Kitshka Friday: Guess whose heart she (almost) won!

Kitshka Friday: Guess whose heart she (almost) won!

First of all, a big THANK YOU to everyone who voted for me for the Westchester Magazine contest! I am SO lucky to have you for Furriends! I will, of course, keep you posted (VBP) on the results.
(If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you might have missed this post ;-)


Secondly, my human was at Architects for Animals: Giving Shelter yesterday and I will post some pictures tomorrow. So come back tomorrow, please :-)


Now, I know that you are waiting for Little K, aka (VBP) Mademoiselle Kitshka’s pictures so, here they are! The pics are not great because my human used her iPhone for fear Kitshka would follow her if she went looking for a better camera.

What is Kitshka’s strategy to break into Milou’s heart? Naps.

This first two pictures were taken last September. This was Kitshka’s first nap with Milou. Milou wasn’t too pleased.

Since Milou was grumpy before Grumpy Cat was his idol, Kitshka tried a different approach. She tried to charm him by keeping a little distance.

Then nothing much happened. They played a little bit from time to time, he hissed a lot.

Then the other day, Kitshka tried her charms on Milou again. Starting with the second approach, first.

And then today…



See how my charm works marvels?

See how my charm works marvels?

Good morning, Milou!

Good morning, Milou!

Kitshka: Nothing like a good yawn to start the day!
Milou: Is she impersonating Celine Dion?

Kitshka: I think we should exercise a little. What do you think?
Milou: Hmpf

Kitshka: Too too too you toot*…
Milou: OMC! She’s impersonating the female human!

No! Don't go, Milou!

No! Don’t go, Milou!

Kitshka: Look! The human is taking pics of us!
Milou: I know that! Texas is going to make fun of me on his blog again!

Kithska: What if we ask the human to stop taking pics?

Kithska: What if we ask the human to stop taking pics?

Can you stop taking pics?

Can you stop taking pics?

Kitshka: I guess we’re done here then

* I thought I would share some of the humans’ French culture. Ahem. Dates back to when they were kids. The “too too you toot” link is the music of a French aerobics TV program. Check here. Humans, they are funny sometimes.

All this movement made me feel like napping…



Kitshka Friday: Zzzzzzzz

Kitshka Friday: Zzzzzzzz

I know, I know. I was supposed to post about the remaining awards yesterday, but I didn’t. I will tomorrow, promise (I’ve got my paw on my human today!).

I thought it’s been a while since we had a Kitshka Friday, so there you go!

I’m not sure if I want to take a bath or have a nap…

I think I need a nap

I’m not sure…


You know what?

I’m gonna rest my head just for a little while and think about it…


Mondays are for… nothing in particular today

I am taking a break from the usual “Mondays are for memories” because we just feel like doing nothing today.

You still have until midnight today to play to our little game. We’ve seen many good answers already! Someone is going to be treated to a little package soon =^.^=

In the meantime, we’ll just do what we do best!

We’re back and we missed you!

Hiya furriends!

Another 1+ week without being able to blog or read your bloggies… I know my human was trying her best, but since she’s not a kitty, her best just wasn’t enough. Sigh. Sorry.

I have many awards to acknowledge and share, and many furriends to thank. I will be doing this in the days to come, probably one at a time.

In the meantime, here are some warming (I hope!) pictures for those who are in cold areas or (still :-/) without electricity (one of my humans’ friends in CT just got his electricity and Internet back and we know some still haven’t).

[My human is saying that it is stupid since they can’t see the pics if they don’t have electricity. Duh! I know, human! But I’m sending warm thoughts and purrs!]

After this very pointless, human interruption, here are the pics. Yeah, I didn’t looked pleased on the pics because Kitshka and I were having the bestest of naps and my human woke us up with her awwwwwwwws! Do humans and interrupting kitties go together, you think?

Warm purrs to y’all!

We were busy

Sorry furriends for not posting these past couple of days. I’ll be back to regular blogging tomorrow (when the human is ready to get un-busy) and I have some really cool stuff to show you!

In the meantime, check how Kitshka and I really got ourselves busy on the humans’ bed.



Supervising the human: “What are you doing exactly, human?”

After-work napping

Yeah, alright, Kitshka did pretty much everything. But heh! She’s a kid, she’s young! Besides that gives her the opportunity to learn!

Purrs to y’all!

Taking it easy today

Yep, we decided to take it easy today and to embark our human with us. So just a quick post and we’re out for some fun and naps and noms and fun and naps and noms…

First, my regular readers know that English is neither my human’s nor my native tongue.
When we nominated furriends for the Super Sweet Blogger Award, we assumed (including my human who likes to cook like we’re a family of ten) that “Nominate a baker’s dozen” meant “nominate a dozen blogs.” Well no. My human could – should – have know (see post on kibbles above-mentioned). Turns out “a baker’s dozen” means thirteen or fourteen.

So the good news is, I decided to nominate two more furriends. These are French furriends that I have only recently met through our blogs and I LOVE their blogs (and the beautiful Liousha, yes, I admit):
=^.^= Liousha et Tiki — The beautiful Liousha, like me, has seen a recent addition to her family (only the other way around: she has a little brother, Tiki)
=^.^= La Voix aux Chats-Pitres (I won’t even try translating the play on words) — Zingara and Graffiti also have a new little brother that looks a bit like me. His name is Romeo.

If you wish to accept the awards, please do follow the rules to pass them around (that can be done in French of course!) but do not feel obligated to do so. I think your blogs are sweet so I am glad to share them with all my furriends.

Finally for today, a couple of readers have offered to “foster” Kitshka. Yeah, she is that tiring cute, that’s why we are keeping her. But thank you, my furriends, I appreciate your offer =^.^= Remember there are many like her waiting for their furrever home. Just saying =^.<=
Also we found a solution to the bed issue.

The humans took the pics with their iPhone when they were just coming back from grocery shopping and we were still a little sleepy, as you can see. The humans weren’t quick enough but, yes, we were sleeping next to each other =^.^=

Enjoy a fun weekend! Don’t forget to nap!!