A Green Cat Treat (Kind Of): Human Sunday Silliness

The day before yesterday, I was reading a post at Catsparella’s about German cat’s tongues and you might remember that my human once made some that I posted about on my bloggie, and it reminded me of something!

With the move, I forgot to share about my human’s silliness. My human is a little bit silly sometimes. I have to agree with the male human that she does try some weird stuff in terms of food. Wonder what I’m talking about? No, I’m not talking snails or crickets, I’m talking green stuff. Like green cake. She claims it’s Matcha tea and that it is both good and healthy. I thought it was nip! It is not!!!

When we lived in New York, she used to shop at H-Mart, a Korean grocery chain, a supermarket rich in Matcha tea things of all sorts.

All sorts.

And my human, the silly silly one, she has to try them. Regardless, too, of the name on top of the, er, food. Please forgive me my furriends but am I the only one here that thinks there is something wrong with that name?!

Couque D'Asses Langues de Chat | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Couque D'Asses Langues de Chat | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Couque D'Asses Langues de Chat | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Human: But Texas, I bought this because it was also written “langue de chat cookies”, or cat’s tongues…

Texas: Human! Does this look like cat’s tongues to you?!?

Couque D'Asses Langues de Chat | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Couque D'Asses Langues de Chat | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Couque D'Asses Langues de Chat | Texas, a cat in... Austin

I did some research on the Internet and found the following. OMC!

To a Japanese processed food company, what is more exotic than English lettering for their packaging? One company, Sanritsu, one-upped the industry by mixing French and English together. Flench and Engrish. Flengrish. But there are dangers of utilizing Flengrish. That’s what I thought when, at my local Japanese market, I happened upon a box of couque d’asses.

Someone literate in both French and English would notice that the box contains cookies of asses. Ass cookies. And the experience is enhanced by the subtitle of “langue de chat cookies and chocolate,” or cat’s tongue cookies and chocolate. I just kept thinking of all the places of a cat’s anatomy that can be reached by his tongue, and from which area a chocolate-colored cookie might appear during an intense self-cleaning session.

She claims the cookies were not bad but with little interest. She thinks the male human and I have not seen her throw the rest of the cookies away after I found the post above.

Silly silly human. I might as well start a Silly Sunday series.

Happy Gotcha Day to me my human!

First things first: I want to wish a very Happy Purrthday to the beautiful Sparkle!

It so happens that today is also Cat World Domination Day (like everyday, but today a little more!), so remember to visit Sparkle on these two impawtant occasions!

This is also Jewel’s purrthday. Please join the pawty at Fur Everywhere! Happy Purrthday, Jewel!

This is also Derry’s purrthday, at Fuzzy Tales. Likewise, please join the pawty! Happy Purrthday, Derry!

Now, I am sure you are wondering: “why this strange title?” Well, today is the day my human saw me for the first time 7 years ago and decided to adopt me. But on this Cat World Domination Day, I want to be honest…

***suspenseful music ***

We kitties all know too well that whenever we get the chance, we really are the ones choosing our humans. So today is really our day, or the day I got my human ;-)

Like I was writing yesterday, I trained her all these years to be a good human: play time, nap time, cuddle time, not-too-much-tango time, treat time, etc… But today, for my Gotcha Day cake, she made a mistake. Can you spot what is missing in this chicken-salmon stew topped with a piece of fresh salmon and rabbit treats?

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; chicken stew; treats; catnip

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; chicken stew; treats; catnip

You got it: nip! I had to wait for her to sprinkle some before I could eat.

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; chicken stew; treats; catnip

Thankfully, she put some on my favorite carrot later too and there is plenty of stew AND nip to share with all of you! Mmmmmh! Yummy!

[Click on any picture to biggify]

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; chicken stew; treats; catnip

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; chicken stew; treats; catnip

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; chicken stew; treats; catnip

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; chicken stew; treats; catnip

And that’s not all! She made some cupcakes to my glory.

Well, the kitties don’t exactly look like me even though they’re obviously ginger cats (I have a PINK nose, human, remember, this little pink nose you love so much and also my beautiful whiskers are white) but that’s a first try, so she has to work on it. And of course, your humans can have one!

[Click on any picture to biggify]

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; cupcakes; cat cupcakes

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; cupcakes; cat cupcakes

Texas a Cat in New York; Gotcha Day; cupcakes; cat cupcakes

My human will post how she made them on her blog, so I’ll update this post later today, if you are interested.
UPDATE: here is what my human used.

In the meantime, let’s pawty!

VBP Thursday: A few days in the life of me

VBP Thursday: A few days in the life of me

[Still not sure what VBP is? Check here.]

Posts on my bloggie have been sparse (VBP) again; visiting my furriends’ bloggies has been barely possible. Truth is some things happened in the past 2 weeks that I want to tell you about.

About two weeks ago, on a Saturday morning, I regurgitated (VBP) my food twice or thrice (VBP). My human thought I might have caught a bug (!) or something and rushed me to the vet. Truth is my stomach and I were upset because an evil suitcase had appeared.

Anyway, the visit to the vet was quite a thing. The nice vet had a new assistant which I decided I didn’t like (remember there was the suitcase in my human’s bedroom). So I was not really nice. But I had nothing to do there! I wanted to go home and I wanted the suitcase to disappear!

The vet gave me some fluids and sent me home asking the humans… kitties, hold on to your scratching post… asking the humans not to give me food for 24 hours! 24 HOURS!! I thought I would starve! And I almost did.

The day after, on Sunday, the human gave me my first food in 24 hours of forced starvation… and she took her suitcase and left for 3 days to sunny California, the home of some of my furriends (Sparkle, Savvy, Spitty…) without asking if I wanted to come or send a message for them.

The human: Texas, I went there for work, I was in a delimited area in south Los Angeles, and I didn’t have much time even for myself!

Don’t bother reading the human’s excuses. Excuses, always excuses.

Then she came back on Wednesday morning, very early. I was very happy! Not an hour passed, she caught me, put me in my carrier and took me to a photo shoot!

The human: Texas, it was the Westchester Magazine photo shoot, remember? You asked your furriends to vote for you, and they did, and you were selected.
Texas: And because you have no time for me, I wasn’t yet able to tell them!
The human: We are telling them now.
Texas: Pfft. Back of disrespect. AND airplane ears (I think you like airplanes, don’t you?).

Anyway, it was kind of a dark place with some very bright spots, with HUGE lamps. It was kind of scary. And there were TWO pawpawrazzi! It lasted about 10 hours [The human: less than one actually], and there were dozens of dogs to force me to comply [The human: the next animal to be photographed was a dog, and arrived about 10 minutes before we left].

The human: Am I complaining that they took a picture of the two of us while I was just “fresh” out of the plane, which means not really ready for a photo shoot?
Texas: Who cares? I’m the star, am I not?
The human: You did behave like a little star, yes ;-) I couldn’t even take pictures of the photo shoot to show your furriends, because I had to run after you all the time. Not to mention the photograph had to take pics of you lying on the floor because you were hiding under the couch!
Texas: Hmpf.

I want to seize (VBP) this opportunity to thank again all my furriends who voted for me in the Westchester Magazine Pet of the Year Contest. I am one of the ten pets of the year and I will be featured in the March or April issue! More on this as soon as I have more news.

Here are last week’s pawticipants. As always, click on the bluey badge at the bottom of this post to enter your link for this week. And don’t forget to grab the badge! Thanks to everyone!

We had three links this past week from bloggies that entered their URL but did not pawticipate (we could not find any reference to VBP in any post). It would be unfair to pawticipants to post the links of bloggers who do not do a VBP post. So, if you don’t see the link to your blog, yet have entered one, you can post the link to your VBP post in the comments. If we have missed it, we will add it. Thank you for your furry understanding =^.^=
If you have any question regarding VBP, you can check the simple rules here and don’t hesitate to leave your questions in the comments!


<a href="http://texascatny.wordpress.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://texascatny.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/vbt-badge-v2-texas_150.jpg" border="0" height="150" width="182"></a>

Amy@ Training Toby

@Training Toby

da tabbies @da tabbies of trout towne

da tabbies @da tabbies of trout towne

Ann @Zoolatry


Gizmo @Terrier Torrent

Gizmo @Terrier Torrent

Easy @EasyRider


Ann @Pawsitively Pets

Ann @Pawsitively Pets

Jet @Hey It's Jet Here

@Hey It’s Jet Here

Savvy @Savannah's Paw Tracks

Savvy @Savannah’s Paw Tracks

Texas @Texas, a cat in NY

@Texas, a cat in NY

We’re threatening to strike

Alright furriends, I am so not pleased with my human and her not giving me time to 1) post on my blog, 2) visit all my furriends’ bloggies (I tried this but didn’t manage to visit all of you yet – sorry).

Sooooo, being a French kitty, I’m threatening to STRIKE: no more purrs, no more letting my human pet me if we are not back by THIS Friday (and have additional dried tuna treats everyday and tuna juice twice a week)! You hear me human? Of course I will train Kitshka in the art of French strike.

Kitshka has started making banners out of Christmas gift paper she found behind a closet, hidden (!). Agreed, she needs a little more practice.

Today, we have planned a sit-in in front of the desk.

Oh and human, we KNOW where the Greenies are. So Friday is the lastest limit.

[My human was scared enough about the no-purring threat that she helped me post this one, so Kitshka and I have high hopes]

Getting your human’s attention: when too much is too much

Remember a couple of days ago when I explained how to get your human’s attention when your human was reading in bed? Well, it looks like I got a little too much attention. She decided she wanted some snuggling time instead of reading!

Seriously, what’s with the snuggles and kisses?! I just need to play and get some tuna!

Human! What are all the Ladycats reading my blog going to think now?! I’m a grown Mancat for Ceiling Cat sake!

Mondays are for memories: human into blue water

Have you ever wondered why humans sometimes do some weird things like eating citrus, or throwing away bags and boxes?

Well, one day, back in the nice apartment with the round stairs in France, I caught my human barefoot with blue water in the tube! What was she doing in there? I’ll never know! Do you have any idea?

(these pics were taken by my human with her phone so their quality is not very good but I like them anyway)

Cats are not dolls

On the Internet, I came across many horror stories about humans dressing their cats as if they were humans or worse, some kind of dolls. The trend seems to be to put so-called hats on the heads of furry friends, stuff like that:

That’s enough! We are not dolls!

My human never tried that. She knows better and cares about her hands and arms! But I also know that she understand I am not her toy.
If my human ever tries to put a “hat” on me, that’s not her arm she is going to lose.

I have to ask the question: do you really think your furriend enjoys and feels comfortable wearing this? Or is it the human who really likes it and who wants some funny photo shoots?

Then I saw this. At first, I was happy for Iemon and thought he could be proud:

Meet Iemon (Ee-eh-mon), Japan’s first police cat, an abandoned stray who unofficially joined the force at the tender age of two weeks. He now spends much of his time atop the service counter at Yoro Station, adding a kinder, gentler, dare we say “human” touch to the local cop shop.

And then…

For the most part, Iemon’s function appears to be skewed more towards public relations than private detectives. He enjoys visits from children and looks reasonably impressive in his custom-made policeman’s uniform topped with a cap bearing a paw-print badge. Those with felonious intent should not take this feline lightly, though, as he hasn’t been de-clawed and has a low tolerance for jailbirds.

How do you want Iemon to be taken seriously while looking like that?

Hopefully the humans won’t come complaining that we bite and scratch after they do this to us. Next time maybe they’ll think before trying to dress us. We will get our revenge, anyway.