The Now Bi-Annual Update

Dear Furriends,

I hope you are all doing fine. As you can notice, my human now seems unable to help me update my bloggie more than every 6 months or so. I’m thinking about starting a cat blogger union against such practices, what do you think?

In the meantime, I started a sit-in to force my human to work on my next post. Looks like this is working so far. Not sure how long I can keep her in one place though.

Sit-in on my human's lap | Texas, a Cat in... Austin

Otherwise, we’ve been keeping busy… me finding new comfy places to relax (does this pic make my tail look long?!)

Chillaxing in the sun | Texas, a Cat in... Austin

…Kitshka daydreaming…

Kitshka is daydreaming | Texas, a Cat in... Austin

…and Milou being Milou too! (He still hisses when he sees me. My new policy is to slap him from time to time)

Milou bookcased | Texas, a Cat in... Austin

What have you been up to?

Kitshka Got Herself What? A Tattoo?

Kitshka Got Herself What? A Tattoo?

See, this is what happens when the male human is in charge!

What? Er, yes I do want my daily treats, male human, why? Oh! No, of course I didn’t really mean that. **Purrs**

Kitshka and her sticker | Texas, a cat in Austin

Kitshka and her sticker | Texas, a cat in Austin

Kitshka and her sticker | Texas, a cat in Austin

Thanks Ceiling Cat! It is just a sticker! She managed to put it on herself alone. No seriously, no human involved!

What do y’all think? Is this proper for a Lady Cat to wear a sticker?

News From Us + Outrageous News About My Human

News From Us + Outrageous News About My Human

My Dear Furriends,

I am so terribly sorry that it has been almost 6 months now since I have posted anything here. We are all doing fine (as you can see below – can you spot Kitshka?), and I hope all of you reading this are.

Texas, Milou, and Kitshka | Texas, a cat in Austin

I know we have lost Furriends the past six months and I was terribly sad to learn the news. Yes because, from time to time, my human would go online with me, so we saw and we cried.

In other news, my human has proved to be clearly not able to handle a kitty of my stature. She is obsessed with her work – and happy about it! – and has little time for my bloggie.

Granted, she still took good care of us and played and gave treats and let me sit on the books she was reading (most of the time anyway). That’s until the end of August, when she abandoned us.

The human: Er, Texas, I did not abandon you. You three are in good hands with Milou’s human. I’m in the DC area for a temporary job. I will be back.

Yeah whatever. The male human refuses to type my blog posts. Now we have to Skype for me to meow my blog posts to you!

Texas on Skype | Texas, a cat in Austin

The human: That’s better than nothing at all, isn’t it?

The nerve. Yeah, but I don’t like Skype. How can you get into that box? It scares me a little.
Plus I bet you’re gonna miss me like crazy…

The human: I am missing you like crazy.

…and then you’re gonna do some stupid thing like, like… going to a shelter and adopt another cat!

The human: Hmmm, okay. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I can’t because I live in a house where there’s a little dog.

What? You live with a doggie?! No offense my doggie Furriends, but I feel offended. You left me for a doggie?!

The human: No! I…

That’s enough! I think I should get my old job I had in France, when I was a humanologist. I have to think about that. When can we visit my Furriends?

The human: Well, we’ll try to do it has much as possible but it won’t be possible everyday like before.

Hmpf. Okay. I don’t have a choice anyway. Alright, let’s prepare a couple of blog posts then. Although I bet everyone forgot about me and my bloggie in six months. All because of you!

Oh Pfft! But I Don’t Need a Blogcation!

Oh Pfft! But I Don’t Need a Blogcation!

I am back only for a little while… My human has put my bloggie on forced blogcation.

Here’s what we think about this:

Milou, Kitshka & Texas | Texas, a cat in... Austin

She has started a new job on which she wants to “focus.” She even stopped her own blog! I thought “Yeah! She’s gonna have more time for more impawtant stuff like… MY bloggie!” Pfft. Well no.

We will be on blogcation at least until next weekend. I am sorry I won’t be able to visit until this coming weekend either.

Kitshka isn’t exactly pleased with that either, I must meow. In fact, she is devastated:

Kitshka | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Before my human is shutting the laptop on my paws (Human: “I would never do that, Texas!”), I want to thank Angel, Isabella and their human at BeadedTail. I won Tidy Cats coupons on their bloggie – thank you so much!

I also want to thank Judy & C.A.T.S for sending me a furry nice message to make sure we were doing fine. (I do hope my human did not make me miss other impawtant messages.) Thank you so furry much! We are doing fine, but my human is just giving too much impawtance to this work thingie!

Thank you for your patience! Sending purrs to everyone!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Happy Meow Year! | Texas, a cat in... Austin

The New Year is here and my human is already late. Can I have a change of human for 2014?!

Don’t look at me like that human, it’s your fault!

Anyway, we want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! For many reasons and for many people, we know that 2013 wasn’t a very good year. We lost many, many, too many furriends in 2013. So I wish for all of you that 2014 will bring happiness, purrs, health, nip, all that you expect and much much more!

In 2014, we hope to pursue all of the following activities:


Texas napping | Texas, a cat in... Austin


Texas in the cube | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Making new Furriends

Texas and Kitshka meeting a new furriend | Texas, a cat in... Austin


Kitshka napping next to Texas | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitshka napping | Texas, a cat in... Austin


Kitshka playing in the cube | Texas, a cat in... Austin


Texas sunbathing | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Butt warming

Kitshka in front of the fireplace | Texas, a cat in... Austin


Milou hiding | Texas, a cat in... Austin


Milou napping on his human | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Roaring (when necessary)

Texas roaring | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Ignoring the humans

Grumpy Texas | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Getting the humans’ attention

Texas goofing around in the stairs | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Being gorgeous

Kitshka | Texas, a cat in... Austin

What are you planning to do in 2014?

Thankful Thursday: Furriends, Boxing Day, and Awards

Thankful Thursday: Furriends, Boxing Day, and Awards

This is a period to have hopes (of what Santa is going to bring to you)…

Waiting for Santa Claws | Texas, a cat in... Austin

…to have fun – this is Boxing Day!…

Boxing Day | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Boxing Day 2013 | Texas, a cat in... Austin

…and to be thankful and to make resolutions.

I am really thankful for the readers of my blog: that’s you! I thank you for taking the time to stop by, read, like and/or comment on our posts. My human knows too well that time is a rat precious and never allows for humans to do everything they want to do. You are there for us when we laugh at our humans, when we need purrs, to share showcase treats. All of you, I consider my Furriends!

I also received many awards that I have not officially accepted yet (but I am about to). As a way to say thank you to my Furriends, I have created a brand new award that I am introducing today. The “Share the Love, Share the Box” Award (on Boxing Day, ain’t that appropriate?) is a way to say thank you on this special day of December 26. I want to keep the rules simple so without further ado…

Share the Love, Share the Box Award | Texas, a cat in... Austin

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you for the award, and link to his/her blog
2. Post the award on your blog
3. Share the award with five bloggers and let them know!
4. Go find a box and have fun with it (optional but highly recommended!)

My five nominees are:
– Nissy of Nerissa’s Life
– Binky of Angelswhisper2011
– Hisia of Bleue comme Aby
– Sammy of One spoiled cat
– Sparkle of Sparkle the designer cat

It was really really difficult to give it to just five bloggers, but I hope the award will be shared, so all of those I wanted to share a box with will eventually get one!

I received other awards that I want to accept too.

Nerissa nominated me for one of his own awards, the Friends and Followers Award.

Friends and Followers Award | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Thank you so very much, Nissy! The rules are very simple.

1. Firstly, you need to post the award on your blog.

2. Secondly, you need to thank the blogger givin’ it to you and, if you don’t already, follow them. You can follow by e-mail or feed or a reader or any other method available. That even includes just checkin’ in with them every day or so if they don’t have any kind of followin’ method set up.

3. Thirdly, you need to pass along the FRIENDS & FOLLOWERS award to a few readers whom you know already follow you.
I know the award has already circulated so my apologies if you already received it. My nominees are:
– Binky of Angelswhisper2011
– Eirwena of Journal d’un chat : les aventures d’Eirwena
– Kjelle Bus of Charlie Rascal’s Destinies and Adventures
– Quill and Greyson of Housecat Confidential
– Flynn of Eric and Flynn’s Adventures

4. And fourthly – which is also lastly – you need to let ’em know. Let the bloggers to whom you’ve given the award know you did so.
Will do as soon as the post is published!

Franny’s Feline Film Forum has nominated me in November for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award. I already have it but I want to thank you so much for thinking of me!!

Magdalena Vandenberg nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I already have it too but I also want to thank you for thinking of me!!

There are others but I want to make a separate post because this one is already long enough.

Thank you all so much! I hope you enjoy plenty of boxes every day of the new year to come!

Merry Christmas Y’All!

All my Dear Furriends, furry ones and humans,

Sorry for the long silence. Milou is doing better but my human caught a huge cold and she was doing nothing (except saying she was turning into a cat because she spent much time sleeping – she wished!). We know your purrs and purrayers and thoughts helped Milou a lot and we can never say how much we are thankful.

We are thinking of all of you while we are getting ready for Christmas. In our house, “all is calm, all is bright”…

Merry Christmas! | Texas, a Cat in... Austin

Merry Christmas! | Texas, a Cat in... Austin

Well, except for the kid in the house, and that would be Mademoiselle Kitshka!


[We will be back on Thursday for, we hope, more regular blogging and visiting]