Here it is: November.
Not that I really care, I’m a kitty, but that means it’s time for a new monthly kitty links post!
I don’t have many this month, because my human didn’t spend much time reading blogs.
Let’s go!
Do you need a hug? Here!
It looks like this doggie will not share with the kitty!
Exit the cronut, time for the cat donut!
That’s all the links I have for today!

I want to share a funny thing that my human saw the other day at her HEB supermarket. Please don’t show it to Kitshka, or she might get some ideas in her little cutie head!
The little doggie in front was walking and carrying the little brown doggie in the back. How cute is that?

Finally, I thought I would share two of our October Instagram pictures! I am so happy that I already have +300 furriends on Instagram. You can follow me here =^.^=
Happy Caturday everyone!