Happy New Year 2016 + Resolutions for My Human

Happy New Year my Furriends!

May 2016 bring you health, kibbles and wet food aplenty, and loving humans!

What do we expect 2016 will be like at my place?

Well, there will be more sleeping…

Milou sleeping | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

…more of me waiting for my human…

Texas | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

…everyone trusting Kitshka with the car key… er, not sure this is the greatest idea, human!

Kitshka keeping the car key | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Speaking of the human, we expect to have to try once again to keep her here…

Kitshka & Milou | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Texas keeping the luggage | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

…I know Kitshka, it’s kind of boring to have to do it every time.

Kitshka yawning | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Which brings me to my resolutions for my human:

  1. Come back to the state named after me: that’s where I am, plus it’s warmer and it’s friendlier, and that’s also where we are!
  2. Make me and my blog your priority
  3. Give us more treats
  4. Buy me more catnip toys…

Okay, I’ll stop here because I’m a nice, reasonable kitty.

My furriends, I hope you have a wonderful New Year’s Eve, and a great New Year! I’ll make my human help me with my bloggie and visiting you more next year! Now, if you’ll excuse us, we all need to nap now because my human is coming home tonight!

Kitshka, Texas, & Milou sleeping | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Happy New Year Everyone!

Happy Meow Year! | Texas, a cat in... Austin

The New Year is here and my human is already late. Can I have a change of human for 2014?!

Don’t look at me like that human, it’s your fault!

Anyway, we want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! For many reasons and for many people, we know that 2013 wasn’t a very good year. We lost many, many, too many furriends in 2013. So I wish for all of you that 2014 will bring happiness, purrs, health, nip, all that you expect and much much more!

In 2014, we hope to pursue all of the following activities:


Texas napping | Texas, a cat in... Austin


Texas in the cube | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Making new Furriends

Texas and Kitshka meeting a new furriend | Texas, a cat in... Austin


Kitshka napping next to Texas | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Kitshka napping | Texas, a cat in... Austin


Kitshka playing in the cube | Texas, a cat in... Austin


Texas sunbathing | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Butt warming

Kitshka in front of the fireplace | Texas, a cat in... Austin


Milou hiding | Texas, a cat in... Austin


Milou napping on his human | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Roaring (when necessary)

Texas roaring | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Ignoring the humans

Grumpy Texas | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Getting the humans’ attention

Texas goofing around in the stairs | Texas, a cat in... Austin

Being gorgeous

Kitshka | Texas, a cat in... Austin

What are you planning to do in 2014?

Our Best Wishes for a Purrfect New Year 2013


2012 brought us many surprises, good and bad.
The sad part was that we lost Grouik. We still miss you lots, Grouik, especially Milou.
The good part was that we met many furriends, may I add furry and human. Our furriends were there to support us in the bad times, we tried our best to support them when they needed some purrs too. We are very lucky to have found you and we really – REALLY – appreciate you visiting my little blog. So THANK YOU!

For 2013, we wish you all that your heart desires and deserves, as well as lots of purrs, treats, and for the humans, some of our fur to make your black pants a little more sophisticated!

Before closing the 2012 page, we thought we would do a small retrospective (VBP) of some of our 2012 posts. We decided to show you those that got the most likes, one per month.

I started the year in January with a Yeats poem. In February, bed sharing had only just begun.


In March, bed sharing was in full swing.


In April, Milou was trying to steal my wind (no pun intended – please!).


In May, I demanded an explanation to Milou.


June brought fresh catnip.


July was a very sad month, because Grouik went to the Rainbow Bridge. So instead of linking to a post, I will link to his page.


August brought us Kitshka!


September was destroy-a-toy month for Kitshka.


October brought us cold weather. Brrrrrr.


In November, we purred for peace (still are of course).


In December, we kept ourselves warm and almost cozy!


Mondays are for memories: My trip to Belgium

Back in 2010, we had an early, very cold and snowy winter. My human was living and working near Paris, while her husband was living and working in Brussels, Belgium. Don’t ask. Humans stuff. Complicated.

Anyway, they would visit each other during weekends and when I got to stay alone, my human’s Mom was visiting me or pet sitting me at her home. During the Christmas/New Year holidays, they usually spent one in one country and the other in the other (aren’t humans a bit complicated?)

But back in 2010, when my human was going to Brussels for Christmas, it had snowed A LOT just a couple of days before and traffic was bad and chances were my human’s Mom wouldn’t be able to come visit everyday. She had no other pet sitter. Yet she had to go to Brussels for other matters than Christmas too. She knew I’d rather stay in the comfort of my home, but she decided to take me with her because there was no way I was staying alone for a week, of course.

It was very cold outside so she put lots of blankets in my carrier and we went to Brussels together. She had upgraded her ticket to a First Class ticket so that she could easily have the room to take me on her lap all the time. There were not too many people in the train so I even got my own seat.

I hated train though. I am really calm in cars but I fought to get out of my carrier during the 1 hour and 20 minutes of our train trip. My human did her best to comfort me but I didn’t like it at all. It was noisy, moving all the time… Hated it. I know she felt bad about it but once we got out of the train it was okay.

We arrived safe and sound. And I got to visit my half-brothers who had been living with their human there for a couple of months.

The apartment was an old apartment with a lot of decorations made of wood. Also you can tell that, er, my human wasn’t living there because, er, it’s a bit messy. Plus the three of us, I have to admit, added to the mess a little.

Below, this is me behind a cat door. Because one of the rooms was not well heated, keeping the door closed was better. But the cat door made sure we could get there if we so wanted. We don’t like closed doors.

Striking a pose on an old, out-of-order chimney…

Cat chatting with Grouik…

It’s tiring to be a globetrotter cat…

And enjoying local drinks. Yep, just the empty bottles (you should see the humans get all nostalgic now at the sight of a bottle of Serafijn Grand Cru beer…).

You probably expected to see me photographed with the Manneken Pis, but we never went out, it was too dangerous out there.

BUT, just for you, I asked my human to make a bit of an effort to help me for once and thanks to the magical Photoshop tool here we are!

Wishing you all a great week!

Yeats’ The Cat and the Moon: a New Year treat – HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Wishing everyone reading my blog, furriends and humans, fans and followers, a very Happy New Year! May 2012 bring you lots of purrs and treats!

I’m feeling in a romantic mood in this new year, so I would like to start 2012 by sharing this poem by W. B. Yeats: The Cat and the Moon.

The cat went here and there
And the moon spun round like a top,
And the nearest kin of the moon,
The creeping cat, looked up.
Black Minnaloushe stared at the moon,
For, wander and wail as he would,
The pure cold light in the sky
Troubled his animal blood.
Minnaloushe runs in the grass
Lifting his delicate feet.
Do you dance, Minnaloushe, do you dance?
When two close kindred meet,
What better than call a dance?
Maybe the moon may learn,
Tired of that courtly fashion,
A new dance turn.
Minnaloushe creeps through the grass
From moonlit place to place,
The sacred moon overhead
Has taken a new phase.
Does Minnaloushe know that his pupils
Will pass from change to change,
And that from round to crescent,
From crescent to round they range?
Minnaloushe creeps through the grass
Alone, important and wise,
And lifts to the changing moon
His changing eyes.

— W. B. Yeats