Kitshka Friday: We Want the Sun Back!

Kitshka Friday: We Want the Sun Back!

Hiya everyone!

Before I tell you what beautiful me is doing, I want to remind you that we have a giveaway for 2 Shelter Cat Dolls from Dream Pillow. Here they are:

Dream Pillow

Follow the link to yesterday’s post (by clicking on the image above) to discover what you have to do.

This is not a giveaway for catnip sticks, kitties (it seems some of you misunderstood. Easy on nip, kitties!). It is a giveaway for these 2 shelter cat dolls.

So, what have you been up to lately?

Today is a crappy day where we live.

Milou is at the vet again for, er, constipation issues. Nothing serious but I bet he is a bit tired of going to the vet regularly because of this (and surprisingly, we don’t get any reward cards for free treats for going to the vet regularly like the humans have in their stores! I think that is not fair!).

It’s been raining, and there is a LOT of wind outside, and it’s in the 30s (that’s a temperature of around 4C for our European furriends), which means nothing to see on TV that is much interesting. So we’ve been busy doing nothing Texas and I.

Texas, busy doing nothing | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitshka, busy doing nothing | Texas, a cat in... Austin

I found an abandoned blankie that is quite comfy on the couch. I made it mine, since it had been abandoned. Now if only the human could stop taking pictures. That’s the problem with rainy days: not only is there nothing on Bird TV, but the humans can’t go out to take pictures so guess who is being photographed?

Kitshka, busy doing nothing | Texas, a cat in... Austin

What are your favorite activities when the weather is that bad and the humans can’t stop bothering you?

Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat’s Guide to Waiting in Style

Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat’s Guide to Waiting in Style

It seems like a recurrence on Texas’ posts and mine now too: we are constantly waiting for the female human to help us blog.

Since this is a bit embarrassing to us, I thought I would post a little tutorial in pictures of how a Ladycat should wait for… well whatever she is waiting for, but particularly humans.

So the rules are simple: find a nice pillow, better yet, a comfortable Mancat to lay your cute head, spread your beautiful furry legs… and voilà ! Prentend to sleep and plenty of “awwwwwws” will follow!

Here, give it a try!

Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat's Guide to Waiting in Style | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat's Guide to Waiting in Style | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat's Guide to Waiting in Style | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat's Guide to Waiting in Style | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat's Guide to Waiting in Style | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat's Guide to Waiting in Style | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitshka Friday: A Ladycat's Guide to Waiting in Style | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Mondays Are For Memories: More Kitten Naps

Mondays Are For Memories: More Kitten Naps

***Just a quick info to start with: people in the Tri-State area, do you know Jackson Galaxy and Gwen Cooper are going to be talking cats (what else?!) tomorrow at Strand Books? My human has only seen the info in the Strand Books newsletter, so I thought I would share! You can check the info here.***

Now back to our Mondays are for Memories.

I have already featured pics of me napping as a kitten, and since I know you cannot get enough of them, here are some more!

I was 4-month old on these pics. My human was trying her brand new DSLR and I was her model! (You might recognize a picture I used last week ;-)

Ending the Week Easily

Ending the Week Easily

I don’t know about you, but my human has had a busy past week.

Consequently, I have to work today and do my job of Chief Napper. Actually, I even have to hire an assistant!

How was your week and your weekend? Purrs to everyone!

[You can click on any picture to biggify]

Kitshka! Go back to work!