in 1948 with her husband, Paul. At the time, Child was learning to cook and the couple lived in an old apartment near the Seine.

I have lived in Paris too! Oui Madame !

Reich explained that as Child was learning to cook, she would often give Minette the leftovers. Her apartment, she added, also had mice in the walls.

“The crux of the story is about the cat preferring the mice to anything Julia Child cooks,” Reich said.

This reminds me something

Gotta tell my human to buy it. Also you can check the author’s website.