Hiya everyone!
Today is Milou’s birthday! Or so I’ve decided.
You see, we don’t know exactly when Milou was born.
A little history (my half-brother Milou is old…):
Milou was adopted at some point in late summer, according to my human’s husband. My human’s husband doesn’t remember when exactly (have you noticed furriends how female humans are better at remembering dates, especially birthdays and stuff like that, than male humans?) and since he didn’t know my human at the time, well, my human cannot remember for the rest of us!
To keep Milou’s story of adoption short, my human’s husband adopted him when it was clear that the woman who had first adopted Milou because he was a cute kitten had realized that adopting a cute kitten implied responsibilities other than just, well, watching the cute kitten. So my human’s husband and Grouik welcomed him in their (Grouik’s) home. It was about 13 years ago.
Grouik quickly became protective of Milou and they have lived together for 13 years.
Milou has had many health issues during his life, including one instance of trying to catch a leprechaun in Ireland and falling from the fifth floor of the human’s apartment building. Thank Ceiling Cat the always-wet grass of Ireland (It was often raining – my human’s words) and Milou’s fat (the vet’s words) saved his life and left him with a minor injury at one of his hind legs.
Anyway, to keep a long story short, on top of his health problems (like a special urinary diet, among other stuff), I think Milou is missing Grouik still. Okay, he’s not always been very nice to me, but he’s about okay with the brat little sister and he is old(er) now.
Soooooo, I’ve decided that today would be his day, September 16. Milou’s Day.
Will you celebrate with me and wish Milou a Happy Milou’s Day?
Here are some funny pictures of my half-brother Milou!

Milou in our cat tree

Milou and I training for the couch-a-thon

Milou using my human’s backpack as a bed

Milou exercising

Milou napping on his human’s leg