Do you have questions for your humans? We do!

Yesterday, I was reading Daisy’s post at PetMeds Blog and I learned that today is National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day!

Needless to say, all three of us – Milou, Kitshka, and I – have questions for our humans! So there you go!


How come I cannot eat Texas’ and Kitshka’s yummiest food?
Because it makes you seriously sick, then I have to get you to the V-E-T and he performs outrageous things on your business end to fix you.

Why are you feeding me only 18 times a day when I’m hungry 28 times?
Because I actually have to work so I can afford your diet food among others, and get a little sleep (I don’t require 18h a day but still).

I’m hungry. Can I have food now?
You had food 10 minutes ago!


Can the birdies outside be invited inside the house?
No sweetie, they are meant to live outside. Inside, they could not fly.

How come I cannot eat Texas’ and Milou’s yummiest food?
Because you have your special kitten food, so that you can healthily grow into a beautiful Ladycat. Texas is currently on diet food* and Milou has a special urinary diet.

Why don’t you let the cream cheese on the table, ever?
I don’t want it to turn sour.**

Me, Texas

Why don’t you eat fresh shrimps more often?
Because we don’t want to eat shrimps everyday.

Why can’t we keep all the boxes you receive?
I know you love boxes, Texas. And there will always be boxes for you to play with. We cannot have boxes everywhere though. We, humans, live here too, you know (not in boxes though).

How come I cannot eat Milou’s yummiest food?
Because Milou has a special urinary diet, he cannot eat*** anything else, and this type of food is very high in calories.

* Texas: Human! You didn’t have to tell!
** Kitshka: Yeah, right. Just because I am a kitten doesn’t mean I am stupid. You just don’t want to share!
*** Milou: Speaking of eating…